Wednesday 16 April 2008

A Leave of Absence

I need to stop and catch my breath and catch up on a whole heap of stuff that needs to get done!

Its been a busy time, what with getting The Princess organised and settled into big school. Thanks for all the lovely and comforting comments , she took to school like a duck to water. As so many of you mentioned it is often harder for the Mummy's. Oh yes!!! And yes, it is her school uniform, check out the Barbie back pack though!

Yesterday we had to say goodbye to my brother Phillip, his partner Nic and my sweet niece Georgia Mary, who we got to meet and fall in love with. I can see a visit to Cairns, Australia on the cards later this year.

As a little consolation prize I did a little thrifting. LOOK! Gorgeous Italian pottery, vintage perfume bottles and vintage laces and trims. Happy, happy me!

Now, I am going to take a little bloggy break, for about three weeks. I'll lurk around behind the scenes but won't post and probably won't comment on your blogs.

Reason is I have to get myself organised and get stuff done. This is a half completed swap and there are two others I have signed up for and also to make a card for Karla's Aunty, attend a Swashbucklers party and goodness knows what else!

I HAVE to get these yukky tax things and accounts for the shop done, like yesterday!

Clean out the closets, this one is The Princess's, all the others look similar!

Do the ironing I started three weeks ago and just keep adding to. This is what greets people when they enter our home at the moment. Nice, NOT!!!

And then there's the little matter of our garage, I think some people keep cars in theirs, Babes would like to keep a car in there! As you can see I keep other things in my garage, furniture, vintage carpet, vintage stuff, craft stuff, junk . . .

Aside from these little issues I also need to sell stuff, make money . . .

So, I will be back and when I do I'll post the after photo's to show you my new clutter free, completely up to date house and life!!!!

Until then

Bye . . .


Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

have a nice blogging break
get lots done
dont forget to come back
ill miss you

Anonymous said...


I am on break too, but today could ot resist seeeing a few of my blog friends. I hope your break goes well and is productive! I have been cleaning the garage, closets, gardening and donating unused things. It FEELS wonderful and I may just get caught up again. Take good care. You will be missed and we will see yuo when you get back! I see your pricess is growing up and she could ot be more darling in her uniform!

Anonymous said...

So sorry I spelled your name wrong! Typing too fast!!

Natasha Burns said...

have a lovely break Rachael~! see you when you get back

Alison Gibbs said...

Enjoy your break Rachael.
LOve the Barbie back pack.
Mmmm... I think it might be hard for you to stay away for 3 weeks, I am sure you will be lurking around!!! LOL

bluemuf said...

Hi Rachael...have a productive blogging break. I look forward to your return and all the great pictures you will have for us.


pchickki said...

Have a good break. See you when you get back.

Bethany said...

So glad your little sweetie is loving school...what a big girl! :)
Oh man can I ever relate to the garage thing and the yucky tax thing too :p
Can't wait to see your after shots!!! How your thrifting goodies :)
Enjoy your productive time away!!!

Joyce said...

Awww....your "Princess" looks so sweet going off to school. I loved her outfit and her HAT! Very cool. HA!
Your photos are great on your are a bit blurry at times. I have to work at being a better photographer! HA!
Thanks so much for your sweet sentiments to us after our daughters Prom night car wreck. That was so nice of you!
I appreciated it very much.
I will be coming back to read more on your site when I get the chance.
Hang in there Mom. Or is is Mummy? HA!
P.S. I want to know more about this "Swashbuckling Party" thing..sounds fun!

Sugar Bear said...

Have a good blogging break. I hope you are able to zip right through your to do list.

Maison Douce said...

Thank you, Rachael, for visiting my blog, I hope you will come back again soon!

Felicia said...

Life is too short for ironing. Beautiful flowers :)

Heather ~ Pretty Petals said...

Hope you get all of your wish list things done while you are on your bloggy break!!! Your sweet girl is so grown up with her backpack on!! xoxo Heather

Linda said...

