Sunday 29 July 2007

Exciting News . . .

This weekend I am really busy packing up my shop. Its a major job as I have soooooooo much stuff. The actual shop is easy because its very tidy and organised . . . of course. The storeroom/craftroom is a different story, there is stuff everywhere, boxes of fabrics, lace and trims poking out from underneath things, paints and brushes, bits of cut up paper, piles of vintage clothing, benches full of vintage china, broken crockery for mosiacing, books and magazines and so on . . .

But I'm getting there and slowly bringing it home to store in our newly cleaned up and organised garage which was going to be a studio come showroom except that . . .

I have leased a NEW SHOP, I'm soooooo excited!!!

You see I have been struggling emotionally and mentally and feeling physically ill every time I had to think about closing my shop.

Last week I came across a shop for lease nearby. We went and had a look and its great. Much bigger, warmer (it has a ceiling), it has a toilet and . . . wait for it . . . hot and cold running water! You won't believe it but these are all things my current shop does not have! Such luxury! And its cheaper, much cheaper!

It also has a back door that leads into a private courtyard. So great because I will be able to paint furniture at work. We are going to develop the courtyard for summer and use it has part of the shop to sell outdoor furniture etc.

I can't wait!!!

I have to paint the shop first, my trademark pink of course, hang curtains, lay the carpet and then set up the stock which will have been stored at home.

Opening is 1st weekend in September and we are going to make a grand splash of it, champagne, pink of course!, nibbles, giveaways etc.

Between now and then I have a million things to do, so much stock I want to make and paint for the new shop, get my website up and running properly, finish my swaps, and oh my goodness I just signed up for another one Mica's Kitchen Swap, oh well a girl can never sign up for too many swaps!

And bring my Mum up from the South Island who is coming to live with us for a while (another story for another time!

I am sooooooooooo excited!


Jen and family said...

CONGRATULATIONS on your new shop :)

jen at

Elizabeth Fedorko said...

How very exciting! A new shop, and with running water! Please please post pics of it when you're trhrough with your hard work! I know it'll be worth it! XXOO, Beth

Aimz said...

Hope the move goes well, the new building sounds like a dream. Hey if you need any help with your website let me know as I make them from home part time. said...

Oh, i am so glad you are able to move into a new spot! I had to close my shop last year due to road construction in front and it was heartbreaking. I still miss it!

We'll all be waiting for photos of the transformation. I love a before and after!

pedalpower said...

Wow...I can't wait to see your new place!!

Beth Leintz said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting for you! Isn't it great how these things have a way of working out!