Our family is not having a very good time at the moment, we are ricocheting from one disaster to another.
Sometime towards the end of September (forgotten date)my Stepfather was admitted to hospital by ambulance as he was very sick and blood tests taken showed his blood to be all skewiffy.
Sometime towards the end of September (forgotten date)my Stepfather was admitted to hospital by ambulance as he was very sick and blood tests taken showed his blood to be all skewiffy.
On arrival in ED he was still speaking clearly if somewhat muddled and was attempting to eat. He could still walk.
The medical staff have told us it is a miracle that he survived it. The sad thing is he did survive it as the damage done is irreversible. A CAT scan showed his brain is now very small, he is bed ridden, incontinent and can only eat small amounts of pureed food. He sleeps most of the time but on occasion does wake up and tries to talk. I am quite sure he understands a lot of what we tell him when he is awake.
Unfortunately he has gangrene on one foot but will not be operated on as he would not survive an operation.
He is dying and is receiving palliative care at a very nice private hospital. He is being kept comfortable, clean and pain free. It is a shocking thing to witness. I really hope he slips away before there is further deterioration.
Then last Saturday one of my Mum's beloved cats was run over, dear little Hamish. My Mum was devastated as we all were, being animal lovers.
Then last Saturday one of my Mum's beloved cats was run over, dear little Hamish. My Mum was devastated as we all were, being animal lovers.
Just to top it off Mum had emergency surgery last Tuesday night for something called a femoral hernia.
She went to her Doc on Tuesday, she had found a large lump in her groin area. She had an ultra sound that afternoon and I had to take her to hospital at 4.30pm, she was operated on at 7.30pm. Apparently this kind of hernia can be very nasty if the bowel becomes involved and can also cut off blood supply. Fortunately her bowel was not involved so it was a straight forward if very painful surgery. She is recovering well.
I am cheering myself up with a little skullduggery! A house in our street has these wonderful yellow roses growing on the outside of their fence line. I have been picking them in the dead of the night for our house and my stepfathers room. I figure I am doing the rightful owners a favour by encouraging growth. They smell heavenly!
I am cheering myself up with a little skullduggery! A house in our street has these wonderful yellow roses growing on the outside of their fence line. I have been picking them in the dead of the night for our house and my stepfathers room. I figure I am doing the rightful owners a favour by encouraging growth. They smell heavenly!
Mum and I did take a nice trip two weeks ago to Dunedin for my Great Aunt and Uncle's 60th wedding anniversary. It was a wonderful family reunion. My cousin Cheryl has the most wonderful old fashioned garden and she made Mum and I beautiful tussie mussies to bring home to Auckland. Here is mine on my dining table.

Sometime back in September my brother who lives in Australia flew his 14 year old female Jack Russell to us as he can not have her on the mining site he is working at. Her name is Tilly and she has adapted so well to being with us. Its lovely to have a dog again, first time we have had such a little one, our last one was a Boxer!

The extent of my creativity at the moment runs only to arranging The Princess's dinner in a creative way to entice her into eating well!

