Monday 18 February 2008

Sweet Treats Galore

I participated in Karla and Beths Sweet Treats Recipe Swap for Valentines Day. You made a Valentines Recipe card, copied it 42 times (the number of swap participants) and sent it off to Karla and Beth who sent you back a completed recipe book with the 42 different recipes.

You also made a tag and in return got a tag back.

My recipe book arrived on Valentines Day. Perfect timing! My Mum was here when I opened the parcel and we were both completely overwhelmed. As my Mum said "these books are heirlooms".

Each recipe was thoughtfully chosen by the participants and beautifully decorated.

Karla and Beth spent hours and hours making the recipe book covers using their precious supplies of vintage wallpapers, millinary flowers, lace, embellishments, hand painting etc.

They also spent hours and hours assembling the books for us.

From what I have seen, Karla and Beth also cleverly matched the recipe book covers to suit the each of us. Mine is made using all the things I love, vintage wallpaper, millinary flowers, vintage image, crowns, jewellery and a gorgeous velvet vintage rose.

I think my tag was made by Beth, again vintage wallpaper, roses and lace and sparkley rick rack.

Heartful thanks to all of you for your beautiful recipes and especially Karla and Beth for this fabulous and generous swap.

Along with my recipe book came the giveaway I won from Karla in December. I cried when I opened it. It is a caricature painted by Karla of my beautiful fairy Princess. Karla is so talented, she captured my Princess perfectly, especially around her eyes. I am looking out for a very special frame for this.

Thank you so much Karla, this is something I will always treasure.

Karla and Beth are hosting another party/swap, the "Bling Your Birdhouse Day" or "What do you love about your Birdies Home?". These parties/swaps are so much fun, click on the link to check out the details.

We have a very sweet treat coming up on the 2nd of March. We are travelling to and staying here. Babes has to go to Fiji to work for 5 days and his company are paying for The Princess and I to go with him. We come back on the 7 of March, the day before The Princess's 5th birthday.

Heaven on a stick!


Alison Gibbs said...

What a gorgeous Recipe Book.
Karla's painting is absolutely beautiful.
Well how lucky are you and the Princess to get a 'Sweet little Treat' of a little holiday in Fiji!!
Alison said...

I'm glad it all arrived safely and that you liked it! I loved doing a painting with your pretty princess as my muse!

Aimz said...

Gosh what beautiful gifts! you'll have fun with the recipe book.

Beth Leintz said...

Oh I'm so glad you got the book on Valentine's Day. I didn't make your tag- and I can't remember who did- darn- I was doing pretty well at matching up unsigned pieces.

Isn't the watercolor of Princess great- what did she think?

FIJI- oh my gosh- how EXOTIC!!!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What a beautiful book! And you get to go to Fiji! Wow!!

bluemuf said...

Your recipe book is beautiful. I also like the fairy painting of your princess. Karla does lovely work.

What fun...a vacation in Fiji. All of you will really enjoy it.

Hugs Karen

Gail McCormack said...

An absolutely beautiful painting which you can treasure for ever! The recipe book is fabulous, what a fantastic thing for these girls to have done, I must go over and pay them a visit
Have a great holiday Rachel, look forward to lots of photos when you come back

Natasha Burns said...

Rachael how beautiful the watercolour is of Princess! I adore it, Karla is so talented. And she and Beth went all out with those amazing books as did all the participants.
Wow Fiji, how wonderful! So good that you don't have too far to fly from NZ either! Have you been there before? The Fijians are amazing and generous, happy people, I'd love to go back there one day - I bet Princess will really love it (and so will you of course!)

Anonymous said...

You and your friends are soooo talented!

Anonymous said...

Bula Rachael!! How wonderful for you and The Princess, soon you will be relaxing in the beautiful warm waters of Fiji! Gorgeous there, you will LOVE it! Have a wonderful time! The Recipe book and Karla's painting of the Priness is beautiful, one to treasure :) Have fun Rachael, you deserve it :) Jenn and Jacqui

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachael, So nice to meet you. Your recipe book is just amazing and like your Mom's an heirloom. And Karla's painting of your Princess is something to always cherish. I am participating in Karla's birdhouse day. It's my first participation in one of these and I am very excited. I hope you'll visit theVintageNest often. ~ Lynn P.S. Enjoy your holiday you lucky girl.

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

The recipe book is gorgeous! Beth and Karla really went all out! And so did all of the contributors of the book! Awesome! I love it!

Lori said...

hi Rachel:)
the recipe books turned out so lovely, i wish i had done that one too!!!
what a gorgeous painting Karla did for you!!!
have fun in Fiji!!!

Sugar Bear said...

Fiji for business? Are their any openings at his company? LOL. Aren't the books fabulous! I love mine so much.

kari and kijsa said...

You are invited to a SURPRISE BLOGGY BIRTHDAY PARTY for kari this Wednesday, Feb 20.
She is turning 40!!!

Please stop by the party on Wednesday to mingle a bit, say hi to the surprised (hopefully!) birthday girl, enjoy a bite of cake, sprinkle a little of your magic birthday dust, and check out the party favor giveaway!


Anonymous said...


I love that idea and the book! What a geneorous community we have here!

Unknown said...

How beautiful Rachael! That painting is gorgeous!!!! How lucky to go to Fiji!!!! You are going to have the best time!

Love ya,

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

theres an award on my blog for you

and have fun on your getaway

Gina said...

How absolutely beautiful!

Linda said...

Rachael, your recipe book is a beautiful.
Oh you lucky lady....a trip to Fiji, I know you will all have wonderful time.

Please stop by my blog I have something for you. Hugs, Linda

Just Between Us Girls said...

The recipe book and tag are just wondeful. It must have taken them forever to do this. Love it.
So happy for you to have a holiday. Lucky you.

Just Between Us Girls said...

The recipe book and tag are just wondeful. It must have taken them forever to do this. Love it.
So happy for you to have a holiday. Lucky you.

Felicia said...

So pretty!

María Elena said...

Wonderful book you have received. Good vacations and thanks for visit me.

Fete et Fleur said...

Your recipe book is stunning. You lucky!!I wish I had been able to participate in that giveaway. Your blog banner is gorgeous!


Brittany said...

Beautiful book and painting!! I bet the Princess loved it!!

Figi!! Wow!! That is SOME holiday!


ps. you've been glittered at my place

kari and kijsa said...

Those are truly beautiful....just wanted to stop by and say thank you...thank you...thank you for all of your sweet birthday wishes.

May your day be as wonderful as you have made mine!

smiles, kari (& kijsa)