Thursday 13 March 2008

Our Miracle Princess is 5 Years Old

On Thursday 12 March 2003, Steve (Babes) and I met our daughter for the very first time and fell instantly in love with her. She was four days old and was lying asleep in a white wicker bassinet. We were left alone with her and after feeding her we undressed her and counted her fingers and toes.

We had known of her existence for a mere two days, we had been floating in a dream like state since the time I had answered the phone on Tuesday morning asking if Steve and I still wished to become parents as a baby girl had been born on Saturday 8 March 2003 and her Birth Mother had chosen us to be her parents.

The voice on the other end of the phone informed me that she was a healthy baby girl, her Birth Mother had named her Stella, her Birth Mother would like to meet us and then we would be taken to visit the baby on Thursday.

I can’t tell you what that phone call was like; we had waited 2 ½ years for it and had all but given up. It still overwhelms me when I think of it as from that moment on our lives changed irrevocably all thanks to one incredibly strong, brave young woman who made our dream come true.

We brought our baby girl home when she was 10 days old. She was utterly and completely our baby, we had already forged an incredible bond, not only with her, but also with her Birth Mother.

Bringing her home was bittersweet, I had witnessed the grief her Birth Mother experienced saying goodbye to her and my heart broke for her. I vowed to myself that I would do all that I could to keep her a big part of Stella’s life for both their sakes.

We could have changed the names our baby’s Birth Mother gave her but we decided that those names were a life long gift to her from her Birth Mother; after all she would have our surname. Also Stella so happens to be my mother and my grandmother’s middle name.

Other eerie coincidences we found are; Stella was born on my Stepfathers birthday, her Birth Mothers surname is the same as my mothers maiden name although spelt differently, Stella’s Birth Mother lived in a street with an usual name, my grandfather had lived in that street name in another city and so on.

Our daughter knows that she grew in her birth Mummy’s tummy and she grew in her Mummy and Daddy’s hearts.

She is a much loved and cherished little girl, as all children should be, by our families and also her birth family. She has more grandparents than most children! She is secure and well balanced, knows exactly who she is and how she came about.

We all have a wonderful warm and caring relationship with my daughter’s Birth Mother. She visits often, joins us for Christmas Day and Birthdays when she can. She is the first person we share all Stella’s exciting milestones, achievements and funny things with, as we know she is as proud and excited as we are.

The beautiful daughter the three of us share turned 5 this Saturday just gone. How did those first five years go so quickly? She is a sweet, caring, clever, funny little girl who is so dearly loved and cherished. I count my blessings every single day for the privilege of being her Mummy.

Happy 5th Birthday to our beautiful Princess and Happy 5th Birthing Day to her beautiful Birth Mother.


Southern Lady's Vintage said...

She is such a beautiful little girl and I can see in your post here just how loved she is. What a lovely post. Please give her a big, big birthday hug from this southern lady in Georgia! What a blessing I know that you all are to each other!

Lori said...

Rachel, Happy Birthday to your Sweet Princess:) she is a lucky little girl to be so surrounded by so much love. your post about her birth and her life was just beautiful and heart~warming to read.

Unknown said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET PRINCESS!! Oh Rachael, this is the most beautiful post ever. I am so grateful that this sweet baby has you for her parents! How lucky you all are to have each other! This is such an uplifting and hopeful story! You are an inspiration, all of you!

Love you,

Sugar Bear said...

Rachael this is so beautiful! How wonderful that you are all able to have such a special bond with your Princess's birth mom and that you chose to keep her name. Happy birthday Stella!

Aimz said...

aww she's a sweetie! I'm so glad her birth mother chose to give her life and to a loving couple who can give her a great life :-)

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

Happy Birthday Princess

what a very touching and lovely post Rach
HUGS to you all

Beth Leintz said...

Rachel, Usually your posts make me laugh, but today I got a tear in my eye reading your wonderful story. How lucky you all are! Happy borthday to The Princess!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Happy Birthday to Stella!! How wonderful this fairytale is turning out for your princess...

