Friday 23 May 2008

100 Posts - its a 100 hour long Party!


Welcome to my 100 posts party with prizes to boot!

It took me ages to think of something fun to do to celebrate reaching 100 posts, apart from popping the obligatory champagne cork that is!

So without further ado, lets get into it, shall we???

Its a "its nice to meet you, lets get to know each other a bit better" kind of party.

A party that is going to run for 100 hours and at the end of the 100 hours I will announce the prize winners.

As a way to get to know each better, I thought it would be fun if we showed where we blog from.

Here is where I blog from, my little cream bureau in a corner of the dining room.

I love sitting here tapping away at the computer surrounded by my pretties.

The second part of the party is to answer the following 10 questions about yourself, I made it 10 as I thought 100 might be too much!

Ok, so here are my answers to the 10 questions.
  1. Relationship: Married to Babes for 10 years
  2. Children: The Princess age 5, Tom (Koren Homestay Son) age 18.
  3. Pets: Coco the cat (named after Coco Chanel)
  4. Age: 42 but I am very immature for my age!
  5. Star Sign: Libra
  6. Fave Food: Sushi
  7. Fave Drink: Champagne
  8. House Decor Style: Vintage Clutter!
  9. Collections: Roses, Cherubs, Vintage Linens, Vintage Evening Bags
  10. How Did You Get Into Blogging: I accidentally stumbled across a blog while searching for something to do with Cath Kidston and spent months lurking around blogs before taking the plunge.
Because its my party, I am going to give away some prizes.

This gorgeous make up bag is the main prize, to enter to win all you have to do is link up to the party and post on your blog. I will do a random draw at the end of the 100 hours.

I am also going to give away one of these paper doll dresses which will be drawn randomly from the leave a comment section of this post.

And just to mix it up even more, if you are the 10th person to link and join the party then you get a paper doll dress and if by some chance the links reach 100, I'll throw in another gorgeous prize for that 100th person.

Please join the party so that we can get to know you better. All you have to do is click on Mister Linky below to join up.

  1. Jen - My 3 Boys & I
  2. Stephanie - Angelic Accents
  3. Karen
  4. Barbara - 123 Lollipop Lane
  5. Connie - Living Beautifully
  6. Jennifer - Jennifer;s Petal Palace
  7. Brittany - Adeline's Shabby Cottage
  8. Sherry - Camp Sherry
  9. Mary Rose - Isabellas Closet
  10. Muriel - Muriels Diaries
  11. Catie - Catiean & Co
  12. Cheryl - Confections
  13. Sarah - Gypsy Mermaid
  14. Pam - Blog Cabin Fever
  15. Denise - Couture de Papier
  16. Cielo - The House in the Roses
  17. Mary Lozinak - Pink Flamingo 61
  18. Carol - Spirits Journey Designs
  19. Karen - Bluemuf's Corner
  20. Sherry - Renee - If I Could Set My Soul Free
  21. Jessi- Scrappy Jessi
  22. Shirl - Shirls Rose Cottage
  23. Betty - She's Sew Pretty
  24. Sandy - Art is the Colour and Textures of your imagination
  25. Dana - Life is Good
  26. Celestina Marie - La Rea Rose
  27. Ruby Begonias
  28. Vanessa - Vanilla Lavender
  29. Andrea - Vintage Paper Bella
  30. Alicia - Time Worn Style
  31. Kelly
  32. Marsha - Just Imagine Originals
  33. Melissa
  34. Di - Mamma B's Attic
  35. Victoria - Vintage Tea
  36. Amy - I Love Retro Things
  37. Marcy - The Glamorous Life
  38. Tamara - Magic Molecules
  39. Elizabeth - Thoughts from an Evil Overlord
  40. Melinda - Melinda's Fabric Fancies
  41. Robin - Robin's Rest
  42. Joyce - The Secret Gardener
  43. Amy - I love Retro Things

I made this party button for you to copy and display on your blog if you want to.

Its time to party, ready, set, go, the 100 hours starts from NOW!!!!!


Our Home Schooler and Jen said...



Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

WoW, what a novel idea for a party!! I just love those little party paper dresses! Do you make them, Racheal? I'll add your linky button to my blog!!! How fun!!

Happy 100th post & here's to 100's & 100's more!

