To now starting to look like this . . .
These are my front doors, they fold back and open from an entrance foyer. They were that hideous blue. Do you like my stencilling? I am teaching myself to paint roses but didn't feel confident enough to paint in the shop yet, so stencilling it is.
So much fun that I started stencilling everything!
This pelmet . . .
The kitchen cupboard doors that I repainted a soft green . . .

and this which I begged from my new neighbour! It was a dirty white, now gorgeous green and is going to hold the baby wear (the red thing inside is coming out!).

Opening day is Saturday 15 September so the pressure is on! I really should not be blogging or signing up for new swaps, such as this one being hosted by the lovely Heather over at Jeweled Elegance

But oh well, Mum's here now, she will fix everything!
To celebrate the opening of the new shop I am going to have a GIVEAWAY!
Just leave a comment all through September to go in the draw to win a box of Rose themed goodies.
Have a rosey day!
OMG!!!!! Your rose room looks so fab! The stenciling is gorgeous and doen so very well! I bow to your skill with a paint dauber! I would LOVE to be entered in your giveaway!
XXOO, Beth
LOVING the ROSE ROOM!!! It's going to be great! Oh my, only 9 days to go....
I'd love to enter your giveaway of course! I'll go check out your mum's blog in a moment too.
I LOVE the stencilling you did :)
jen at http://jenz.wordpress.com
I love all you have done!!! It is going to be fabulous and I can't wait to see more pictures!!
xo Heather
Yes, Rachael has made a lovely job of the roses -watch this space as today we are going to move a lot of the shop fittings, carpet etc - oh -just to let you know I have helped with the painting of the walls:):)
You are doing a fantastic job re-decorating the shop. The senciled roses are so nice. I can hardly wait to see your shop when it opens. You and Liz are doing a wonderful job.
hugs Karen
Wow, you're one busy girl! looking good, I must say. I too adore roses, and would love to be entered in your blog giveaway.
Thanks, dede
What fun you and your mother are having! Making memories, surrounded by roses :)
Wow have just found your blog and love the look of your new shop! I bet its exhausting but exciting too! Good luck with your new venture.
Just love to read your blog. I used to live in Auckland myself and it brings back so many memories. Whereabouts are you? Wish I was there for the opening of your shop. It looks brilliant. Love to enter your giveaway.
wow, how many coats of perfectly pretty pink did it take to cover the awful blue????
Everything is looking so wonderful! LOVE the stenciling you've been doing! Soooo pretty!
You are so super busy transforming your shop, but I'm glad you were able to find the time to join the swap :)
Oh this room is coming along beautifully ... love the stenciled doors ... Nice!!
Will definitely peek back to see more ;o)
The Rose room is looking beautiful! And I want to wish you the very best on your new SHOP!!!! That's great! I admire you for going for your dream! And I also wanted to tell you that I loved seeing your paper dresses too! And.....I think I will be here a while reading and looking!!!! Thanks for your sweet post on my blog! I do hope you will come back soon!
It's going to look so grrreat!
What a transformation. You have done a wonderful job. I'd also like to enter your give away. Can't wait to see the pics of it all stocked up and ready to go.
Thanks Rachael for visiting my blog :) Your shop is looking fabulous and I would love to be in your giveaway!
I tried to leave a comment on your thrifting finds post- but couldn't find the link- you really scored at the thrift shop- love those vintage linens and the pink lace outfit is wonderful!
The princess is wonderful, too- its so sweet that she'll pose for you!
Your shop is looking great- wish I could pop by- I bet you're excited!
HI there! I think your comments must be disabled on your latest Princess post because I couldn't find where to leave one so I'll tell you here. Princess is so adorable! Yes, get her into Ballet... she'd be perfect for a tutu :) Lovely bits and goodies you scored at your thrift store too.
Lovely stencilling and lovely shop! Are you going to have a website for it? Then I can check it out from here :-)
btw on your latest post can I comment?
Not sure what is wrong with my latest post and why it can't be commented on! Didn't change any settings . ..
Hi Racheal, I've gone a bit blind and can't find the 'comment' button on your newest post so I am commenting here on it! I love all the things you found at the thrift store! WOW what a haul... and that outfit is as sweet as can be! Make sure you take pics of yourself wearing it!
Looks like it's coming along beautifully! Can't wait to see the end results. I'm really sorry to do this to you........I really didn't know you were this busy right now.......I should have checked in before I did this....but I tagged you at my blog. (please drop by to see what that means)
hi, how exciting for you! yes, pls, throw my name in the ring...
:) mary ann
Oh I love the pinks and roses OF COURSE! And Princess Stella above is doing what little girls do best...entertaining the guests and putting on a pretty show! My girls do the very same thing. You'd think the guests were THEIR guests! ;) Your stencilling is grand. Can't wait to hear what a big success your lovely shop is!
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