Friday 22 August 2008

Cairns, Australia - Day One

The Princess and I had a fabulous time away. Leaving cold and wet New Zealand to go to the hot tropics of Australia was just what was needed.

It was so nice to see the sun, feel warm, have no rain, spend lots of time with family, play tourists, relax and eat delicious food. The seafood was to die for!!!

After a long, 12 hour day of travelling, two flights and a four hour wait in Brisbane Airport we were totally exhausted when we finally arrived in Cairns.

Gamma (Babes mother, my mother-in-law) knew this, so on our first full day there she took us to a really cool playground called Muddy's down by the Esplanade. It was great, fresh air and the Princess was able to run around and let off some energy from being cooped up the day before.

Muddy's is the biggest playground I have seen, kind of like an adventure playground, lots of wooden and rope climbing frames. We had fun!!!

Here is the Princess taking a breather!

Gamma then took us to the "Bat Maternity" hospital which is situated behind the library in the middle of Cairns City. Its true, it is the Bat Maternity Hospital. They go there to have their babies. There are signs up around the base of the trees that say if you see a baby bat hanging on its own or has fallen to the ground you have to call the "Bat Ranger" who will come and rescue it!!!

There were 100's of bats hanging from the trees. Fascinating in a creepy kind of way!!!

Gamma made us a delicious dinner that night, Calamari (squid rings) big fat prawns and Morton Bay Bugs which are kind of like a mini lobster. Yummy!!! Gamma and her partner Gary introduced me to a Sparkling Burgundy wine which was delicious. Not as heavy as a red wine or as heady as a sparkling, a wonderful light combination of both. Very addictive!!!

And there ends Day One in Cairns. More tomorrow:)



Connie said...

It takes 12 hours of traveling to get from NZ to Australia?!?!?! My son and his family only took 19 hours from Los Angeles to Australia! How come, my little chickee???? I'd love to know. But rest up and have fun, honey..........
Smooches to the "Princess"!!
Connie :-)

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

ohhhhhhhhhhhh that dinner is to die for
look forward to reading more

Alison Gibbs said...

Rachael sounds like you and the Princess are having a wonderful time.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the congrats and I look forward to seeing more pix of your fabulous trip with Princess!!!

Sandy xoxo

Unknown said...

What a wonderful trip Rachael! I am so happy you and the Princess are able to get away! The playground looks like so much fun ad the dinner delicious! I hope you have a wonderful time!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

That playground looks like fun...bats, well not as much fun, hehe! That food looked great. Hope yall have fun!

Aimz said...

awww I wish I'd stowed away in your luggage - you didn't miss much while you were away, just rain rain and more rain.

Anonymous said...

He he (blog stalking again) I'm so pleased u both got away at last! Now as for all the really bad bat jokes going around in my head (going bats perhaps? looking for the bats in ur belfry?) oh dear, I'll just have to wait until u get back :) Love to you, Princess and Gamma, from me, katie-kins (who is 8 now AHHGRG!!!)and ky-bear Xxx

Katrina said...

Thanks for writing so many nice comments on my blog. What a big trip for you! Did you have a couple of flights to catch? From NZ to Brisy and then Cairns? Looks like a fun time! Can't wait to see more!!

Just Between Us Girls said...

Dear Rachael,
Wonderful to hear from you and know you had a grand time on your vacation. So great.I would love a vacation of any kind anywhere. I also congratulate on the award. Good for you. Thank you for the lovely comments about the doll bassinet. You have lifted my spirits and made the soar. Have a spectacular weekend. Enjoy every moment with your family.

Kathleen Grace said...

It sounds like you are having a wonderful time in Australia. I was surprised thatit took you so long to get there! Time to review my geography I guess! Your daughter is adorable!

Beth Ann said...

Oh I'm so glad to hear from you...Ive been waiting patiently to hear what is going on in your neck of the woods! I'm soooo wishing I was there too!

Beth Ann

Sugar Bear said...

Looks like fun! It must have been so nice to have some girl time together.

Barbara said...

wow what an adventure!!!! goodness! that is a long trip! but what fun!!! i have given you a suprize on my blog!!!!

hugz and love

Linda said...

Day one sounds great.. I've never heard of a Bat Maternity...a neat place to visit, I loved the picture. Mmmmm, dinner sounds and looks so delish. Looking forward to more trip pictures. Hugs, Linda

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

A Mommy daughter trip how fun!
Enjoy your time together!

A bat maternity hospital.....euuuuuuu..
I thought bats only liked the dark!

Thanks for the prayers for our daughter!

Hugz, Dolly

Miss Rhea said...

Aww, Love Princesses hat !! Way cute !! Gosh that is a Long day traveling. How great that your mother in law planned some time for your daughter to run and play after having to sit for so long. And that dinner looks yummy !! I love Lobster , so that looks right up my alley !! :) Glad you had such a nice time. :)

Ruth Welter said...

Hi Rachael, so nice to hear from you. Glad you and your little one had a wonderful trip. Sometimes getting away is the best thing you can do to clear your mind and relax.


Aimz said...

Well it looks like you had better weather and better food than we did that's for sure!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Rachael that sounds like a perfect way to spend a day after traveling for 12 hours!

Gail McCormack said...

What a well deserved holiday you two are having, the sunshine and warmth is sounding very inviting, so cold down here in Melbourne. Enjoy the rest of your holiday!

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Sounds like you two are having a wonderful break in sunny Cairns.
Enjoy the rest of your trip.

Reflections from the Stone Nest said...

That bat maternity place sounds so interesting! And that food! YUM! Sounds like you are having a great time. Enjoy the time with your little one.


Pineapple Villa said...

Hi Rachel i am glad you and the Princess are having a lovely holiday, hope the good weather keeps up and i will catch you soon, Mel xxx

Sherry said...

That's a lot of travel time I'm glad you were able to just take it slow to start. All those bats? I think I'd be freaking out!!!

Betty said...

What a wonderful trip and one your daughter will remember forever. Your dinner looks absolutely delicious. Calamari is my favorite!

Just Between Us Girls said...

Dear Rachael...
Please pop over to my blog. I have a surprise for you.
Love the photo of the Princess in pink taking a rest.

Natasha Burns said...

Wow that is a long trip! Cairns is a long way from most of Australia, lol!
Sounds like you girls are having a lovely time!

Muriel said...

Thank you so much for the gift Rachael, I received it today!! Beautiful!!!

I hope you and the Princess are having a wonderful time! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Oh we must see more. I am dying to see Austraila.

And, your princess is absolutely lovely!

Cape Cod Washashore said...

Sounds like you had a fabulous time, Rachael! Princess looks so sweet at the playground! =)

Bats in trees! How cool!

Brittany said...

Aww.. I would love to take a Mommy-DaughterS trip w/my girls. Maybe hehe. Not a 12 hour traveling trip holy cow!!