Thursday 30 April 2009

Roses are Red

While the Princess and I were creating our 'Happy Diaries' I also covered this note book which I am using to write down my goals.

The background paper is scrapbook paper, the lady on the swing (I love swinging!) was cut out from a card, that is to remind me to reach for the stars and the "Roses are Red" was a song title I cut from sheet music and that is to remind me to take the time to "smell the roses" and also that my life will become rosy again!

I need to keep that in focus, this morning I woke up feeling very weepy, the intensity of my grief was quite overwhelming. Grief is such a physical pain as well as an emotional pain.

I pulled myself together and sent a long venting email to WINZ, our social welfare department, who I am now relying on for my income as Babes decision to follow "true love" has put both of us into a permanent dire financial situation.

There we are, I wasn't going to use my blog to vent but right now just need the outlet and all your support makes it so much better!

To keep that positive focus going after a rocky start to the day I wrote a list of 'to do's in my diary. All yukky things so as a consolation prize I took a little walk to the OP Shop(thrift shop) and that I will show you the results of tomorrow!

Oh and in my haste to get to the Op Shop I locked myself out of my house and had to borrow the ladder from a painter next door and climb to the second level of the house where fortunately I had a left a door open!

All in a mornings work!

Off now to wash vintage china and set up a photo shoot!

Have a good day!

Take Care


Angela Harris said...

This post makes me want to decorate some journals:) Thanks for coming over!

Unknown said...

Love your "Happy Diaries". What a wonderful family and set of friends you have. Your daughter is adorable. I love her eyes. Your day at the beach sounded great. Water is so soothing.
I love red polish for your toes. Treating yourself and the princess to a home pedicure and manicure would be lots of fun and good bonding time. Don't forget to dance when no one is looking and sing when no one is listening. It lifts the spirit.
Happy thoughts being sent your way.

Alison Gibbs said...

Hi Rachael you keep that positive outlook going. You will come through this. Keep on venting here in Blogland as it is a great healer.
Love the cover of your journal and the sentiments behind it's decorations.

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

I'm not bothered by your venting Rach, that's what friends are for - good times and bad. Let's hope that this is the worst you will ever have to deal with and you and the Princess will come through it and have a wonderful rosey future.

Love, love, love the note book, as much as the happy diary.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne

Beth Leintz said...

Good for you for venting, getting it out, and then getting on.

I've always thought that writing down your goals is a good idea- and it works. I used to be much better about it- I'd set up little meetings with myself to review my progress- that sounds kind of weird doesnt' it?

But anyway, I do think your journals are a great idea.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing like a good swing at the park to clear the cobwebs out! Although if you're fat and unfit like me it's best to do it when theres no kids to see you huffing and puffing after 5 mins!

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Dear Rachael, just trying to catch up tonight on some of my fav bloggers & yours was one on my list to visit. Sorry I haven't visited lately & am doubly sorry about your unhappiness. I have no words of wisdom, having seen my daughter go thru the same situation 9 yrs. ago. She is now re-married, has a new baby boy & a gorgeous home, a great new life. It will happen again for you also.

I wish you & the Princess much love & hugs. The Happy Diaries are a wonderful idea as the two of you start your new journey together.

Hugs & Prayers,
Angelic Accents

Aimz said...

I'm glad you're being real Rachael, contacting WINZ is something that's inevitable and I think no less of you :-)
Grief is a process you have to work through and although you don't forget it, it lessens over time.

Lori said...

you can vent here all you need to Rachael...we are here to support you and we wish the best for you!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I love your blog and I hope you dont mind but I've added your blog onto my blogroll on my site.
I am hosting a swap at the moment on my site, please feel free to pop over and take a look, and to join the swap if you wish.
Take Care
Love Melanie xxx

Stephenie said...

You vent all you want..Know that we're here for you...My heart breaks for you..I will continue to keep you in my prayers...Know that I'm thinking of you...
I love the journal you made...You really did such an amazing job..I love that lady on the swing..
If you need anything I'm here...

Heather ~Pretty Petals said...

Rachael, your journal is so beautiful. I am so sorry you were having a bad day. I am sure you will have moments that you need to take one minute at a time. I hate to say this but I would really love to just slap him for you! You don't deserve this pain. :(

Hugs to you friend. xo heather

Maide said...

This Diarie is wonderful.
Found your sweet blog just by
watching romantic places.

Lovely regards

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Beautiful diary. Keep writing in your diary, and blogging!