Gina said...

What a beautiful story, what a beautiful girl, and what a beautiful mother you are.

Fran said...

Happy Birthday Stella. She's a beautiful little princess. What a lovely heart warming story. You and your husband are wonderful parents.

Joyce said...

What a very sweet and inspiring story. Stella is a DOLL!
I can see that she is a huge BLESSING to you and your husband. So glad to come visit your site for the very first time and read such an uplifting and encouraging post.

CIELO said...

She is precious! Happy Birthday to your little Princess... and many years of happiness and blessings from our loving Heavenly Father!

Have a wonderful rest of the week!


bluemuf said...

Rachel, Just a lovely post. A very big Happy Birthday to your darling Princess daughter. All of you are so very blessed. You never can have too much love.

Hugs Karen

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Wow, Rachael ~ did God know what He was doing when He gave you this baby or what?! I got goosebumps just reading this post. You are so blessed, so is Stella, & certainly her birth mother is also.

Happy Birthday, Sweet Stella! You are indeed a princess with a mum & dad that are true Kings & Queens!

Big Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Dementia : Our Story said...

Happy Birthday Princess she is one lucky little girl to have you to have you and to be so loved and cherished. Your story brought me to tears..good happy ones...thanks for visiting my blog....happy to send some wallpaper to a fellow k1w1....

Katie said...

Well your DH will have to post himself at your front door and turn away suitor after suitor! What a sweetheart she is!

12 Days of Christmas Swap said...

Yes, it has truly been a remarkable 5 years, and I too count my blessings! Stella is an amazing child and from that very first day, we knew she was a special gift.
I would also like to say -I am so proud of my daughter as her life hasn't alwasy been easy, but the joy of `Our Princess' makes life all so worth while.
Happy Birthday `Dear Stella'
Hugs from NanaXXXX

Alison Gibbs said...

How wonderful that 'The Princess' has turned 5.
She is one lucky little girl to have such devoted parents and extended family in her life.
Hope Stella enjoyed her special day.

Sharon said...

Happy birthday to the Oh So Beautiful Stella. What a gorgeous child. I loved hearing how you have shared her special moments with her birth mother. Stella is a very lucky little girl to have you for parents.

Barbara said...

what a touching legacy! just beautiful! sweet hugz to you all!

Miss Rhea said...

Oh, that brought tears to my eyes. That is so lovely of you to allow that relationship with the birth mother. It shows that your love for your daughter has no limits. :) She is very blessed to have you as parents. And I believe that no one enters someones life by chance. She was meant to be yours long before you all knew it. Happy Birthday to your sweet daughter and Happy Birthday to you !!

Katrina Chambers said...

What a lovely and touching post. You are one special Mummy! She is adorable!!!

Pineapple Villa said...

What a beautiful story. Happy birthday to the gorgeous girl! My grandmother and hubby's grandmother are both called Stella and i think its beautiful. Thanks for sharing your story, it is so heart warming and special, Mel xxx

Natasha Burns said...

Oh my gosh this brought tears to my eyes! How fabulous that you keep in touch with her birth mother, that you kept her name (well, Stella really IS a beautiful beautiful name).... you guys are the most fantastic parents and Princess is such a sweetie - Happy Birthday!!! xo

Artifax said...

Happy, happy birthday to your beautiful little princess!! What a wonderful and heartwarming story of how to she came into your family and how you all are connected now.

And Fiji just looked like paradise! So glad you had such a wonderful, relaxing time!!

Artifax said...

Oh, crumb .. typing slower than I think again. Ignore that surplus "to" in there. :)

ShabbyInTheCity said...

She is JUST precious!!!

Brittany said...

Oh Rachael!! This is a BEAUTIFUL post!!! I'm so glad that you all got together! She is just precious! Do tell her Happy Belated Birthday from me!!

