First of all Mum worked in the shop for me so I could have a little sleep in. Thanks Mum!
The Princess and Babes woke me up with a cup of tea, cards and pressies! Babes renewed my Romantic Homes magazine subscription for another year. The Princess bought me pink balloons and champagne shaped bottles of bubbles for us to blow in the air!
Look at the cards she chose for me, one from her and one from Babes. She so has my number dialled!

Here are the pink balloons, gorgeous!

I told Mum I wanted English Lavender plants for my garden and I wanted them done up in cellophane and a bow!! That's exactly what I did get but more!!

Sitting on this pink thing (picked up from the side of the road!) are the rest of my goodies. Loads of cards, all pink and girly themed! And lots of pink, girly and vintage themed goodies as well as money and things for the soul! Very nice!
My brother, sister in law and three nephews gave me this divine butterfly filigree ring. Sorry its the best photo I could get.

Dear Gail gave me, among other bitties, this trinket box with four opening drawers that she 'tarted' up for me.

My bestist friend Sonje made me this gorgeous 50's style apron and had The Rose Room embroidered on the hem line!

Another good friend Kirsty gave me this Pin Money purse. It was really weird because I had seen them on Stephanie's blog, the week of Karla's Romantic Home party and I had coveted them but hadn't told anyone apart from a comment on Stephanie's posting about them.

And then my lovely friend Melanie who helps me in the shop came to work yesterday with these! Are they not gorgeous, art glass sweeties, a whole bowl of them! Actually I had seen them at her house and told her she could give them to me for my birthday and she did!

She also gave me this gorgeous PINK hat!
Yesterday my Paper Doll Dresses arrived from America from my swap partner Michelle. Too gorgeous. This swap was hosted by the talented Heather over at Jewelled Elegance.
The 'Designers Choice' dress was inspired by the black and white swap Michelle had recently participated in and the 'Fall Dress' was inspired by the colours she loves seeing in the beautiful North West Oregon fall.

Thanks so much Michelle, I love them. And thanks to Heather for hosting the swap.
And finally, I've been tagged by Natasha's friends, Jenn and Jacqui. Go check them out, they have recently posted photo's of their utterly and totally gorgeous house, which I can't believe they are moving from!
Actually while you are checking things out, swing by Natasha's, she has just listed the most divine velvet beaded, lavender strawberries in her shop. They are the nicest I have seen and have put them on my wish list!
Anyway, I diverse!
Anyway, I diverse!
Back to tagging, here are the rules:
Link to the person who has tagged you and post these rules. Share 7 facts about yourself, some random, some weird...all devastatingly interesting. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them) Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
Fact No. 1:
Fact No. 1:
I have strange food fetish's. I fixate on a food and then eat mostly that food for months on end! One year I ate a piece of broiled chicken and broad beans almost every single night of the week. Another time was salad and mushrooms for about 3 months! And lately it is plain white rice wrapped in seaweed!! Is that obsessive compulsive behaviour???
Fact No 2.
I like to give my pets and other peoples pets middle names. Don't ask me why, I just do. My friend Gail's dog is Rick, I call him Richard Simon. Among others we have had Riker John, Chance Wilfred and currently Coco Chanel.
Fact No 3.
I hate camping, hate it, hate it! I am strictly a beach house or luxurious, expensive hotel, hot running water, clean private toilets etc get away kind of girl. I went camping once in the early days of my relationship with Babes. I amused our camping friends with my luxury air bed, fitted sheets and matching pillowslips and comforter. Not to mention the many cleansers I had for face and body as there were no showers. I had tried to buy a chemical toilet and solar shower for the two LONG nights we were away but Babes drew the line at that! I HATED it!
Fact No 4.
Fact No 4.
I can't go to sleep without reading. Doesn't matter if I am dog tired, drunk whatever I still have to pick up a book and at least attempt to read a page. Babes will quite often come to bed and find me asleep with book still in hand!
Fact No 5.
I see things, like ghosts. It's true I do. Babes and I used to live in a 1918 railway workers house and a lady wearing a blue dress used to wander up and down our driveway. Recently I have been seeing a black cat that pops out at me from around corners and a lady wearing a long black dress. They don't scare me but I don't want to delve any further into it either. SPOOKY!
Fact No 6.
I am quite superstitious. I have all these rituals and little blessings I do each morning when I open the shop. I don't walk under ladders or open umbrella's inside etc etc. Some of my little rituals are Chinese based. I am more Chinese than some of my Chinese girlfriends!
Fact No 7.
My life has a lot of strange coincidences. Here's the strangest. Babes and I adopted Stella. Stella is the name her birth mother gave her. My Mum and Granny's middle name so happens to be Stella. Stella's birth mum shares the same maiden name as my Mum. Her birth Mum also lived in a street that had the same name as my Granddad's street in another city. Stella was born on my Stepfathers birthday, now how does all of that happen to people who were random strangers until the baby was four days old. Strange . . .
So there you are, 7 weird, scintillating and fascinating things about me!
You are supposed to tag 7 other people but I can only think of, Mum, Karen, Catiean, Barb, Diane. who might not have been tagged.
Thanks for visiting, sorry for going on and on and on, actually that's the 8th thing about me, I do go on and on and on and on . . . !
Happy you are back! I am so sorry you were sick on your birthday! But glad you enjoyed it still :) Your presents are wonderful! I love the pin money purse! And such interesting facts! I love that tag.
Hugs and hope you are feeling better!
Looks like you got some lovely pressies for your birthday!
Happy Birthday Princess!!!!! Love all you got there!
So fun to learn about you, lol I get like that with food though not for a whole year, maybe for about a week! xo
Happy belated birthday! What wonderful presents you received! Oh, I love that little pin money purse! How adorable! Glad I could help you start a new addiction! :0)
Angelic Accents
Hope you had the best birthday yet. Love all your new treasures.
Hi Rachael, Happy (belated)Birthday!! What lovely birthday presents, love the dress! Thank you for joining in on the fun, it was wonderful to learn more about you! We are going over to Etsy now to have a peep at your goodies! Keep well! Jenn and Jacqui xo
Looks like you had quite the lovely birthday!
Happy birthday! You sure got the loot!
I could do soemthing similar with food, if I were on my own. I get on a kick of something and that is all I want- but not healthy stuff like you chose!
LOL...growing up our two dogs...had two names as well! (Gator James and Dingbat Marie!) always said they needed a doggie name and a human name as they were half dog and half human! and as for your hating...camping I'M SOOO THERE WITH YOU GIRLFRIEND!!! I HAVE TRIED AND TRIED IT...but NO...I'M NOT A HAPPY CAMPER!...
Oh what fun presents. I love this pin money purse and of course the cat card.
Looks like you had a very special day.
Hugs Karen
What a wonderful birthday you had with lots of sweet gifts. The pin money purse is too cute and you look very fashionable in your pink hat...I love it. Fun to learn about you, I have to read each night too. Thank you for the nice comments...hope you visit often. Linda
Hi Rachael,
Happy Birthday for the other day!!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog, it was lovely to meet you!
I have to agree with you about camping...give me a motel room any day! Also the reading ~ I have to read a book every night before I can go to sleep too!!
All the best,
Kathy :)
Hi Rachael, thank you for visiting my blog and yes i do believe we have many things in common 2 of which are being gemini, hating camping and I am sure there are plenty more so looking forward to catching your blog often!
Mel xx
Sorry Rachael i must be having a total blonde moment - i read on your profile you are gemini but then i just read your birthday date!! Help i am confused (whats new) anyway Happy Birthday for this month and talk soon, Mel xx
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