I collect greeting card boxes, they are very collectable in New Zealand and sell for crazy money on Trade Me. This is the last one I bought, I paid $20 NZD for it!!! I missed out on another one, the bidding went to $35 so I backed out, couldn't justify it . . .

My dear friend Barb, who is one of the most talentest, kindest and thoughtful bloggers I know sent a lovely parcel from America recently. She sent this cute kitten house card box,
and this amazing chair card box. I love them both so much, very welcome additions to my growing collection.

Barb and the very cute Princess Maddy sent my Princess this fabulous cookbook. It is so very appropriate for The Princess. She has even taken it to her Pre-School for morning news!

Here's a look at the inside, each page is so pretty and great inspiring recipes!

My February Romantic Homes issue finally arrived. It comes directly to me from America so I get my copy weeks after everyone else in Bloglandia does! Its such a treat and worth waiting for.

Our family has grown overnight from just the three of us to being a family of five! We have Patricia our Korean daughter who lived with us for a while two years ago, back to stay with us for 5 weeks. She is 14 years old, loves The Princess and loves to argue with Babes and I!!! She is very much part of our family!
On Saturday Tom moved in. He is also from Korea, 18 years old and will be with us for a year. Its nice for Babes to have another male in the house!
Both kids go to local schools, I am now in a routine of making school lunches, making sure uniforms are clean, homework done, sports gear in school bags, notes signed and sent back to the schools etc etc. Its really busy but they are both great kids so fun to have them with us.
We took the girls to the beach last Sunday, it was overcast and windy, typical, so we only stayed long enough to eat icecream and have a walk along the beach.
I took this photo of the 'big sister' and 'little sister' walking down to the water. I think it is such a beautiful photo, its currently set as my desktop background.

I am so slack with being behind in sending stuff and my give aways at the moment. This week I will announce the winner of my January giveaway, how bad is that and show you what the February give away is!!!
Oh and I have been given some more awards and have been tagged so will do that next time as well!!!
Have a good day!
How wonderful to become a family of five. Such a great experience for everyone.
What gorgeous boxes.
That is a sweet sweet picture.
Don't you think if we were clever girls we could figure out how to make those card boxes ourselves?
yes!!! in answer to beth...we COULD do those boxes! yes yes...
love the picture at the beach!!! just beautiful!
those card boxes are so sweet!i remember those when i was a kid,
the pic at the beach is adorable!
what sweet little boxes:)
card boxes. They are gorgeous!! What a great experience having students from other parts of the globe living with you :)
your greeting card boxes are lovely
I especially like the chair
that is a lovely cook book
it is a beautiful photo and I LOVE walking along beaches
have a good week
Gorgeous card box Rachel!
Lovely photo at the beach and what fun you'll all have in the house!
Did your Feb only come now? I just got March R Homes today, lol, isn't NZ closer to the US than Aus? How odd is it that it took so long! I find it gets here about a week after I start seeing pics of it on people's blogs
What a beautiful pic. of big and little sis! My daughters have the same cookbook and they LOVE it!Unfortunately they don't sell Romantic Homes here in Canada-do you believe it??? Enjoy your family..Sandy:O)
What a sweet picture of the girls! Love your card boxes..they are amazing!
Oh how wonderful Rachael! I am so happy for you! It must be very busy at your house :) But in a good way!
Love the cards and card boxes! Just beautiful. I think that was the best Romantic Homes issue in a long time! The cookbook is so pretty and perfect for a princess!
Love ya,
How fabulous of you to be hosting two students and making them part of your family. You will love the Feb. Romantic Homes! The greeting card boxes are awesome - I agree with Beth - I bet we can figure out how to make them!
Great moment captured in a photo! Oh how I would love to go to the beach, even if it were overcast. We are supposed to be getting a winter storm here in two days. Ugh!
Thanks for sharing your photos!
Rachael, I have that coolbook and love it! What is the shiney clear covering over those boxes, their beautiful!!! Lori
Racheal, those card boxes are amazing. I love them.
Enjoy your new family members.
I would love to have a foreign exchange student! They look so sweet walking on the beach.
I love the cookbook and perfect for Princess.
I like your greeting card boxes....I've only seen them made from Christmas cards....I really like your new pieces, very pretty.
Sweet picture of the girls on the beach....Hugs, Linda
Oh I love the picture of the girls!! Adorable...and your princess cookbook is soo cool! I've never seen that...have fun with it and your new card boxes too :)
What beautiful mail. And how wonderful to see them hand in hand together on the beach :)
How sweet that your family has blossomed! What a true joy that must be!! I love the photo of your two girls on the beach!
I love your card boxes Rachael, they are so pretty. The first one especially I think, is my very favorite.
Enjoy the new addition to your family as well. : )
Hi Rachael! What a wonderful experience with Patricia and Tom, you are a special lady but we always knew that :) Happy Valentines Day and a Valentine hug specially for The Princess!! Jenn and Jacqui xo
Hi Rachael,
Love your blogsite...a girl after my own heart aye ( using NZ slang there)..I love roses and vintage anything...
My daughter's name is Rachel, and I am a NZer, from melbourne..
I have two of the boxes, one is a basket actually, I will post a pic so you can drool, and tell me what its worth, though I wouldnt sell it..
xxx keep up the lovely posts..
Love the card boxes, I've always been fascinated by them. Sounds like you're enjoying your new family, what a wonderful thing to do Racheal!!
That is a wonderful picture, Rachael. I always wanted a sister.
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