First semester down, I ended up with A+'s for my assignments and just one A without the +, which really annoyed me!!!
I have since had exams, 5 exams in all which was rather harrowing.
So as you do when you have exams, you decide to sell your house and try to buy another!!!
My house, this one here has a contract on it.....

and I have a contract on this little apartment here....

funny the things that excite you about a home, I love the green front door and the idea of my mail being posted through it every day which is what happens in this little apartment complex

and I love the long narrow garage, which of course will not be seeing a car, I have plans for this space, big plans!!!!

and I love this balcony which I am really excited about decorating with pots and my statues, and outdoor furniture

Both contracts depend on finance so its all rather nail biting stuff or in my case drinking wine stuff!!!
If I get this little apartment I need to sell 95% of the contents of my current biggish home....
which is what I should be doing now, but really don't know where to start!!!
major procrastinating going on here....
will keep you posted!!! lol
take care
Wow!!! aLL very busy but all very exciting too!
The house looks great! Your current home to me looks huge!
wtg with the assignments
hope you did ok with the exams
all the best with the selling and buying
Great job on your exams! I'm impressed with your A's....with or without the plus signs!
Also congrats on your move plans...I hope it all works out for you. The apartment looks like a lot of fun. Hope all is well.
How exciting! Can't wait to see it all come together for you xo.
After 30+ years since your last exam, well done.
However, I am just wondering, after one of those evenings of to many wines, while you are out that is, will you enter the through the correct green door? I'm assuming of course that one may be the neighbours. And, will you be playing very loud on your stereo "Shakin Stevens" Green Door?
Oh wow... lots going on Rachael - but all good.
Fantastic results for your uni work too - well done!!
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
Awesome exam results - well done!! and all very exciting with the new apartment - looks a bit of you, Good luck, hope your wishes come true, you so deserve it!! xxx Denny
Congrats on such great rewults.. A+ and A's, clever girl.
Oh what fun moving and playing house again
You'll love it
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