My good friend Linda from
Somewhere in Time gave this award, its great!!!!
I think Linda and I have been bloggy friends since I first started blogging.
Thanks so much Linda, I really appreciate it, love getting awards!
Now here are the rules for this award:
1. Pass it on to 5 fabulous blogs.
2. Include the person that gave it to you and link it back to them, if you can.
3. List 5 of your fabulous addictions.....
Here goes...mine are...
1. Magazines - home decorating and craft
2. Reading - books and magazines
3. Basil Pesto
4. Cold water with lime juice
5. Sushi
I am passing this award onto:
Victoria from
Vintage Tea thinks she gave me this award - LOL!!!! Except Victoria I cannot find my name on your award list??? Thanks so much for the thought though - LOL!!!!
My cousin Cheryl sent me this Meme, thought I would do it for a bit of fun - feel free to copy and paste if you want to do it.
Here goes . . .
1. Where is your cell phone? dining room
2. Your significant other? home
5. Your father? deceased
6. Your favorite thing? roses
7. Your dream last night? weird
8. Your favorite drink? water
9. Your dreams/goals? money
10. What Room you are in? hall
11. Your hobby? crafting
12. Your fear? fire
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? rich
14. Where were you last night? BBQ
15. Something that you aren't? sporty
17. wish list item? money
18. Where you grew up? New Zealand
19. last thing you did? children
20. What are you wearing? pants!
21. Your TV? off
22. Your pets? 2
23. Friends? lots
24. Your life? unorganised
25. Your mood? relaxed
26. Missing someone? brother
27. Your car? broken
28. Something you're not wearing? shoes
29. Your favorite store? Borders
32. Your favorite color? Red
33. When is the last time you laughed? Today
34. Last time you cried? Monday
36. Who will not do this ? ?
Now just answer:
A) Four places that I go to over and over: Amah and Granddads, Mum's, Supermarket, Post Office
B) Five people who email me regularly: Mum, Babes, Patricia, Fran
C) My favorite place to eat: Out
D) Four places I would like to go right now? Greece, France, England, America
E)Four TV shows I watch all the time: Shortland Street, Desperate Housewives, Dr Phil, Oprah
There you have it, a pile of useless information about me!!!
Bye for now