Thursday 11 September 2008

Pretties from Kitty

I have a thing about Paper Dolls and am slowly building a collection of vintage Paper Doll books.

A while ago Kitty from Reflections from the Stone Nest, posted here about some of her vintage finds including this fabulous Tom Tierney Paper Doll book. I was lucky enough to snaffle this one from her Etsy.

It arrived yesterday and not only is the book just divine but Kitty's packaging is beautiful.

Sweet printed out labels in the shape of an envelope, a thank you note with a vintage image and a little package tied with a vintage ribbon and millinery, of which contained some sheet music medallions, vintage sticky labels and a glittery sparkly button!

In case you didn't know, Kitty is the mother of Pretty Petals Heather! Like Mother, Like Daughter!!!

Thank you so much Kitty!

And just before I depart to make beds and whip up a little dust storm by dusting, its still raining and my toes are still black! I must attend to that!




Aimz said...

What a fab gift Rachael! How's the weather down there today? It's still depressingly drizzling and windy *sigh* roll on some warm weather!

ShabbyInTheCity said...

I'm smitten with that wee envelope!
I used to sit for hours and cut out paperdolls from catalog models...I think every little girl had a shoebox full back then. No hundred dollar dolls for us :)

bluemuf said...

Rachael, love the paper dolls and the sweet little envelope stickers. They are so sweet.

I also love paper dolls especially the animal one. We should do a post on our collections just for fun.

Hugs Karen

Connie said...

I loved paper dolls when I was a kid. I cut them out of Home Companion magazine and stash them for future use, sweetpea! Love 'em........

Ruth Welter said...

Hi Rachael...I used to love paper dolls, they were the coolest. To have a collection of paper doll books would be so awesome. I imagine it is hard to find ones that are still in tact etc, not used I mean to say. I think that collecting these things as grown ups, rather then just playing with them as children, we have a greater appreciation of the craft.

Lovely table you have set in your below post and yes, lovely black toes as well. : ) Thanks for your good wishes...enjoy your day!!


Anonymous said...

I have always loved paper dolls. You lucky girl to get such nice things!

Just Between Us Girls said...

Dear Rachael,
OOOh I love paper dolls. I plan to make something very special soon with this idea in may just love them. I will post photos on Etsy when I do. Hope you are having fun whatever you are doing...

Joyce said...

Duh....did you notice I spelled your name wrong on the last comment I left and called you Rachel.....? Sorry about that I am still a bit nutty right now. HA!

I just realized I did that just now.

What a great find you have there!! I used to love those paper dolls that had the slick fronts on them and you out the plastic stick on clothes on them and they stayed on them I guess by like static cling.

Okay is it Winter or Spring there? I am now getting confussed. I thought you were going into Spring...HA!
We are going into Fall here.....
I think. I hope. HA!
I can't keep up America's season's let alone any other countries I guess right now....especially on the other side of the world. :~) HA!
I know how it feels to want the season to change to Spring OR's so nice when it does.
Winter is my least favorite season...and Summers are SOOOO long and hot here in Louisiana.

LiLi M. said...

Great package!! The book must be awesome and when it's packed like that.... aaahhh!
I like those small envelopecards! Have fun with your dolls!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Rachael, I love paper dolls. You are so lucky to have this. Very cute! Your table looked fabulous. Sounds like such a nice party. Are you still getting spring rains? We are bracing for a hurricane!
Have a great weekend.
Hugs, Celestina
la rea rose

Betty said...

I love paper dolls too! You'll have to show us your collection some time.

Anonymous said...


i LOVE paperdolls too! Love 'em!

MelMel said...

So nice of you tp pop in!
I love paper dolls also!!!
Do come back soon....i'll have a good read of your blog in the meantime!!xx

Debbies-English-Treasures said...

Thanks for Kitty`s link!
I will go and have a look at it!
Debbie Moss

Kimba said...

Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Your blog is lovely!

I still love paper dolls too. I buy them as gifts for my friend's daughters all the time.

Shannon said...

You are so sweet to remember 9/11. Thanks for your sweet comments.

kari and kijsa said...

What a great gift! Love the paperdolls!!
We are celebrating our one year anniversary and wanted to thank you for being a special part of the past year!

kari & kijsa

Muriel said...

Great gift!

I love paper dolls! ;)

Linda said...

Hi Rachael...what a great find. Seeing these sweet paper dolls bring back such fond childhood memories. We would sit for hours on my front porch and play with our paper fun. Have a happy weekend...hugs, Linda

p.s. I love your black toesies:).

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Got to love those paper dolls. I remember playing with them for hours when I was a kid. These days if it doesn't have a big price tag or plug in the kids aren't interested. They don't know what they are missing.

Country Cottage Chic said...

How lovely! It's so special when someone has taken the time to present something so beautifully.