Please stop by my Friday Flea Market if you get a chance!

Angelic Accents

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Okay, Racheal, I added your addorable button about the party to my blog, & also did the Mr. Linky thingy. Tomorrow I will add a pic of my 'puter area & answer the questions. Camera isn't co-operating with me tonight. Or maybe I'm just is almost 1:30am here!

Talk to you again tomorrow!

Angelic Accents

ShabbyInTheCity said...

What a wild party!!! I had a blast!
I'm also immature and wouldn't have it any other way ')
Congrats on your milestone!

Lori said...

Rachel, congratulations!!! your party idea is really fun:)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Rachel!!! I will post the link when I do my next post! :)

Sugar Bear said...

Congrats Rachael! Great party idea.

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

congrats on your 100th post! hope 100 more blogs to be posted from you :-)

btw any one can be inmature when it comes to vintag clutter home decor style!.. hehehe..

Cape Cod Washashore said...

What a great idea, Rachel! Congratulations on 100 posts!!! With all my computer problems lately, I could sure go for a good party! =)

Cheryl Ensom said...

Congrats on 100 posts!!! How great is that!!!! And what lovely prizes you are giving away, as well. I love seeing where you blog from...I'll picture you there now when I read your posts! hugs to you...cheryl :)

Jeanne said...

Congratulations on your 100th Post...hip hip hooray!

Unknown said...

Congrats friend! I love the 1oo hour long party idea - let's get started!!

karen said...

Thanks for inviting me to your party! Love the doll dresses. I am looking forward to another 100 posts.

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Okay sweetie, I've finally got all my links to you working, answered my 10 questions, AND pictured where I blog from! Hope you get lots & lots more comments!!!!!

Such a fun party idea!!!!

Angelic Accents

Anonymous said...

You are so cool. I am going to post my work area and 10 answers along with your link tomorrow morn. Love the little giveaways!

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Wow...a party...sounds like fun...I'm there for sure!!!

Congrats Rachael on 100 posts. I always enjoy popping in for a catch up with you.


Barbara said...

WOO HOOOOO....CONGRATS CONGRATS!!!! as of this coming sunday morning i'm at my bloggerversary already! goodness time does fly..and look at all the beautiful wonderful friends that have shared the time!

big hugz

Connie said...

Rachel, how fun!!!! I hope I win one of those adorable prizes. BUT come on over and visit with me. Got your button on my blog, my little chickadee! Congratulations......

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, just discovered your blog from Cheryl at Rosey Posey. Would love to win--haven't won anything yet!

Shirl said...

Hi Racheal, congratulations on your 100th post! My friend Steph told me about your party and I'd love to join in. My computer is giving me fits and I can't upload pics to my blog, if Dell comes through and fixes it today then I'll be right here to join in the fun! Your blog is so cute, I will add you to my favorites list!
Blessings, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

Brittany said...

Congratulations on your 100th post!! What a party!! I'm off to do a post right now!!

This was a GREAT idea.....wish I had thought of I LOVE the party dresses btw!!


Unknown said...

Congratulation Rachael! This looks like so much fun! What an awesome idea!!!!!! The prizes are fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love ya,

Jennifer said...

Rachel I found your idea on my friend Connies blog and joined come look at my blog to see my blogging area.Wonderful idea to meet new friends!Thanks for the invite.Jen

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! I heard about the party and thought I would crash, hope you don't mind. I am looking forward to meeting more blogland friends.

Aimz said...

so cool! Happy 100 blog posts :-)

a Pocket Angel said...

Rachel, Oh Wow! Yippee! A party.. Oh how I need one right now.. This sounds like so much fun. What a great idea! Thanks for inviting me. I'm so glad I'm here LOL..
Congratulations on your 100 post!
Enjoy your party....
Hugs & love ~Mary Rose~

Unknown said...

Count me in! Hapy 100th bloganniversary! What a fun blog party idea!I will post soon about it!

Sandy said...

congrats on 100!

Muriel said...

Rachel Congratulations!!

CatieAn said...

hi rachael
congratulations on your blogaversarY!!! You have been so sweet and supportive of me all this time. THANK YOU!!
I LOVe PARTIES!! yOU have such great ideas!! I will add your link to my blog and upload a picture as well as answer the questions!!

Betty said...

