Monday 6 August 2007

Yummy Cupcake Swap

I joined the Yummy Cupcake Swap hosted by Rosalyn-Sue at The Lil Bluebird Diaries. I was lucky enough to get for my partner, the super talented Natasha Burns who lives in my most fave city of all, Melbourne, Australia.

I have to admit I felt a bit nervous having Natasha for my partner and changed my mind a zillion times over about what to do for her and took way longer than I should have faffing and fiddling around with it!

Natasha's parcel for me arrived last week. I showed awesome will power and didn't open it until last night when I had finally wrapped the goodies I have put together for Natasha.


and you will cos I am about to show you . . .

I am totally overwhelmed by Natasha's talent and her generosity.

Look at THIS . . .

bundle of craft paper with Natasha's cupcakes printed on them, they all have different backgrounds and two gorgeous greeting cards . . .

and look at these great tags . . .

but this, oh wow, look at this cupcake collage with flocked tulle and crepe paper and sparkles. GORGEOUS!

but that's not all . . . wrapped in pink tissue were these faux cupcakes. I can't believe the perfection of them, GORGEOUS! even Babes who is so not into the girly stuff thinks they are great! Natasha makes these and sells them on her website. Believe me they are fantastic.

but wait, there's more . . . a set of 100 Patty Pans with the most gorgeous rose pattern. I am going to use them for the next tea party I do for Stella and her wee friends.


Here's what I did for Natasha . . .

This is vintage photo album which I have tarted up with sheet music, vintage trim and damask, craft roses, lace and ribbons.

I also tarted up this tin with vintage wall paper and bits and bobs. Inside are cupcake sprinkles and cupcake dusting powder.

I also made a bookmark (another one!) and a couple of tags, oh and some cupcake papers and a cupcake recipe.

and one of my Flower Fairy cards that everyone gets!

here it is all wrapped and ready. I love wrapping just as much as the creating!

Hope she like's it!


bluemuf said...

Oh My!!!! Beautiful cupcake goodies. I love it all. What fun.

I know Natasha will love the items you have put together they are lovely.

It looks like it was a great swap.


Elizabeth Fedorko said...

WOW!!!!! TO die for sweetness! Those cupcakes are so gorgeous! I'd say you got lucky in the swap! XXOO, Beth

Aimz said...

oh how fun! For a minute there I thought you meant real live baked cupcakes lol said...

Well they do look good enough to eat!

Barbara said...

hi sweetie! please email me with your addie and info for the kitchen swap! want to get started asap!

ShabbyInTheCity said...

I think you did great! I think getting her for a swap partner would scare me too as she is really so talented. Love what she sent you.

Natasha Burns said...

OMG Rachael, I just LOVE it all!!!! My package arrived today and I have been so good in staying away from your blog, i was itching to peek!!! Anyway thank you so so so so much for all my gorgeous goodies, I love every single piece! It is going up on my blog shortly. THANK YOU!!! xo

Alison Gibbs said...

What wonderful goodies you got from Natasha. Her cupcakes look fantastic. Rachael love the covered tin you did for Natasha and your cards/tags.

Flea Market Queen said...

Look at all the them! You are both lucky to swap with each other...great work!