Big hugs!!

Linda said...

Hi Rachael, Happy Birthday to the sweet princess Stella. Your story was so touching and filled with love. It was just meant to be, blessing to all. Linda

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post! She's a very lucky girl to have so many people who love her in her life. It's really nice to hear that you have a good relationship with her birth mother. Hope your sweet girl had a marvelous birthday!


Just Between Us Girls said...

Tears are in my eyes. What a wonderful story. What a beautiful daughter you have. God Bless you all.

vivian said...

Hi Racheal, this is my first visit to your blog. I've seen your comments on some of my favorite blogs, and decided to look at a few new blog sites this morning!
I love the very touching story abotu your daughters birth! My stepsister gave her daughter up for adoption about 15 years ago in a very similiar situation. I think its great that youve been able to incorporate the birth mom into your lives! A lot of people would not be able to do that.
Looking forward to stopping by again soon.. please visit me also when your out blog hopping!

Barbara said...

second post for me..just tagged you..and i'm supposed to let you know that i


Alicia ~ Time Worn Style said...

Such a beautiful story, happy birthday little princess, My youngest girl had her birthday this month too!

Bethany said...

Oh this post really really touched my heart...oh the sweetness and honesty you posted with and all the love...what a huge blessing for little Stella in this world of so many unloved and unwanted children.
I hope she had a very special special as she is to all around her :)
She is such a beautiful little girl...many blessings to you and your whole family.
In everything the Lord has a perfect were the exact family he brought Stella into the world to love her :)

Fete et Fleur said...

What a wonderful post! The whole process was beautiful to read. You are truly blessed.

Hugs! Nancy

Fete et Fleur said...

I forgot...

Happy Birthday to Stella!


MarĂ­a Elena said...

Rachel, you are a great woman.

Reflections from the Stone Nest said...

Happy Birthday to Stella (and all of you!). What a touching story. Loved every minute of your telling it. And isn't she just the lovliest little girl!


Gail McCormack said...

Happy Birthday Princess Stella!! She sure is a beautiful little girl in every way.
A very moving post Rachel.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing that with us. What a truely beautiful and moving Birthday message. And what a Gorgeous Little princess you have too!!
Happy Birthday to your sweet Girl!

kari and kijsa said...


Happy Birthday to your princess! What an amazingly wonderful and heartwarmng tale of unconditional love!
Have a blessed Day!
kari & kijsa

Anonymous said...


What a touching post. My gosh, isn't it amazing how in love, totally in love we can be with a tiny, little human being.

Your Stella is gorgeous and I am really moved to hear the "coincidennces" amoung you all.

What a beautiful story you have, she has. Happy Birthday to all of you on this occasion of celebrating your little princess. Many Blessings!

Britt- Sparkled Vintage Charm said...

aww! such a sweet post!! Happy bday to darling Stella!! xo Britt

Betty said...

Happy Birthday to your little princess! My best friend has two adopted sons. I know what a gift they have been to her.

Diane at Crafty Passions said...

Dear lady you had left 2 wonderful comments on my blog and I didn't get back to you at all,that was in Oct 2007,it was very bad timing , my mother was very very ill she died on Dec 16 2007 .Everything and everyone in my life was put on hold.
I am back to normal now, it took a while. I have a new blog
I just love the story about your daughter's little life.God bless your family.
Happy Easter

bluemuf said...

Hi Rachael, Wishing all of you a wonderful Easter,

Hugs Karen

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

I blogged earlier but you made me feel so great by your comment that I just had to visit you again. I was so busy bird house hopping I did not really get to enjoy the blogs. This story touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes. You are a wonderful mom and your little darling is so lucky to have you and your family. I will visit again. Have a lovely night!

Peta said...

What a fantastic story. Stella is beautiful and looks so happy. I am so pleased that you have included her birth mother in her life.

Anonymous said...

This really bought tears to my eyes over how lucky you are. She is gorgeous.