Thursday 28 August 2008

Cairns, Australia - Day Three

Are you getting bored yet??

Day three saw us take a trip on a Sky Rail. It travels up a mountain, over a rain forest and is very, very, very high off the ground.

There are two platforms where you can get off and walk about in part of the rain forest and look out over the Barron Waterfall.

Hopped back into our car, just got off the platform and we STOPPED!!! A voice came over the speaker saying due to a TECHNICAL PROBLEM there would be a slight delay until the technicians came up from the bottom to fix the problem!!!

Let me OUT!!!! Gamma and I both assessed the situation in our minds and worked out we were not that high or that far off the platform that we couldn't be 'saved' if necessary.

As for the cars above us . . . dangling in mid air, not moving, very, very high off the ground . . .

By the time they had explained the technical issue in every language in the world we were on the move again. The journey just didn't have quite the same feel to it though!

At the top of the rain forest mountain is an amazing village called Kuranda. Its very touristy but very arty.

I loved the seats made out of railway tracks that were along the pathway leading to the village.

Some very eclectic looking shops selling ethnic clothing and jewellery.

Fabulous Aboriginal Art mural on a wall.

A sign that warms a girls heart . . .

as did the inside of this divine shop.

and to finish our day in Kuranda, a trip to the Butterfly Sanctuary, gorgeous, we love butterflies!

Then back to the Sky Rail (oh yahee . . .) before going down the mountain to Cairns.



Anonymous said...


Your trip looks wonderful, but a bit SCARY! Thanks for sharing the journey. Some day I hope to go there!

Aimz said...

hi Rachael, beautiful photos! was that your mum? She looks so much like you :-)

Lori said...

Rachael, what a beautiful vacation...very scary to be stranded like that, i would have had a mini heart attack...your princess looks so cute, she is a lovely model for your pictures:)

Beth Leintz said...

The Princess has all the makings of a Super Model!

Betty said...

What a magical, wonderful trip you took with your Princess! The Sky Rail sounds terrifying to me though! I'm sure you made memories that will last a lifetime!

Reflections from the Stone Nest said...

Hi Rachael,

It looks like you're having a wonderful time! How beautiful everything is! YIKES! on getting stuck off the platform! Have a great rest of your trip. I listed the paper doll books on Etsy, in case you are interested.


LiLi M. said...

Hi, What a wonderful trip you have made!! Your princess is sooo cute! I was strolling through your blog and discovered that you have received one of my birds and bonnets panels! I'm such a noob, I didn't put my name on any of them, but it's the one with the peacock feather on one side and the square lace and the half bird on the other side. I'm glad to see that you have received it!! Have a great time!

bluemuf said...

Rachael, I'm so enjoying your trip this one is just a bit scary. I am not one for heights. It looks like you had so much fun and what a lovely adventure for your sweet princess.

Hugs Karen

Brittany said...

Your trip looked wonderful. Turning green w/envy. Except the getting stuck part. Hello!! I would have needed clean underwear or something. That happened to me once on one of those things. I've never been on one since.

I'm telling you, the Princess looks like a model. Beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachael,
Thanks for yoru visit. :) What a wonderful trip you're having - going back to see more now! :)


CIELO said...

Oh Rachael, I love those pictures of your little girl, she looks like a fairy amidst the shadows and foliage of the wood…. So enchanting….

The rustle of the wind reminds us a Fairy is near."...Unknown :)



Linda said...

What a wonderful day...except for the dangling part...I'm glad that wasn't you:).
Beautiful pictures...I'd love to visit the Butterfly Sanctuary, I imagine that would be amazing...hugs, Linda

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

The little 'Princess' looks like she is having a fabulous time.

Pop on over; I have given you an award.

Fete et Fleur said...

She is the cutest thing. How could we be bored. Hope your doing well!


Bek said...

Cains is such a lovely place, my family use to have a holiday property at Mossman. Cairns is one of my fav places to visit.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rachael! Great photos esp. of your princess - great pose. Oh I went on that sky rail and it scared me to death. I couldn't wait to get off of that thing. I wish we would oh had time to the butterfly sanctuary.

Take Care,
