Thursday 18 February 2010

Head Screwed On!

gotta love super glue! Just needs to be day....soon.....

My head back in place too, no super glue used!

The Princess settled easily back into school, loves her new teacher. She is not so keen on the after school care but I'm sure she will get used to it!

I have had my second week as a university student. I have a school bag, a pencil case and a really cool umbrella!!! lol

Just maths so far, you know..... multiplication and division of decimal numbers, fractions, that sort of stuff!!

Had a wee maths test today, will find out how I did tomorrow.

Found some vintage linens in my local op shop yesterday, just gorgeous. Will be refashioning them into bags and other stuff!!! One day.......soon..........

Not this pillowcase though, am going to be keeping this as it is, a beautiful pillowcase for my bed!

And a pile of pretty hankies to be used in my creations as well. One day.....soon.....

oh, I had a little mishap with my laptop, took it upon myself to upgrade the RAM to become speedier and in the process fried the motherboard!!! It had to go to hospital to be fixed by a real computer doctor....... was not good!!!

What else, what else? I had all these little snippets of things to blog about and have forgotten most of them.... oh well.....

I'm sure it will all come to me.... in the middle of the night!!! lol

take care


Aimz said...

ooh love those linens! can't wait to see the finished products

Lori said...

those linens are gorgeous Rachael...i can't wait to see what you do with them!!!

Katrina said...

Good luck with the study! Ouch. I would be no good at it!!

carole brungar said...

What are you studying at uni? I start back on Monday, :(

Alison Gibbs said...

What great linens you have found - such fun turning them into something else
Good Luck with the study

Jen said...

pleased the Princess is nicely settled

all the best in the maths test

nice op shop finds

take a pen and paper to bed and write them down - Ive started to need to do this

The Vintage Kitten said...

Your linens are so pretty, Im looking forward to see what you are going to do with them X

Lindsay's Lounge said...

I'm looking forward to the math results!!

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

So it is official now - you really are a uni student. You have the pencil case to prove it! Seriously though Rachael, I am really pleased you are taking such positive steps in your life. Don't worry about the princess, she will adjust.
Beautiful vintage linens. I love the pillow case.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne

Monica said...

Hello Rachel,
Loooove the cherub as is!!!! Shabby chic ;)))
And those hankies too!
I have you added on my blogroll, so I can visit more often, hope it is OK. Can't believe you weren't already there :((

Alicia ~ time worn style said...

Yikes on the maths test, I think that would make me drop out all together urrrgh! glad Uni is going well though, I'm sure princess will get used to after school care pretty quickly!

Fete et Fleur said...

Glad to here the princess is settling in well. Sounds like you are too. How exciting for you. It's amazing how much math we forget as adults. I was recently teaching some math concepts and had to keep checking to make sure I was doing it right.

Sorry about your computer!


Katy said...

hey love your blog! I am going to mess with those chandelier shades, but I'm not sure how yet... using more green pom poms is always an excellent idea! :)

Heather ~Pretty Petals said...

Your linens are simply beautiful! Good luck in your classes... :) Have a great weekend! xoxo Heather

Grace said...

What fabulous linens you found! Good luck with your studies Grace

Joan - South Island, New Zealand. said...

Those old linens are beautiful.
Looking forward to seeing your creativity in action here!
Have a good break.