Tuesday 16 December 2008

On the third day of Christmas

Hazel from Nelson sent to me . . .

a Christmas Pudding . . .

recipe and

and two dear little Christmas Puddings (phew - thought I would have to cook something!).

One made from sequins and one hand stitched felt.

They are so, so very cute - thanks Haze!!!

If you read my last post you will see I am so not ready for this party

and if you continue to read this post you will see that nothing changed overnight (I watched Desperate Housewives instead of decorating!!!)

So anyway, the front door is open, come on in

mind the vacuum cleaner, well actually if you could see your way clear to just . . .

never mind, here is the grown up tree, all balls and beads this year, note the lack of pressies under it, that because . . .

and moving right along, still in the grown up room, the mantle, mine and The Princess's stockings (sorry Babe's nothing for you!). See the blue tack dots, I had thingies hanging up there, didn't realise until I was editing the photo that they had fallen off, oh well . . .

into the family room, the hutch, I couldn't show you the whole thing as the sewing machine is sitting in front of it, its been there for weeks!!! Can you just make a start on folding that huge pile of laundry for me . . . no well, I will tell you a wee story then

This sweet but worn little nativity set belonged to my Granny. When I was a little girl I used to love to play with it at Christmas time. It now belongs to Mum but is having a little visit with us. On Saturday the Princess told me she had been playing with it and Joseph and Baby Jesus had gone on holiday to a stable while Mary stayed at home and had a rest!!! Love it!!!

Right oh, up the stairs we go, not much up here, just this white tinsel tree with pink and silver decorations in the Princess's room. Which reminds me, I need to put the topper on it!!!

I'll leave you with this Christmas Prayer, embroidered by my Mum.

Have a great day, bye for now



~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Thank you for sharing; I especially like the little nativity that you played with as a child....
So very sweet!
Merry Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Rachael! I love your tree! So pretty!

Lori said...

thanks for sharing your pretty little Christmas!!! i love the tree the princess has in her room, it is lovely indeed!!!

bluemuf said...

Rachael, I just love the Christmas puddings. That is so creative and a recipe as well.

Your not doing too bad with the decorating, I think it looks very nice and feastive.

Hugs Karen

12 Days of Christmas Swap said...

What about my present that you are supposed to be making??

Pink Slippers said...

That CHRISTmas prayer is so cute. Some things like that you almost want to keep up all year long. And the tree for your Princess too!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Rachael, Oh I always love your creative posts. Your tree is beautiful and also the tinsel tree is very special.
I also love your noel banner and the nativity you played with as a child.
Your mother's prayer is very special and I am sure that is precious to you.
Blessings to you and yours for a very Merry Christmas.
Thank you for stopping by, it is always so nice to see you.
Hugs, Celestina Marie

Celestina Marie said...

Hi again Rachael,
Forgot to say how wonderful the Christmas puddings are, and so creative.
Thank you for sharing.
Celestina Marie

12 Days of Christmas Swap said...

Rachael you are such a busy little beaver. Don't wear yourself out. Remember your mothers pressie now.
Cheers Hazel

Aimz said...

yum! Christmas pudding, hope you're having it with custard! We still haven't put our tree up yet, we're such slackers...

Bethany said...

I loved your post...relax it all looks wonderful and the vacation story your dear princess told about the nativity is priceless!!!!!
The tree looks lovely and that garland is too cute :)
I'm so happy to have come by to visit you and take in your decor!!

Heather ~Pretty Petals said...

Hi Rachel, so glad you invited us in! I love that tinsel tree in Princess's room! adorable!!!

Have a very merry christmas! thanks for joining the party.. xoxo

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Hi Rachel,
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in your part of NZ. Hope you all have a lovely festive season. My gosh your little 'Princess' is growing up so quickly.

Linda said...

I love the banner on your hutch and the stockings on the mantel.
Did you make yours too? What a sweet tree for your sweet girl....it was fun visiting...hugs, Linda