Friday 20 July 2007

Family Stuff

Sunday night just gone The Princess and I did a mercy dash to Nelson where my Mum lives as she phoned really distraught, my stepfather had been taken to hospital in an ambulance as he had been blacking out. They no longer live together (a very long story) and it has been a truely dreadful year for our family and Mum in particular. I managed to get a plane flight within two hours, quickly threw some clothes and stuff in suitcases and off we went.

We are back in Auckland now after spending the week with Mum and helping her pack up some of her house, she has sold it and moving to Auckland to be with us. My stepfather also moving to Auckland but to a different part has a broken arm from one of the blackouts and is under going tests to find the cause.

I did manage a bit of thrifting while I was there but very slim pickings this time. I was there at Christmas and came home with a car load of gorgeous treasures. All I found this time was 4 rolls of vintage wallpaper and a vintage photo album, no photos!

My Mum's computer is on a antiquated dial up system and sooooooooooooo slow, it drove me crazy so blogging was almost impossible. I have had a lovely evening tonight catching up on what everyone has been doing.
Now that I am home I need to get on with my swaps . . . I have Natasha for the Cupcake Swap, how lucky am I! And also Jerusalem for the Art Doll Hat swap, lucky me again! I have found some other swaps I am keen to take part in but at this stage don't dare!
Tomorrow I am off to a Garage Sale at our local church first thing, I think you American girls call it a Yard Sale. Sunday I have a regular 7am date with Melanie who works for me sometimes. We go to a local flea market. I went last Sunday and came home with the most wonderful things to put on Trade Me and also in the shop.

Its really nice to be home and sleep in my own bed tonight with my very own husband!


Aimz said...

Gosh I haven't been to a garage sale in years, I've forgotten how much fun they are!

Jen and family said...

sori to hear about your dad
bless you for being able and go be with your mum
welcome home :)
Jen at

bluemuf said...

You are a good daughter. It will be easier for you when she moves closer.

Have fun at the garage sale and post all the great things you are going to find.


12 Days of Christmas Swap said...

I am not impressed that you are going to a Gargae Sale, there will be no room for me to stay said...

YOu shouldn't complain about finding FOUR rolls of vintage wallpaper!!!!!!! What a great find!

Sorry for the reason for your trip, tho, hope all is well and he is doing ok now.