Tuesday 31 July 2007

Show and Tell . . .

I have got so much to share today and loads of pics!

Anyway, first up is the shop, I have now emptied it, stashed it into our house as you are about to see and started organising for the new shop.

I have gone from this . . .


and this which is supposed to be our 'Grown Up' room . . .

and this, somewhere in there is the almost completed goodies I am doing for Natasha, my Cup Cake Swap goodies partner . . .

but there is light at the end of the tunnel because we are going to this mid August . . .

I can't wait . . . and neither can Babes who is find the overcrowding at home a little stressful!

Yesterday I went to buy some bubble wrap to finish packing the shop, got a bit carried away and came home with all of this . . .

Craft roses and flowers, a plastic tray to glitter on, heaps of craft ribbon, new water colour paints and best of all 3 sheets of Victorian styled die cut scraps. They were so cheap, only $3.99 each. I bought the only 3 left.
They are so gorgeous!

The other night while I was waiting for something to dry that I was working on for part of the Cup Cake Swap I am doing for my partner Natasha, I made some bookmarks . . .

and last but not least, my parcel from Natasha arrived for the Cupcake Swap. I am showing the most incredible will power by not opening it. You see I haven't finished Natasha's yet so I until I have it posted I am not going to let myself open hers!

But I have had a wee poke and prod at it . . .


Aimz said...

awww I love how your shop looked when it was all stocked up, hope the move goes well AND I love the bookmarks :-)

Jen and family said...

the new shop looks cool
and I too like the shop when it was all stocked up

Jen at http://jenz.wordpress.com

bluemuf said...

I love your new shop. All that room... you will have so much fun decorating and making displays. I wish I could help you. What fun

Love the bookmarks and your recent treasures


Barbara said...

love the new shop and can't wait to see it emerge!

I am your vintage kitchen swap partner! The email and blog addie that i got from mica didn't work so i did some investigating and found your blog! i don't have your email so i'm hoping this will work! just drop me an email so we can get things going!
Happy to meet you!!!!



those are my links! (email, blog and picturetrail!)
hope to hear from you soon!!!

Barbara said...

my blog is

it's LANe not land...lol...

ShabbyInTheCity said...

A new shop! I'm heading right down to help you decorate :)
I'm like you ...I can't stop making bookmarks!