Tuesday 10 July 2007

The Rose Room Shop

I thought I would write about my shop because I have had to make the sad and heartbreakingly painful decision to close it. I love it so much, it was my dream come true. It has the most beautiful atmosphere (possibly the pinkness) and smells divine, I burn rose oil everyday and use rose room spray. I always have music playing in the background. Since I have been there I have met the nicest people who say the most lovely things about the shop but its just not financially viable. This is what happens when you start a business on a shoe string and when times are quiet like winter you have nothing to fall back on.

But I have a plan (I always have a plan). We have a double garage which has never seen a car because it is filled to the brim with 'projects'. In the next two weeks I am going to sort and clean it out and turn it into a 'studio' where I can sew, paint furniture and craft away to provide stock for the internet business side of The Rose Room which I had always intended on developing.

Babes (husband) is so supportive and understanding of my current heartbreak but really encouraging of the new turn The Rose Room is taking and keeps telling my I haven't really closed the shop I am just redirecting and refocusing . . .

So here are some photos of my lovely shop and of what is to become my studio (don't laugh!) . . .

all of this has to be transfered to home to fit into this . . .
Now thats scary!


Aimz said...

Oh I'm so sorry you've had to close up, it looks like my kind of shop!

bluemuf said...

I know it sad and it will be a hard to let go, but I agree with your husband you are just taking your business in a new direction.

It will be a challenge, but you can do it. And you never know what wonderful experiences lay ahead.


12 Days of Christmas Swap said...

Your garage looks to be somewhat of a challenge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pedalpower said...

Goodness you are abrave woman........I had to close my first shop and thought I was done. And then a new opportunity came up and here I am in business again. Your shop was lovely and I'm sure your new studio will be too. By the way, don't feel bad, my garage looks at least that bad!