Thursday 2 August 2007

From This to That!

The other day, well a few Sunday's ago actually, I mentioned I was going to a church garage sale . . . . well I did . . .

and, honest to goodness, the treasures I got for next to nothing were ridiculous. I actually felt embarrassed about the many trips it took to remove my 'next to nothing' treasures from their premises. Small tables galore, mirrors, garden ornaments, chenille bedspreads, Depression Glass etc and this . .
I passed it by quite a few times until its little feet caught my eye and I was able to see past the ugly fabric covering . . .

So I took it home for $3 and last night starting peeling it back to reveal this . . .

and then this . . .

and finally to this . . .

now, how gorgeous is that, watermarks and all. I have an overwhelming urge to paint its wee brown feet, and I will! But today I fluffed and faffed in the grown up room until I achieved some semblance of order and this . . .


Cheryl Ensom said...

Look at that! Imagine that being under the ickiness!! How lovely! Just gorgeous, Rachael. :)
hugs, cheryl

bluemuf said...

Oh Rachael, you have done a lovely job, I just love it. Did I see your matchbox in the tray :)


Aimz said...

I love it! I actually found one just like it on trademe a couple of years back for a bargain price, now I keep my fabric in it :-) said...

that 3rd fabric was cool too, but aren't you glad you kept peeling!? the last one is great.

Sarah and Jack said...

Oh wow! So much better under that ugly fabric. Would love to see what else you managed to find there.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Those are funky fabrics on that little jewel... but you know... the funky ones you first peeled off??? They make clothes out of that stuff now. LOL!