Wednesday 6 January 2010

Just another day in PARADISE...

about eight hours of which were spent fixing a heinous virus on the Wasbands grandmothers computer,

not all bad though, we did go to the Tea House at the Buddhist Temple for lunch.... yum!!!

And then I did a little dusting and polishing and fly spraying in the grown up living room. I say fly spraying because I picked up the wrong can and polished a table with it!!!

Oh well, at least that table will be fly free!

I also spend a considerable amount of time, puffing and panting, trying to move the piano by myself to retrieve my lovely picture that had fallen down behind it!

and cut what the wind hadn't destroyed of my Iceberg roses, not many as you can see!

so all in all just another day in PARADISE!!!

take care


Sugar Bear said...

Productive days are the best!

Monica said...

Poor roses, but they're beautiful indoors too!
I was just looking for your link to pop in and say hello.... when your comment appeared! A true connection of spirits!
Thank you for your sweet words, Rachel, you're such a darling and I treasure each and every comment you leave.
Happy New Year!
Monica xo.

Monica said...

Bad typo! Sorry Rachael!

Aimz said...

hey girl, hope you had a lovely Christmas and new year's. We're back from holiday now and I have loads of washing to fold and heaps of dusting *sigh*

Reflections from the Stone Nest said...

Your roses, and the picture are just beautiful! Watch the back with moving that piano :)

Happy new Year to you too, dear. New Year's resolutions? I think I may have finally given those up (or maybe not :))

MMMMM those cheesy pizzas sound yummy.

God Bless,

Sherry Williams said...

You are so funny...dusting the furniture with fly spray!!!lolol That sounds like something I would do!! I hope you didn't hurt yourself moving the piano to get that beautiful picture!!

Flowers said...

Nice blog. Iceberg roses has been destroyed. Still your blog looks perfect. The header image of your blog is awesome. nice theme.

Little Lovables said...

sounds like a day filled with adventure!!