Monday 29 December 2008

Christmas Day 2008

We had the most wonderful Christmas Day this year. Happy in every sense of the word. It started very early at 6am with one very excited Princess squealing in delight at the present laden pillowcase Santa left at the foot of her bed and at the chomped up bits of carrot the 'reindeer' had spat out all over the front lawn!!!!

Santa was generous but very sensible this year. The Princess got a scooter to encourage outdoor activity and Junior Scrabble for us all to play with and extend our minds!!!

She did get loads of gifts from the rest of the family but fortunately lots of books and activity type things.

My Mum stayed the night and Babes grandmother (Amah) came over to watch the present opening early morning! I was in the this photo but it was hideous so I cropped it!! Love that cropping tool!!

Even though it was very hot and sunny we had a traditional Christmas dinner, turkey and trimmings. Here it is uncooked on the kitchen floor, it was a whopper and the pan wouldn't fit on the bench.

And then cooked, still on the floor - I did wash the floor the night before!

My Mum set the table, it looked gorgeous, we used a table cloth and napkins Jean my mother in law had made and sent from Australia to use on Christmas Day.

Christmas was extra special this year because we invited our Chinese friends to share it with us and our extended family. It was their first experience of a traditional European Christmas and Christmas dinner so it was wonderful to see it through their eyes. (The children's glasses are Sparkling Grape Juice - looks like wine!!!)

The children even had a special visit from Santa, they couldn't believe what they were seeing!!!

In true Christmas fashion, the aftermath of Christmas Day, the trashed present opening room!

I've really enjoyed catching up with you all and seeing what you did for Christmas Day.

For my next post I will show you what I got for Christmas and the gifts I made for people.

I'm off to finish a dress I am making for my little 2 year old niece Miss Georgia Mary Fairy!!!

Till next time,

Bye . . .



Anonymous said...

Hello Rachel,
Thank you for stopping by my place,yes she is the cutest and i am having so much fun with her.
Your Christmas Day looks like a movie just dreamy...i love the children's faces when Santa popped in what a fabulous picture and the table setting just perfect.
Love Kristina XxX

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

The childrens faces looking up to Santa is adorable!

I look forward to catching up with your gifts.

Victoria x

Lori said...

what a wonderful Christmas you had!!! i love the picture of the girls gazing at santa with wonder on their sweet faces:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Yes, I kind of fell off the radar there for awhile, lol.
That picture of the kids with Santa is absolutely precious!!! I'm glad you had a nice Christmas and I hope you have a nice New Year's too! :)


bluemuf said...

Hi Rachael, What fun you all had this Christmas. You can't beat watching the look of wonder on the faces of children. It makes the day.

Wow, that was one big turkey and it looks so good.

Hugs Karen

rochambeau said...

Looks like you had a spectacular Christmas Rachael! Your daughter is a beautiful princess!
Here's to a wonderful 2009!!

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

It looked like you had a fabulous time. The children are adorable and your table looked wonderful. The turkey looks yummy! Now I'm hungry!

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

It looked like you had a fabulous time. The children are adorable and your table looked wonderful. The turkey looks yummy! Now I'm hungry!

Cape Cod Rambling Rose said...

Dear Rachel! I am happy to heaer you all have a fabulous Christmas! What a busy but loving day it looks like you had! Your little Princess is SO CUTE!!!! Our present-opening room is STILL trashed, despite my efforts to re-arrange it back to normal each night. =0 lol

Have a Joyous New Year 2009!!! hugs!

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

pleased you a had a lovely Christmas and how wonderful to share it with your Chinese friends :)

May God bless you

MelMel said...

Hi there, was ill over christmas, so popping by to say hi!

Looks like you all had great fun!xxx

Sugar Bear said...

It looks like you had a wonderful holiday. The dinner on the floor cracks me up!

Betty said...

It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas Rachael! Have a happy, happy New Year!!

Beth Leintz said...

Glad you had a nice Christmas- where is your scooter so you can roll with Princess?

I love the picture of you with the turkey- it looks like you're talking to it- "Cook Damn It, Cook"

Aimz said...

hey Rachael, looks like you're all having fun there. Your princess sure has grown tall...

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Mmmmm....home cooked turkey. It looks wonderful Rachael and even more special because it was shared with family and friends. Isn't this the spirit of Christmas.

The Muse said...

Glorious Greetings...can i say how much i loved this post! I feel as if i have been bathed in the merriment of the season...thank you for sharing your family moments with us...and also for visiting my blog....

i dare say the highlight is the turkey on the floor LOL i loved that part!

Anonymous said...

Thrilled to see at you all had a wonderful chrissie!! the kids look like they are having a BLAST!!!

Unknown said...

Oh Rachael! What a beautiful Christmas you had! I love how happy your princess looks! What a little beauty!

Love the turkey on the floor too, lol! That looks like something I would do!

I am so glad you all had such a wonderful time, you have been through so much this year!

Love you,

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Oh it al looks so festive and happy and wonderful!!!!

Linda said...

What a happy Christmas! Your table looked ao beautiful....I loved the gold candles and the picture of the girls with Santa is priceless. I had to laugh, my living room looked like yours after all the was fun....hugs, Linda