My friend is launching a whole lot of new
Wordtoon products to parents belonging to an American
home school association.
He's letting me offer it to you for the intro price the
home school people are getting it for which is $23 for the whole package. This is such a ridiculously cheap price for such an awesome product.

You have to be quick though because he is going to put the price up each day until it reaches its normal retail price of $37, which is still way
under priced in my mind!
Just click here
WORDTOONS , click on the Premium Package coupon and when you are asked for the coupon code put in homeschool! Too easy!
Honestly this is such an amazing resource, fabulous for homeschooling parents, parents who want to help their kids with letter formation, learning the alphabet and spelling and has incredible feedback from parents and teachers of kids with learning disabilities. Whats more is it is so much fun to do for kids and adults alike! The Princess and I have had hours of fun with
Check out this
YouTube clip of a principal using
Wordtoons to reward a class for good work!
Just awesome!
Take Care
p.s. have finished all my assignments for this semester! Relief! Might be able to do something creative in between studying for June exams...
p.p.s its so nice to have time to take time to catch up on all your posts and leave a comment!