Its been a mad two weeks around here, burnt out motherboard, Internet connection accidentally cancelled, crashed the car, Princess has had her adenoids out and grommets inserted and then just to finish it off we both had Head Lice - YUK!!!!
Found this Praying Mantis hanging off a lavender flower and eating a bee!!! Totally fascinating watching it!
Anyway, how's that for randomness!!! lol
Take Care
wow you are one busy lady! I hear you on the head lice thing, my girls school always seems to have it going around, drives me mad. Have a nice break and look forward to your return :0)
Rachael, i hope you have some good things going on too...see you when you get back...take care:)
Yikes!! Take it easy Rachael.....See you when you get back to blogging!
take care
ill miss you
very understandable though
hope you get life sorted real soon
wonderful photo :)
Enjoy your break Rachel, I believe you need it LOL!
Sorry, unbelievabel I spelled your name wrong...
Hope nobody got hurt in the car crash, and that some good things happened during these couple of weeks too.
See you when you get back.
Now I'm off to Google to see what grommets are.
What ever happened to mulit-tasking??
Oh yes you sound like you need a break! Aren't lice just the icing on the shitty cake? My sister once gave them to the whole family twice within 3 months.
Hi Rachael!! I hope you are able to enjoy your break and do some fun things also!! We will miss you!!
Love and hugs,
Hi Rachael enjoy your break. Life sure gets crazy busy sometimes.
Hi Rachael,
It seems when it rains, it pours. Life can be one think after the other sometimes.
I so hope things are balancing out now and you are enjoying your break to regroup.
Look forward to seeing you again soon.
Hugs to you sweet friend.
Celestina Marie
Oh Rachael, such a hectic life! Hope all is well after the car crash.Take your time, hope you'll be recharged when you'll come back.
I came by earlier and saw you were on a break. Just checking in again. Sorry I didn't leave a comment sooner. I hope everything is working out well for you at school, that you're OK from your fender bender, and that you're princess is feeling well now.
wishing you a day of happiness.
Good luck with school!
Wow what a whole lot going on in your life!!! hope everything is getting better and that you are enjoying getting back to normal on your break :)
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