Wednesday 11 July 2007

Bookmark Swap

My bookmarks arrived from my swap partner Amy. Amy generously made me not two but four bookmarks. She must have known I always have several books on the go and use the oddest of things for bookmarks!

My favourite is this one because of course its got roses on it and I love the bluey/lavender background. Also the sweet words on it such as "Roses", "Scented", "Petals", "Gardens" and "All the Pretty Flowers".

Number 2 bookmark is retro looking with a crochet theme and this one says "A woman's hopes are woven of sunbeams" - George Eliot. Is that not so beautiful?

Number 3 is sparklely beads in the background and a sweet child on one corner with a brush and artwork on another corner. This one says "What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity". I love that also.

Number 4 has a very serene floral background and I love the vintage lady in the corner. This one says "Welcome to my world".

Thank you so much Amy, I love them all.

Now you may ask how I got on with Amy's bookmarks. A little series of disasters (like my life at the moment!). I had a little accident and . . . melted them . . . you could call it crafting gone wrong.

So I started again and unfortunately at the moment they travel daily between home and the shop with me because I can't find . . . the hole punch to finish them . . . pathetic!

Poor Amy, having such a slack swap partner. I will make it up to you Amy I promise, just as soon as I find the hole punch! I hope its not in the garage . . .


Aimz said...

Glad you liked them Rachael :-)

bluemuf said...

Oh my, the bookmarks are beautiful. I wish I had signed up for the swap.


Aimz said...

Karen, I'm quite happy to make you some if you want :-)

ShabbyInTheCity said...

Oooo Amy did well by you also! Verrry nice :)