Friday 1 May 2009

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Yesterday, once I got my front door open, after locking myself out and having to climb a tall borrowed ladder to break into my very own home I unpacked my spoils from the local Op Shop, this Royal Doulton "the Coppice" dinner set, loads and loads of pieces, 56 in fact.

And look at this gorgeous Shabby Chic print, its so beautiful, would love to keep it but I am going to go for a different decor once Babes moves his stuff out.

The Princess and I went for a long walk around a nearby pond yesterday after school and then stopped at Dunkin Donuts for a late afternoon tea treat.

I was really wound up last night, the diabolical financial situation getting to me, once Babes arrived for his nightly visit and the Princess was asleep, I let rip, hissed and spat etc etc. Stress over boiled!

Today I am a bit weepy again, Babes picked me up and we went and looked at the apartment he is renting and moving into tomorrow.

Its really hard to do, but this separation is very amicable (except when I hiss and spit!), we are both determined and committed to remaining friends for the sake of the Princess.

Tomorrow will be another really hard day as I am helping Babes move into the apartment. Very lucky really isn't he!!!

Don't worry, a lot of the time I want to knock his head off, but am controlling the urges!!!

I'm off to pick up the Princess very soon, go for another walk and tonight we are going to snuggle in and watch NZ's Top Model and Project Runway, the Princess will drink lemonade from a wine glass and me, well . . . I will drink wine . . . from a wine glass!

I am also loading the 'spoils' onto Trade Me tonight.

That's it for me, have a good day

Take Care


Alison Gibbs said...

Great finds at the local op. shop Rachael.
Wow you are helping him move...... I knew you were a strong woman.
Enjoy your drink with the Princess

Aimz said...

I'm glad you're getting through it Rachel, yes you helping your dh, wow you got guts girl. I'm also glad it was amicable though.

Katrina said...

This must be tough for you. I can't stop thinking about you!! You are mighty strong though. Hope the move goes ok.

Alicia ~ Time Worn Style said...

Hi rachael, just checking in to see how you are going. Fantastic find with the royal doulton, bad luck about locking out of house though! You are a better woman than I helping him move house but you are right you have to do whats best for your child even if it involves a certain amount of "sucking it in"
enjoy your drinkies tonight!

Anonymous said...

The Royal Doulton is

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

I'm so sorry to read your marriage is ending. Being the child of divorced parents I know how much pain it can cause...BUT I am so happy for you to see how strong you are right now. Staying friends with him is going to really help your Princess...and one day she will realize just how difficult this was for you.

Fete et Fleur said...

I don't know what to say. I'm in shock. My thoughts and prayers for strength are with you and your sweet princess.


The Vintage Kitten said...

Hi Rachael, Im so sorry to read about what has happened. You sound very positive despite the shock it must have been for you. It will get better in time and you have your gorgeous little girl by your side....who needs a man anyway!!! Hugs X

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Oh What the hey have I missed???...
After scrolling back I now see what has been happening!
It has been awhile since I have swung by...Not sure why you were'nt comming up in reader!
My hearfelt thoughts are with you.
You are a strong surviving woman alright!
Think Iwould need to drink Much wine to "help" with the move,You really are to be admired.
Anyway Love to you all..
Great Buy at the Oppie!
Amazing really!

My email is on my blog if you ever need to vent,Happy to listen:)

Stephenie said...

I must say I proud of you..I don't think I'd be as strong as you..I think its amazing that you're be honest with your emotions and talking about how you are feeling...Your truly are a strong women...
Love the amazing treasures you found..That picture is just sooooo pretty..