Wednesday 7 May 2008

Under the Weather

The weather has turned, we seem to have missed Autumn (fall) and rocked straight into winter. Cold, icy cold wind and so much rain. Consequently I have a nasty chest infection. Felt so miserable I did not even have the energy for the Swashbucklers Soiree and I had something totally amusing planned!

So, I am going to retreat again for a few more weeks and when I come back it will be my 100th post, I think a celebration is in order!

Until then

p.s. I will also have some before and afters to show!!!

p.p.s. I am going to have to take my laptop to a little man, the fan makes a very loud noise and there is a yukky smell coming from the back. I will be laptop-less for a few days, what will I do without it, without you . . .


Alison Gibbs said...

Good to have you back Rachael even for just one post.
Hope you are soon feeling better.
Take care

Barbara said...

OH MY SWEET ANGEL! i sooo hope you feel better really soon! miss you dearly!!!

Adla said...

Exciting 100th post on it's way. Have a good rest in the meanwhile.

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

get better soon my friend
praying for you

Beth Leintz said...

Oh my- I had that chest infection and a nasty cough, too- I don't know how it managed to make its way to you!
Take care of yourself and REST REST REST!

bluemuf said...

Hi Rachael, It's so nice to hear from you. I certainly hope you start to feel better and look forward to your post again.

Hugs Karen

Lori said...

Rachael, so sorry you are feeling poorly...i hope you and your laptop are both all better soon!!! see you when you get back:)

Muriel said...

Hope you feel better soon

Linda said...

Hi Rachael,
I hope that you are feeling better again soon, we are starting to get some of the colder weather now to, yuck I hate the cold. Hope you get our computer fixed and it is nothing to major.
Cheers Linda

Cape Cod Washashore said...

Oh my, Rachael! I hope you are feeling better soon!

Do take care. And if you'd rather move our swap until a later date so you can rest up, that is certainly fine with me. Just let me know if that's what you'd like to do when you (and your computer) are feeling better. =)


Sugar Bear said...

Oh dear! I do hope you are feeling better. We are getting warmer and you are getting colder.

Heather ~Pretty Petals said...

Hope you are feeling better soon Rachael! xoxo

Natasha Burns said...

Oh I do hope you are feeling better soon neighbour! Looking forward to your 100th post, yay for you! xo

Aimz said...

yes I'm glad you're back and yep I agree with you about the weather, us peeps up north have had non stop rain, I'm starting to feel like I'm in Noah's Ark lol. Have you got your firewood all sorted out for winter?

Fete et Fleur said...

I hope you feel better soon! I will miss you!!

Hugs! Nancy

Anonymous said...

Get better soon! We've been through so much sickness this year over here. The little one is down with a sore throat on his b-day no less.....

Katrina Chambers said...

Sorry I haven't been over to say hello for so long! Hope you are feeling better :)

Can't wait to see your 100th post!

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Hope you are feeling better soon Rachael. Back to bed for you with hot cocoa and marshmallows ...mmmm...doesn't that sound nice.

Unknown said...

Happy Mother's Day Rachael!!! I hope you are feeling better now and will miss you! Looking forward to your return and your 100th post!
Love you,

Betty said...

Rachael, I hope you're feeling much better. My niece is moving to NZ soon. I think she is moving near Auckland sp? .

Anonymous said...

Take care of yourself. Sorry you're 'nder the weather' and you said in your title.
p.s.- Missed you at the Soiree!!

Artifax said...

Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!!

Sorry to hear you are under the weather. Hope you feel better soon! said...

I hope you and your laptop recover quickly!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Rachel, hope you are feeling better soon. Congrats on your
100th post. I hope your laptop gets better too. I understand what you mean. I would be lost without mine too.
Get Well wishes,
Celestina, la rea rose

Anonymous said...

Get Well soon desperately waiting for warm weather here in NE!!

CIELO said...

Cold weather... oh please don't wanna hear it... we had our own share of cold weather until yesterday, and it seems that from winter it went right to summer (no spring) because today we are in the 90's.... weird!

Have a great weekend


Linda said...

Feel better soon! Have been missing sorry you are under the weather...hope you are better now. Hugs, Linda

Peta said...

Hope you are feeling better now, Rachael. I love your header on your blog, it looks fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Please come back soon!! and hope you feeling better!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Rachael,
Thank you for stopping by! Happy 100th POST EXCITING!! I see you and your pretty pink hat all over Blogland. So happy to meet you today!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachael- I hope ypu're up and about and feeling much better!!

Anonymous said...

You are missed!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for visiting lovely comments.

Pinkie Denise said...

Hello Rachele,
Hope you are feeling better soon, thanks for stopping by for a visit and come back again soon Pinkie Denise

Ruth Welter said...

Hi Rachael, Happy 100 to you!! Have missed your posts.....

smilnsigh said...

This is very late but I'm still going to say that I'm sorry you were sick. :-((((


Heather ~Pretty Petals said...

Happy 100 posts Rachael!!! Hope you feel better soon. :)))) I loved seeing where you post from, fun!!

xoxo Heather