Wednesday 17 September 2008

Designing For Your Life

Today, I am joining Kari and Kijsa's Designing For Your Life party.

Kari and Kijsa invite us to share
YOU & your design for life... by simply posting a picture of your favorite room or area in or around your home(gardens are filled with personal style too!) and share these three things...

1. Where it is in your home...
2. Your favorite style
(eclectic, Traditional, Cottage, retro, unfinished, Shabby Chic...)
3. A favorite item in the room (a story about it too, if you want!!)

So without further ado, welcome to my bedroom!!!

Our bedroom is my absolute favorite room in our home as it is my sanctuary, my haven.

It is where I retreat to at the end of a long day. I love our bed, I love clean, crisp cotton sheets, sun dried, ironed and sprayed with lavender water. I love our electric blanket and tucking the pillows around and behind me.

This room is where I read my books and magazines each night, watch TV, blog, write, plan and dream.

It is where Babes and I lie and talk, where The Princess will join me on Saturday mornings for stories in bed while Babes brings us our breakfast. It is the calm in the storm!

Our bedroom is the one room in the house that is always tidy, no toys, no daily debris! It the where I have my most treasured items on display and it is the room where most of my cherub collection lives.

It is decorated in a rich romantic style as you will see.

This hangs on our bedroom door.

Our bed, my night table is on the right. On the floor by my side of the bed is a stack of my magazines and the books I am currently reading. There is a little enclosed balcony off our bedroom, reached through a sliding door.

A vintage and somewhat tatty, but still very pretty, pink feather eiderdown sits on the end of our bed and at the very foot of the bed is my Granny's glory box.

My dressing table has special treasures on it given to my by loved ones and photos of The Princess.

One of my favourite cherub pictures is this 'R' found in an op shop (thrift shop) in Melbourne, Australia.

I love this little vintage French looking table tucked into a corner. It has more cherubs and a pink washbowl and pitcher given to me by my very first Rose Room customer.

My little ensuite is off our bedroom. Babes doesn't use it so I have my own very girly bathroom.

This is to the side of the vanity unit, I like to have my jewellery and make up on hand!

This little shelf holds some favourites, vintage bath salts, miniature perfume bottles, pink glass and china dolls.

My grandmother painted china and on my bathroom wall are two of her pieces.

My favourite item in my bedroom, in fact the whole house, is my vintage print by Italian artist A. Collino. I bought it in a Op Shop in Melbourne during a very bad time in my life and to me it signifies purity in life and a fresh start. I had it in the shop for a while and was offered crazy money for it.

To me it is priceless and not for sale!

Thank you for visiting me, do pop over to Kari and Kijsa and visit everyone else participating.

I hope you visit again . . .

Bye . . .



kari and kijsa said...

This is beautiful! We love the cherub photo...everything is so inviting and perfect! Thanks for joining!

kari & kijsa

LiLi M. said...

I can imagine why this is your favorite room!! And there is your blogbanner too!! I have these cherub cards too, I bought them in London about 13 years ago for my daughter Eva (I bought 3!) to hang in her room. I still haven't done that...

Sherry said...

What a beautifully sumptuous room's gorgeous (love the colour on the walls). And having your own bathroom?!? Delightful!!! I adore that painting by the way and love seeing it whenever I come to visit.

Aimz said...

oooh Rachael! I LOVE your bedroom! Gosh you're putting mine to shame!

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

You have a lovely room.

I have my name spelt out in those cherub cards, my mum was cursing herself for giving me such a long name. The cards were cheap but it cost a fortune to frame but I do love looking at it as it is my view from my bed.

Victoria x

Artifax said...

What a tranquil oasis your bedroom is!

I recognized the Collino print from your blog header :) How magnificent it is!

Judy said...

How nice to be invited to your 'rose room'! Beautiful...a wonderful escape.

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

How lucky are you to have your very own bathroom! Everything looks lovely and oh so romantic!
Thanks for sharing!
Karla & Karrie

Pink Slippers said...

I really enjoyed visiting. Your favorite room is warm and pretty. I am in the works recreating my sweet bedroom. wendy

Maria (also Bia) said...

Although I featured our rec/entertaining room, I could have also showed our bedroom...I am totally understand about the sun dried sheets. Just lovely!

Miss Rhea said...

Your bedroom is so warm and inviting. :) Love the special china your Grandmother painted, it is very pretty and special !! :)

Beneath the Eaves said...

Just beautiful! I love the pieces by your grandmother. How wonderful to have such heirlooms.
Thank you for sharing,

Beneath the Eaves said...

Just beautiful! I love the pieces by your grandmother. How wonderful to have such heirlooms.
Thank you for sharing,

Connie said...

I think it is sweet and I agree with you about the bedroom. It is a place for privacy. Yours is beautiful....

SummerAnytime said...

You have a really beautiful bedroom, so thoughtfully put together! And a balcony off the bedroom? I'm so jealous! Take care, ~Becky~

B. said...

Beautiful! I love the clean crisp sheets and a comfy bed!

Anonymous said...

So sweet and charming! Love all your antiques and shabby touches!

Just lovely:)
Thankyou for stopping by for a muffin:)


Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing the tour of your special place. I loved the romantic touches throughout.

Blessings - Debbie

bluemuf said...

Rachael, I just love your bedroom and the girly bathroom is lovely. I also enjoyed seeing some of your special treasures.

Hugs Karen

Muriel said...

Beautiful. I love your vintage print by Italian artist A. Collino.

Your bedroom is very romantic and perfect!

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

Looks very cozy, no wonder you love it so much!


A Thrifty Mrs said...

You have a really beautiful home.

Tiffany said...

Your room is so comfortably feminine. What a talented woman your grandma was!

Anonymous said...

This is a great place to relax and wind down at the end of the day. I'll have to try the lavendar water. Where can one find this?

Debra from Bungalow said...

You've created a cozy haven & filled it with things you love. It's a beautiful restful spot.
Take care, DebraK

Kathleen Grace said...

Your bedroom looks cozy and beautiful. How wonderful tohave the special pieces handpainted by your grandmother and all the lovely things you have in this room:>)

Hen said...

Oooh lovely, I've come over all sleepy and relaxed now! I absolutely love that print above your bed, I'm not surprised you had some good offers for it.
Hen x

Anonymous said...

Your place is so pretty, warm and welcoming, thanks for sharing. The jewelry holder is so unique, Thanks for dropping by my place for a visit, come back anytime. Blessings, Karen

Fete et Fleur said...

The print above your bed is so gorgeous! Thank you for sharing this special space.


Montee said...

Such a cozy home and I love the bed. Thanks for visiting my blog. Come by anytime.

Vee said...

The walls are such a lovely, rich shade...very nice. I love the picture over your bed!

Catherine Holman said...

Your bedroom is so pretty, but I especially love that long picture that hangs above the shelves in your bathroom. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Anonymous said...

i have the picture you have in my bedroom by A Collino but I have no print no on mine just.wonder what it might be worth?