Friday 8 January 2010

100's and 1000's

should never be split on the kitchen floor.....especially a tiled kitchen floor because they are not called 100's and 1000's for nothing....

what's more is those little suckers take flight with the air from the vacuum cleaner and travel long distances......

the cat refused her dry food and it was so pretty with all the sprinkles, as was her water.....

funtivity of the day was to 'visit Amah and have a lolly!'. Amah lives across the road and is the Wasbands grandmother, therefore the Princess's great grandmother.

it rained today so we started a jigsaw puzzle, 1000 pieces (yep that's today's lucky number!) of a Victorian house with dark trees....

no photos, lost the plot

take care

p.s but hey, I am blogging daily, now that's what I call a small miracle!


A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Yep I agree 100's and 1000's are buggers if spilt!
My Dog would've gobbled them up

Unknown said...

I love it Rachael, wasband, lol! You are so funny!!

Jen said...

LOL you make me :)

Id have thought that the sprinkles would have tasted sweetness to the cats meal

I LOVE anything Victorian wanna take a photo when the puzzle is complete???

pleased to see you here Rachael :)

Aimz said...

lol 100s and 1000s - yep a pain if they get spilt but I remember them being yummy in sandwiches at parties when I was little.