oh my goodness, its been mad, last week had the Princess's best friend stay for a few nights, I took them out to see the Christmas lights, here they are posing in someone (stranger's) front garden!!!

I have been sewing up a storm, cool stuff, lots, I can't show you until after Christmas, can show you these bags I made for my nephews...... quick and funky. I gave them the Wordtoons book.....even the 16 year old was into it...... truly a great gift idea!!!! I wrapped the books in newspaper....... my 10 year old twin nephews thought that was hilarious!!!

Busy times, went to a party on Saturday night and caught up with a whole lot of people I haven't seen since the Princess's Christening, 6 years ago!!! Great night....
Sunday saw me on a road trip part way down our country with my sis in law to go to the FLEETWOOD MAC concert!!! OMG.... fabulous concert, fabulous night, fabulous road trip, lots of
laughing til you cry stuff!!!
Back to Auckland on Monday and full on into Christmas week!!!!
Two more sleeps..... hope all is calm in your home.......
take care... don't stress