Tuesday 27 May 2008

100+ Hours Later . . .

and the party is over! Like all good parties it finished much later than scheduled!

It was so much fun, I have met so many new friends, my Google Reader subscription is now looking very scary . . .

There are so many great blogs out there, so much talent, humour and creativity. I loved seeing where everyone blogs from and loved reading the answers to the questions, lots of laughs:))))

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you who 'partied' either by participating or commenting or both.

Now for the prize draws,

the winner of the Shabby Chic makeup bag is . . . . . .
Victoria at Vintage Tea - congratulations Victoria:)

the 10th person to link and post on their blog and win a paper doll dress was . . . . . .
Muriel at Muriels Diaries - congratulations Muriel:)

and the winner of the paper doll dress for the comments left
was . . . . . . .

Jen at Windy Ridge Chronicles - congratulations Jen:)

I have read many beautiful American blogs over the last three days, many of whom have been honouring Memorial Day, it has been a very touching 'education' for me, the 'real' side of what TV and newspaper news does not report in depth.

Blessings to those who gave their life for their country and to the families left behind.

Rachael xo
Publish Post


Lori said...

yep, that's what happened to me when i had my doll party:) LOL
congrats to your winners!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for party!

Sherry said...

Thank you for having such a wonderful "party"! I met some nice people too from looking at the other guests blogs. I will be back to visit you. Have a wonderful day!!

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

WOW I won.... yeah!!!!!

Thanks so much I'm so pleased and what a great party!!!

Victoria xxx

Free Art Printables said...

I am sorry I missed it, but i am glad it was a good time! Jen R

Unknown said...

Congratulations to all the winners!!!! YAY!!!!! It was a beautiful giveaway!


The Urban Chic said...

Rachael, sorry I missed your party, but it was beautiful and congrats to all the winners. I need to celebrate something, so will have to check how many posts I have done---I know I already went by the 100th, so I better get busy. Hugs, Pat

Aimz said...

yay that was a great party! I'm handing you a nice cold midori and pineapple Rachael *hugs*

bluemuf said...

Great party Rachael!! I had a good time. Congratulations to the winners. And I hope you do a 100more posts.

Hugs Karen

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Congrats to the winners! And thanks Rachael, for hostessing a fun party!

Angelic Accents

Joyce said...

Hey this was way FUN! Congrats to everyone who won a prize!
Rachael....I was SO cracking up about your photo. Sorry! When I put it on there it went WAY big and I told my daughter...."she is going to kill me for this!" HA! HA!
Oh well....I think your looking good though.
Thanks again!

Elaine said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! I am utterly enjoying my visit. I'm off to read more of your lovely posts :)

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I am so sorry, I missed the party! It looks like it was wonderful! How nice of you to be the hostess for this wonderful event..

Vanessa Greenway said...

Congratulations to the winners! That definitely was a very original party theme! XO Vanessa

Linda said...

Hi Rachaekl, congratulations on your
100th post. It has been so fun getting to know you. Sorry I missed the party...but I can tell it was great fun and congrats. to all the lucky winners. Hugs, Linda

Anonymous said...

Hope you all had an AWESOME Party!! Im coming to the next one for sure!!

Brittany said...

Thanks so much for throwing such a fabulous party!!

Congrats to the winners!!


Fete et Fleur said...

How fun! I have to visit the links you have down.

Congratulations on your 100th post!!

xx Nancy

Anonymous said...


I missed the party, and I dearly would have loved to have come to one you threw!

Thank you for the warm words about Memorail Day. Very sweet of you!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all the winners!!

Anonymous said...

Your work is so beautiful!!! I adore your lovely blog! Those are some very lucky winners!

karlascottage.typepad.com said...

Durn it, I missed the party, but it is never too late to go back and check out all the other guests' blogs and see what they posted. Aren't virtual parties the best???

Artifax said...

Holy cow! I completely missed your 100th blog party while I was painting. So sorry!

Here's wishing you a (belated) happy 100th post!!! Loved your idea for a party! What fun to see where everybody blogs from! Congrats to all your happy winners!!!!

Have a beautiful day!!

Miss Rhea said...

Congratulations to all the lucky winners !! :) Gosh, you throw a Great Party Rachael !! :)

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

drats, I missed your party! Belated wishes to you on your 100th post!

Sandra Evertson said...

Lucky girl! Congrats on 100! Love the sweet paper dress too!
Sandra Evertson

Paul Sears said...

I really like your blog. There are a lot of great images and photos I can use for inspiration in my photography. I've been by a few times, but never commented. Just wanted to say thanks for sharing!

Gail McCormack said...

Sorry I missed your party Rachel, I've had a great time catching up on it though. Congratulations on your 100 plus hours later....

kari and kijsa said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! You have a wonderful blog!

Have a blessed weekend!

smiles, kari & kijsa

kari and kijsa said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! You have a wonderful blog!

Have a blessed weekend!

smiles, kari & kijsa

Muriel said...

Whoohoo I've won something!!!! I can't believe it, never say never.

Thank you so very much.

This was a great party Rachael! :)

Alicia ~ Time Worn Style said...

Congratulations winners :0))
Alicia ~ time worn style

Cape Cod Washashore said...

Hello Rachael! I've just about finished collecting all the treasures for the swap... now I need to wrap it for its journey to you! There's a surprise in there I just HAD to put in! Now I've got you in suspense! =) (And I KNOW you'll love it!)

Sherry said...

Hi Rachael,
Are you going to have any of the beautiful little dresses that you used in your giveaway for sale in your shop? They are so pretty.
I'm just curious??? Have a wonderful week!!!

Katrina said...

Hi Rachael, sorry I missed the party! I have been catching up on blogs and have seen this popping up. Was great to see where people blog from!

Anonymous said...

I have missed your blog posts!

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! Oh I so wanted to post the workspace and answer the fun questions and have every intention of doing so but time slipped away from me..again!

Have a beautiful day!