Congratulations Rachael!! I know I love coming to visit your blog. If I can get a good picture (it's raining and dark here right now) I'll try to post tomorrow!

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

Congratulations, what a great party! I need to get some pictures of my new office where I blog from! Such a great idea...

I'm 41, married for 21 years, have 3 kids, love coffee & chocolate with nuts especially, my decor style is eclectic english, got into blogging for my business but ended up doing it for fun, pets: Westie named Winston...

There you go, a few facts about myself... :-)

Thanks for inviting me to the party! It has been great fun!

Happy 100th Post!

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

Congrats on 100 posts, I never thought of having a party when I hit 100 ~ posts not age..... I guess I will just party along with you.
I came thru Catieann ~ glad to find your blog.

Anonymous said...

WHOOOAA!! congrads!! happy 100th post! thankie thankie for the invite! I will sure enough play along!hugs


Pam Mattick Art and Stuff said...

Congrats on your 100th. I linked with "Mr. Linky" (never heard of that before)
Happy Days,

Siobhan said...

CONGRATULATIONS on your 100th post!!! Well done!!!


Anonymous said...

Thank You for the invite! Congrats on 100! Denise

CIELO said...

Congratulations! You've made it!your party idea is really fun.... when do we post about it?


Lu Lu's Fluffy Ruffles said...

Wow 100 posts,
im not up that high yet im relatively new to blogging!
have fun at your party!

Carol Stocker said...

Thanks for inviting me to such a lovely party...I met so many lovely ladies and can't wait to visit them again. Happy 100! ~Carol

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

Well how neat is your party post! I love the music too. Sure did wake me up as it is pretty late here when I found your party. I will try to take a picture of my messy desk where I blog from tomorrow.

Until then, sign me up for the party dress!



CIELO said...

Hi Rachel... got your party announced on my blog.... come see! :)


bluemuf said...

Hi Rachael, Congratulations on 100 posts. Love your party.

Hugs Karen

Sherry said...

Happy 100th Post!! What a great way to celebrate! Sounds like fun!!

Jessi Nagy said...

congrats doll.
What a fun way to celebrate!!!
Here's to a hundred more!

a Pocket Angel said...

Rachael, This is such a fun party! Thanks again for the invite.
I finally have you linked on my blog..Stop by if you can, I do not want to take you away from your party for to long LOL!
Hope you are having a great day. Hugs & love ~Mary~ :-}

Rosa said...

Hi Rachael,
Congrats on your 100th post!. This is definitely a fun blogland party. All your details are fabulous!!

Shirl said...

Hi Racheal, I finally got my puter up and running so I'm going to join in on this. I should have it posted in a few hours. This is such a fun party, thank you for hosting it!
Blessings! Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

Betty said...

Hi Rachael. I added my link. Not sure if it worked though!

smilnsigh said...

Hello, I popped over from another blog... to wish you Happy 100th Post!!!


Celestina Marie said...

Hi Rachael, Congrats on your 100th post. What a fun and creative party!! Thank you for inviting me! I have linked and will post soon. Your gifts are just darling!!

Big Toast to 100 more fun posts!!
Celestina, la rea rose

Anonymous said...

What a great idea...and what a fun blog! My first time stopping by> H'lo, nice to meet you too. Cute, cute, cute- love the lil dresses & and the snap, happy music! Here's to the next 100! Monica

Vanessa Greenway said...

Hello! I found you through Isabellas Closet. What a lovely blog! Congratulations on your 100 post! Please count me in! I'll make sure to post about your party on my blog! Sincerely, Vanessa

Shirl said...

Hello again Rachael, thank you for visiting my blog! I'm trying to get my party post up but I'm still having computer problems. The pics would load to blogspot. My ISP says it's not them but I think it is. Dell says my computer is fine. I got one pic loaded and will try for more.
Have a great weekend!
Shirls Rose Cottage

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 100 th post. I made 100 too. Blogging is sooo much fun. Susie H

Andrea said...

wow! what an idea~ It will take me along time to get to my 100th post scince just starting..You are very creativ and I do love the makeup bag!

Alicia ~ Time Worn Style said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! How does it feel to be 100 hmmm? Am going to join in and put your banner over at my blog, sounds like fun!
Alicia ~ time worn style

Anonymous said...

