Wednesday 12 August 2009

Gifts from Afar

During the general turmoil of my life over the last few months I have received some lovely gifts from afar.

A while back my Mum went to Armenia for a holiday. I know, who goes to Armenia for a holiday, only my Mum...and her friend!!!

Anyway, she brought me back this set of Russian Dolls.... (I did ask for them!) and....

a pair of woven slippers and heaps of other lovely bits and pieces like earrings and little salt pots that I have forgotten to photograph.

At the same time Mum was in Armenia, my best friend Mary Thistle was touring Europe. She honoured my request for a French house and garden mag. Its absolutely divine and doesn't matter that I barely understand it - lol!!

Also a Moet champagne stopper, actually I asked for that as well!!!

and best of the best, this exquisite set of postcards, be sure to click to enlarge, they truly are incredible. I am going to frame them for my new apartment..... another story there!

Gamma (Babes Mum) who lives in Cairns got busy knitting and sent this jumper she made for me, I am not doing it justice in this photo, it really is lovely and I really am not that square and boxy looking!!! However I am that tired looking!!!

and this one for the Princess along with the hat, she of course looks gorgeous in her photo!!!

Life is just mad right now, my head spins from it all. We are all still stunned from Granddads sudden death, especially poor Amah. I have all sorts of other stuff going on too, some good, some bad but working through it all.

The Princess is doing ok. Her wee world has been rocked badly this year, Granddads death compounding it but overall she is ok so long as she has Mummy, Daddy or Amah firmly in her sight.

Denny, Linley and Patricia if you are reading this I will get in touch soon, I promise.

Thanks to all of you for the beautiful supportive comments regarding Granddads passing and also for the support in general for the Princess and myself.

Back soon

Take Care....


Lori said...

what wonderful gifts Rachael, the little dolls are really sweet...i love those postcards, they are just girls both look cute in your new sweaters!!!

Alison Gibbs said...

Hi Rachael, thanks for visiting my blog. It is amazing how we cope with life when our world is turned upside down like yours has been.
You are doing so well

Sugar Bear said...

What fabulous gifts. I hope they brightened your day a bit. I do not think you are tired looking!

Fete et Fleur said...

Sweet Rachel,

This has been one of the hardest years for us too! My heart and thoughts are with you and your beautiful daughter.


LiLi M. said...

Somehow I missed your grandfathers' sudden death, my heartfelt though belated condolences. You and your family are having a tough time aren't you, one thing after another. I do hope now everything goes up again. Mmm I would almost say that the only way is up from here. I loved hearing again from you and now I see that you have posted again too, that's good! I am not amazed that you look a tad tired, who wouldn't after going through what you did. Now take care of yourself! Your daughter looks simply stunning again. Oh to be young :-D (Well I am young, I always tell my children, but they don't believe me, would you?)
Take care Rachel!

Aimz said...

Love that jersey, your mother in law must be one clever lady to knit that. So glad you're holding on Rachel.

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Rachael,
You have some wonderful gifts to enjoy. I love the dolls and all the gorgeous details. You and your dear daughter look lovely in your new outfits. I just adore the slippers too. They remind me of the style my grandma used to make. I know you are loving them too.

Stay stong my friend, I know you have not had an easy time of it lately, but through it all you show such courage and grace. It is an inspiration and blessing.

Thoughts and prayers continue for you.
Have a great rest of the week.

Thanks for stopping by and your kind comment. It is always great to see you.
Hugs, Celestina Marie

Barbara said...

sending my love!!!!

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

The gifts are are wonderful. I especially like the little dolls. I thought they only made them in bright colors, and these colors are so pretty! I am so sorry for your grandfather's passing. This has been a hard year for you, but I am so impressed with your great attitude. I will be anxious to hear about your new apartment and what you do with those postcards. Princess looks lovely!

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

I too look that tired but don't have the nice jumper!!!! lol!
My Belated condolences about your grandfather...never easy is it??
Hope things start cruising along for you soon