Saturday 1 March 2008

It didn't rain, it poured . . .

It didn't just rain this week, it poured . . .

  • Amah in hospital
  • Granddad in bed with bad chest infection
  • Me in bed for 3 days with bad chest infection
  • Me taking Granddad to Doctor every second day
  • Granddad's chest infection turning into Pneumonia
  • Nothing organised
  • Nothing packed
  • The Princess's renewed passport held up in Wellington even though the application and payment had been sent in plenty of time
  • All day Thursday spent running around Auckland City and phone calls to Internal Affairs in Wellington to get the passport
  • Paid another $150 to have passport done urgently
  • Contemplated flying to Wellington to get passport
  • More sleepless nights due to no passport and coughing fits
Today is Saturday, all is well
  • Passport arrived Friday
  • The Princess has a slight ear and throat infection but we have medicine
  • Korean daughter packed for camp
  • Korean son organised to stay with Mum
  • We are packed for Fiji

I am exhausted but sitting here at 9.50pm with
  • Natural golden brown hair dye processing in my hair
  • Revlon Red toe nails drying

Oh and we have found out there is a possibly that Babes may have to fly out to Germany for 10 days on 7 March at 1pm, nice timing, we arrive back from Fiji on 7 March at 9am and 8 March is The Princess's 5th Birthday . . .


But in the meantime, do think of me lying by the pool in the hot but comfortable sun sipping my cocktail/s brought to me by a bronzed god wearing a little sarong . . . .

p.s. Pat I have sent it!!! Barb I haven't but I will . . . .


Natasha Burns said...

Oh good Heavens it's enough to give a person a nervous breakdown! Nobody would begrudge you the cocktails! Hey, make sure you have an extra one for me!

Katrina Chambers said...

I agree with Natasha!! But all will be forgotten once there. Have a great time!

PS> Go the red toenails hehe

Alison Gibbs said...

Oh Rachael, what a terrible week. Stay by that pool sipping away on cocktails all day long - you deserve it.

Lori said...

all of the chaos will just make you enjoy your get~away all the more:) have a wonderful time!!!

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

my thoughts and prayers have been with you
Been thinking of getting my hair dyed too
one day at a time sweetie

Lori said...

Yes, darling, I will certainly think of you basking in the sun this wek when we have snow and 20 dgree temps!!!! Have fun, Love Lori!! P.S. Just want you to know I still admire and love all my rosie posie goodies I recieved in your give-away a while back!!

Sugar Bear said...

The wonderful sunshine will help you forget all this craziness!

Aimz said...

*sigh* I envy you being able to enjoy spending time at a lovely resort, plates of seafood, being waited on. enjoy every minute of it :-)

And yes I do understand about the rain, we've had two 3 day storms for the last 2 weekends. Think of me when you're lying on the hot sunny beach lol

Alison Gibbs said...

Hi check my blog I have given you an award

bluemuf said...

Racheal, enjoy your holiday you certainly need it really bad.


Ruth Welter said...

Hi Rachael, you've had way too much going on there...lots of it bad and crazy!! I hope you have a simply wonderful really need to relax and enjoy yourself. All the best.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have just come across your blog, its lovley..
I am glad things are working out for you, sometimes its good to make lists, helps you cope mentally with the challenges ahead of you!
Fiji -a place I would love to visit!
Take care,
Regards from Ireland

Linda said...

Hi Rachel,
Wow have you been having a stressful week, I hope you really enjoy your holiday. I have really enjoy reading your blog.
Cheers Linda

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! I do hope thigs clear up soon for you! Get better very soon!

Unknown said...

Oh goodness Rachael!!! Cant anything in this life ever run smoothly? It seems just when we have something wonderful to look forward too, these things seem to happen! I am so glad you are sitting there with your pretty red toes able to go on your trip! I hope you have the best time ever, you deserve it after all of this!!!

Love ya sweets,

Barbara said...

GOODNESS...i'm exhausted just from reading all that!!!

remember to BREATHE!!!!


Anonymous said...

Does seem like you've had your share of rain! Bad week - have a nice break. A cocktail by the pool sounds just like the thing!


Brittany said...

Oh Rachael!! Isn't that the way it always goes....a million things at once!! Do try to relax and have a great time!!


Ps. When you get back, I've left you something at my place!!

Artifax said...

Goodness! What a lot of stressful things are going on right now for you! Sipping cocktails by the pool sounds like the perfect remedy. I hope you have a wonderful, very relaxing vacation!

Cape Cod Washashore said...

MMMMMM -Fiji!!! sorry for all the troubles prior to your departure, but the thought of the bronzed god serving cocktails adds much sweetness to the deal! lol

12 Days of Christmas Swap said...

yes, dear Bloggers it is all true, my poor overworked and over stressed daughter finally got to Fiji, she swam daily to the BAR! for magical cocktails.
I looked after her house, my house, her cat, my cats, two Korean homestay children, cleaned windows, gardened, washed, ironed, made school lunches etc
BUT!!! it was so good being able to be here, and this is what it is
all about, moving closer to the family, so I could be USEFUL.
No, I am not tired, just a tad shattered!