Thursday 29 March 2012

Flippety Flop

 went my heart when I spied this....

hanging in the display window of an op shop, with a sign saying "display items will not be sold until Thursday". It was Saturday and I was not risking waiting until Thursday...

so what's a girl to do?

this naughty girl lent over and whipped it off the window display, and grabbed two pieces of vintage linen to take the focus of the round white thing at the counter!

I happily paid my $18 all up, while my heart went thumpty, thump, thump in case my crime was outed at the counter,

and scarpered, super quick!

Naughty I know!

But, but, but.....

Rachael xo

1 comment:

Jen said...

Rachael!!! u naughty girl
but I can totally understand
its very pretty