Hi Rachael, The Princess looks so darling in her school uniform and I just love her hat.
You do have a lot going on...will miss you and see you in three weeks. Remember to take some breaks, try not to over do...hugs, Linda

Lori Garbarino said...

OH My Goodness, I so need to do the samething with my life!

Have a great Break, You will be missed!


Aimz said...

I understand your need for a break, hope you come back a little more refreshed and caught up on what you need to get done :-)
Feel free to email me anytime.

CIELO said...

Both, your Princess, and Georgia Mary are beautiful, and so is your home, but I see why you need some time off... :)

If you have time, come by The house in the roses, we are having a dessert carnival… come and participate. It promises to be FANTASTIC!!!


Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Have a nice break! I know what you mean. Lately, I've been feeling bogged down too!

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Will miss you while you take your break, Rachael, but we must do what we must do! Cleaning NEVER gets done enough around here....too many other fun things to do!! LOL

So glad to hear your little princess is doing so well in her school! She's a doll for sure!

Big Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Celestina Marie said...

Have a great blog break. I hope you get everything done you plan to. 3 weeks goes fast when you are busy. Have fun along the way too.
Cute post!
La Rea Rose

Ruth Welter said...

Hi Rachael, looks like you have a lot on your plate for the moment...enjoy your leave of absense...

Gail McCormack said...

Good on you Rachael....thanks for reminding me of the tax thing!! Hope you achieve heaps. See you in a few weeks

Artifax said...

Hi Rachael! The Princess looks so darling and grown up in her school uniform! I'm so glad she is enjoying school. Yes, I do think it is harder on us moms than on them -- they get to go onto a new phase of life, a grand adventure, and we stay at home missing them and thinking about how fast they have grown up.

Have a wonderfully relaxing and productive bloggy break! I know what it's like to have a million things to catch up on and do :)

And thank you so very much for your sweet, sweet comment. It really warmed my heart to read it!

Sherry said...

Glad to know that your daughter has adjusted to big girl school...and I totally understand a break from blogging...much to be done and I think sometimes we spend way too much time at the computer. Remember to breathe and just enjoy every day!! I've sent off your swap -- and when you get to mine, you get to it!! xo

Miss Rhea said...

Wow, it is like you took a picture of the inside of my garage !! hee hee. I hope you have a wonderful break !!

Linda said...

Hi Rachael, just stopping by to say hi....hope you're getting lots acccomplished, and all is well. See you soon. Linda

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your break - I hope you get everything done!


Celestina Marie said...

Hi Rachel, stopping in to say hi and hope that your enjoying your break and getting all your plans to do done.
Have Fun!
La Rea Rose

Pearl Maple said...

Some times life is like that and a break can be good - but not as good as say a week on the beach in Hawaii of course.

Saw your post on Beachy's about the new swap and got to agree with you it is too tempting to miss out on. Looking forward to seeing what you get up to with that one.

Cape Cod Washashore said...

What an adorable neice you have! She is beautiful!!! Sounds like you've been a busy lady! Thank you for joining my swap! Could you email me at stitchintyme9 @ so I can get the details to you? I've closed the swap now, so I'm just working on pairing people up. =) Happy Weekend!

Fete et Fleur said...

Hi Rachel,
I am so there with you on the needing to organize myself. Will you be doing a Soiree post?

xx Nancy

Muriel said...

Wow! your blog is divine!! What have I missed?

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

I hope you are enjoying your break! Your little princess is quite adorable in her uniform and backpack!

Happy weekend,

Unknown said...

Hi sweetie! Just had to stop by and tell ya I love ya and miss ya! Hope you are having a wonderful break!


kari and kijsa said...

Have a good break and Have a wonderful evening!

kari & kijsa

Sherry said...

Oh Rachael! Your garage looks like my house! My house is really cluttered, but the basement...well for the last 2 weeks I have had to get down on my hands and knees and crawl under a table to get to my washer and dryer. I started cleaning and put a table up a few weeks ago and but I never finished. I think that's on this weekends agenda! I'm getting to old to crawl around with the laundry!