Congrats Rachel!!
You did it! A toast to you and the Rose Room (and your pink hat).

Unknown said...

congratulation ;)
your blog is sooooooooooooooo full of roses...great!!!!
and so romantic...
greetings from germany,


Thanks for visiting me and congrats on the 100th post! I had so much fun! Kelly

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Rachael, and it's nice to meet you. Thanks for the invite to your party and I look forward to meeting some of your guests.


Darla said...

I think I may have missed the timing to join the party but I've enjoyed myself reading your blog anyhow.

I came over via Mari-Nanci's place.


Peggi Meyer Graminski said...

Hello there! I'd love to join in your party...many congratulations on your 100th post! I will add your lovely button to my blog, and also add you to my links...your blog is beautiful! Best wishes!

xo Peggi

ABOUT ME said...

Hi Rachel. This is so much fun! I've joined the party and added the link. Di @

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

I'm a bit late joining the party but post has gone up now!!

Victoria xx

Marcy Massura said...

I don't know how to count my posts! But I have posted my office all its glory! This is fun -thanks and congrats

Tamara C said...

I can never resist a party! Your little dresses are darling!

Happy 100th Post and here's to many more!

Unknown said...

Fun idea to meet more bloggers! Congratulations on 100 posts!

Joyce said...

Okay I'm coming to the party!
Thanks for the invite.

Give me a moment or a.... day (HA!) to get my "stuff" together so I can properly join the party!
You dress and shoes and hat and all that....ha!
I'll do the "mister linky" and put your button on my spot as well....maybe some more bloggers will crash the party!!

OH...and Congrats on your 100th posting....whewhoooo!
Be blessed!

Michele said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! I found your blog through Notes From An Evil Overlord's blog. I love your idea for a celebration party!! I don't have a blog, but I thought I'd answer your get to know you questions anyway.

Relationship: single

Children: none yet

Pets: Chopper, my little furbaby that I've had for 19 years. She lives with my parents because my apartment doesn't allow pets.

Age: 38

Star Sign: Sagitarious

Fave Food: pizza and cereal (not at the same meal!)

Fave Drink: Crystal Light Lemonade

House Decor Style: Living room is currently beachy, but no where near as beachy and cottagey as I'd like. I'm doing my bedroom in a shabby chic pink and white and cremes style. My bathroom is blue and white shabby chic.

Collections: angels, birds, birdhouses, shells

How Did You Get Into Blogging: I was a 4th grade school teacher and was injured on the job. It let to a chronic pain condition called RSDS, the most painful of all pain conditions. There is currently no cure. I was rated 100% disabled and spent the next year almost completely bedridden. When I was finally able to sit up again for any length of time, I bought a laptop so I could use it in my bed. I discovered scrapbooking message boards first, then got invited into a private online group. When one of them started blogging, it was the first time I'd heard about it. I even had my own blog called Butterfly Whispers for an extremely brief time. I may start one again soon. So, I started loving scrapbooking blogs and just recently discovered these cottage blogs. I'm hooked!!!

I hope it was okay that I answered these questions here since I don't have an active blog. I look forward to reading yours and getting to know you better.

Again, happy 100th post!!!!!


Natasha Burns said...

I can't believe it has already been 100 hours!!! I'm so sorry I missed the party Rachael, the pics I took on my phone were horrible : (
But congratulations and yay congrats ot the winners!!! xoxo

Shirl said...

Hello Racheal, I finally got my post up. I was having some problems with uploading pics. Turned out it's my ISP, hopefully I won't have that problem again.
Happy 100th post and I wish you many more!
Blessings! Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

Marina Capano said...

Hi! Congratulation!I have arrived at the party, so late!!! Thank you for hosting it! I dont to know about you party!I feel so sorry for its!well, I hope will be next party! I was party too the link is
see you! by only for now!

Beth Ann said...

I think I'm too embarrassed to show you where I blog from! Nothing exciting at all...In fact I VERY MUCH DISLIKE where I blog from! LOL
Love your site! Thank you!
I have added your button to my blog!

Beth Ann said...

Beth Ann again here... Okay, Im having trouble getting the picture to display. It shows the button as a link, not what I wanted at all. It is under the Christmas In July button...please help!

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american drew furniture said...

Very nice post! This blog is amazing, I am book marking it right now!