Sunday 8 July 2007

I've Got Mail . . .

I got home from work on Friday night, pouring with rain, quickly poked my hand in the mail box and felt this matchbox shaped parcel AND my Romantic Homes magazine which I get sent "all the way from America", actually I think that is a song . . .

I must have known because I had bought myself a bottle of champagne as Babes was away so I set up the desk with my glass, my mag and my parcel ready to savour the moment . . .

One hour later I have slugged back the champagne, thrown wholesome food at the girls (chicken nuggets and fries) and still have not opened my parcel sent all the way from Canada because the phone would not stop ringing!

Finally, girls settled with educational entertainment (Spiderman DVD which my 4 year old loves), phone stopped ringing, another glass of champagne poured, the camera at the ready, my heart racing and I opened the parcel . . .

Karen from Canada had made the most beautiful parcel up for me, my matchbox was wrapped in a snowy white vintage hanky and tied with pink and white ribbons. The white ribbons have little butterflies attached which is so uncanny as Stella and I are both mad about butterfly things.

My matchbox is covered in the most delicate pink silk and edged with lace and a rose with a pearl centre.

Inside the box is; a roll of vintage lace tied with ribbon, two of Karen's crocheted flowers - divine! a piece of sparklely jewellery and a little gold key tied onto a ribbon and a layer of vintage lace. I lifted up the layer of lace and underneath it were more treasures . . . its like Karen knows me really well because she covered lots of my loves; a little gold tea pot (I drink galleons of tea), a glass bunch of grapes and leaves (covers my champagne addiction of which I would love to drink galleons of!), a clear diamond with a rose inside, a string of sparklely diamantes and a string of little pink beads. How she got it all to fit I don't know because I can't!

Oh and a lovely note on gorgeous vintage notelet paper!

Karen my new Cyber friend, thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and generousity and for making my first swap so special, I love my matchbox so very much.

That night I went to bed very happy, sated with warm fuzzy blogging thoughts and champagne and my August issue of Romantic Homes.


ShabbyInTheCity said...

What a great post! I love your little box and how she covered it. said...

Lovely match box!

So R. Homes isn't sold there? I'll bet you have some other mags that we would drool over here!

bluemuf said...


I'm glad you liked the matchbox. Yours was wonderful too.

Looks like a great magazine and the glass of champagne looks so inviting.


Aimz said...

oh I DO love opening up parcels from abroad, yours looks lovely :-0