Tuesday 13 January 2009

Little Crafters

The Princess had a Princess friend come and stay for two days. I taught the little girls to 'stitch'. They 'stitched' on and off all yesterday with the felt, embroidery floss and buttons I had given them to play with.

Here is what they made, a little cushion/pillow each for cats, dolls, soft toys, what ever and a little coin purse. I am so impressed, they did most of it by themselves, my job was to untangle thread and straighten the course from time to time!

Clever little crafters!

Bye for now


Anonymous said...

What a fab idea! Love their work!

Connie said...

How can you stand having 2 princesses in your house at one time, sweet chick?!?!? What a dream come true!!

Sugar Bear said...

Fabulous! Can you teach me how to sew? :)

LiLi M. said...

Compliments to both princesses! I think you can tell that they are really princesses by their work, what great taste, what talent!

Anonymous said...

wtg to both girls and how nice for Princess to have a friend stay :)

Lori said...

what a sweet post!!! the girls look like they are very proud of their wonderful creations!!!

Aimz said...

that's cute, my daughter loves stiching too :-)

Mary Poppins said...

What a delightful post, they are gorgeous :)

Thank you for your kind words, I shall indeed be sending positive vibes to you too, all the very best


Pink Slippers said...

Mommies and untangling thread. Seems like a part of our job description.

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

What's better than one Princess - why 2 princesses of course!!
How cute are those little crafters.

Linda said...

Hi Rachael,
How clever are the Princesses, I wish I could sew. They have done a wonderful job and it looks like they had a lot of fun making them.
Cheers Linda

Fete et Fleur said...

How fun! What a great idea. It looks like they enjoyed themselves.


Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

It's me again...
Pop on over for a visit - I have given you the Friendship Award.

bluemuf said...

Rachael, what a great job the girls did. You must be so pleased.

Hugs karen

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

They look like they had fun and enjoyed themselves.

Victoria x

The Vintage Rose said...

Such sweet stitching from the two princesses! How delight to visit your blog and read some recent posts.

Lori said...

Oh Rachael, How delightful! I'm so jealous!!! Little girls!!!! Love, Lori P.S. Don't forget to keep voting!!!!!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What a wonderful time they had!

Muriel said...

They are so cute and I love their creations!!! x x

Anne said...

Looks like they had a great time! Nice pics, too! :-)

Oh! And, thanks for stopping by my blog today.

Linda said...

What cute crafters...their projects turned out great...I love the coin purses...hugs, Linda

Anonymous said...

That soooo coool! I must try to entice my daughter to see this. Hahahaha!

Cape Cod Rambling Rose said...

This post is just precious!

ArtSparker said...

This photo is also quite wonderful.

CatieAn said...

oh so sweet!!!
i love working with my neighbor kids and of course our grand daughters!! They LOVE making stuff and the one on one time.
it is such a special time together for equally special relationships.