I must get her into ballet.

Yesterday The Princess and I set of to a jumble sale. Just one problem, we were a week early! And I read the flyer twice to check the date! I was so disappointed that as a consolation prize I paid a trip to my local thrift shop instead and hit pay dirt! They had just received boxes of china from a deceased estate so that let me have first pick! I spent a small fortune but so worth it!
a wooden rolling pin, tapestry cushion, books, china swan, silk flowers, vintage laces and trims . .
these gorgeous vintage prints and a cross stitch sampler, that were half price!
All this vintage lingerie that they had actually been holding out the back for me! Sorry about the bad photo but in this lot is a robe, gorgeous soft bed jacket, petticoats, hankies and three girdles! and my new costume for the shop opening, this gorgeous 1960's pink lace outfit complete with a bow! I love it!!!!
Now don't forget to leave a comment to enter the DRAW I am having to celebrate the opening of The Rose Room. The winner will receive a box of goodies, all with a rose theme - of course!