Thank you also much for the lovely supportive comments that have been left. So appreciated. I have been lurking in the background keeping up with what you are all doing and as always it has been a lovely escape from my real world.
Take Care
p.s blogger is being funny with font types and sizes in this post.
Hello Rachael, Oh my what a post, it's nice to hear from you again, but I sure wish you had some better news. Too sad for your stephfather and to you too. I do hope to that he gets the chance to slip away quietly. I hope your mother is on the mend now. It's good that you still can enjoy the little beautiful things in life such as those lovely yellow roses. Take care!
Hi Rachael,
I've missed your quirky charm ...glad to have you back in blogland.
Boy you really have had a hard time of it - life is just like that sometimes!! Tilly has the most gorgeous little face and I bet having a canine friend in the house again is a real joy.
Hope things improve for your family. Pop on over to my blog if you have time, as I am having a giveaway.
Rachel, i am so sorry about everything that is on your plate right now...i will pray that your stepfather passes peacefully and hope that he is well taken care of...i hope your mom is on the mend and doing well, i am so sorry about what happened to her kitty...your new dog is cute:)
Dear Rachael, I will still be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. This is a very difficult time for all of you,
Hugs Karen
I'm so sorry to hear that so much bad is happening right now. Prayers and thoughts are with you.
That really is a rollercoaster ride,I will keep you in my prayers.
Take care of yourself
so sorry for your trouled time. I know it is hard. What a great mom you are making food fun! It was nice to see you posted as I have been thinking of you. Hugs.
So sorry to hear about this news. I'm glad you have been able to find some bright spots during this time. I know what it is to watch a beloved one waste away. My heart is with you.
praying for you and your family
this is so hard for all of you
I am praying for your stepfather
and your Mum
what a very stressful time for you
I would pick those roses during the day if they are growing outside their fence line then I think you should be entitled too.
Mind you I know that thats easier said than done
bless you for getting them for your stepfather - beautiful
So nice for you and your mum to get with other family
Tilly is a cutie
LOVE the look of your princess dinner I do that sometimes
praying for you sweetheart
keep in touch
Oh my you have had your hands full-prayers for you and your family for strength at a tough time.
And I pray you don't get caught clipping the neighbors roses...
And I want you to fix me a "princess plate".
Sending you love and prayers!
Sorry about all your troubles Rachael. I will keep you in my prayers!
oh rachael..poor you, bad things do seem to happen in batches dont they.It all must be heartbreaking to witness.I wish you all the best.x
Hi Rachael, You certainly have had an awful time of late. I was thinking about you a few weeks ago wondering how things were going so Im glad to see you back with an update. Its very sad news about your stepfather. I hope your mum is on the mend. Im also so sorry about the loss of the cat. We have lost 4 cats (2 run over, 1 kitten died at birth and another at 7 weeks and we had to have our dog put to sleep a few days before christmas last year and we were absolutely devastated. Losing pets is just as hard as losing loved ones. Sending hugs from the UK Take Care X
Oh my what a time you are having.
My thoughts and prayers are with you...Such a sad time.
Glad to see you are still taking Joy in the simple things...Those yellow flowers look beautiful
Hi Rachael , i have been checking by for updates and am so sorry to hear what is going on over there. It really is a tragedy when things like this happen, extremely sad, am going through something similar although not as bad with my 86 yo dad. I hope and pray that you can find peace and if it means pinching a few yellow roses in the middle of the night so be it. If they were my roses i would give you the lot ! Take care and its nice you have that little doggy to cuddle up and weep with if it all gets too much + us of course, Mel xxx
Beautiful roses Rachael! I've been thinking about you lately, so sorry all these things are going on in your family. When it rains it pours eh?
You are going through many battles. I will be praying for you and your family. Just spread that love.
Auntie Ngahuia - poor Pat! It's so sad.Hope you and Lizit are coping alright, thinking of you all.Love ya lots, Denny.
Hi Rachael....I took a little time away and have been trying to catch up.
You have been having ups and downs....I'm so sorry about your stepfather..it's a sad time I hope he is resting comfortably. I'm glad your mom is doing better and continues to improve each day and continue to pick those roses or do whatever you need to do to brighten your day...sending hugs, Linda
Thanks for checking in Rachael! I'm so sorry you guys are going thru this with your father-in-law. So hard.
The yellow roses are just beautiful!
GOODNESS...MY PRAYERS AND LOVE ARE HEADING YOUR WAY! Maddysen LOVED the meal you arranged for the Princess...and wishes to come dine at YOUR PLACE...LOL...
big hugz!!!
So sorry to hear about the rough and trying times dear lady. I so wish I could give you a hug...I will be saying prayers for you all for the loss and difficult times with your dear father. Please know you are very loved. The sweet smile you made for your little princess is one I hope you are able to carry in your heart. Sending big {{hugs}} and prayers.xxoo
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