Thursday 24 January 2008

Sunny Summer Days

Actually it was overcast and had been raining but that didn't stop The Princess and her 9 year old twin cousins from having a quick play in the pool last night.

Its hot and sunny today and I am about to do the ironing . . . maybe . . .


Just Between Us Girls said...

OOOh thank you so much. I cannot wait to get that little stocking holder. I have had my eye on it for sometime. It must be soooo hot there. It is like 5 degrees outside here. I want to be there.
Thank you for all your comments. Your a DARLING....

Alison Gibbs said...

Rain, hail or shine I think the kids would still play in the pool if you let them. looks like they are having fun.
Ironing, yuck!!!

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

how wonderful for her to be able to spend time with her cousins

Gina said...

How fun!

Adla said...

Your lil princess knows how to have fun in this weather..I'm sure it is as hot there as it is in Perth! Nothing like a cool dip in the pool

Beth Leintz said...

Hot & sunny there, huh? It's freezing cold here and might snow-- it's almost like we lived on opposite sides of the world- oh, I guess we do.

But your package arrived safely today- thanks for energy bars (that's my PC way of saying cookie)- we may need them as we're assembling! I don't believe I've ever eaten a cookie from NZ!

the said...

Pool ?! That would for frozen solid if that was here, its 20 degrees tonight !

Enjoy the sun :) you lucky girl !!

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Hi Rachael,
Thanks for visiting my blog. How lucky you are to have your own boutique (yes, I read your profile - very nice one and cute picture too).

Looks like the kids are having some fun. It's cold here in California and rainy where I live.

My Grandmother came over from NZ when she was 8 and she & my great-grandparent's originally lived in Christchurch.

Have fun in the sun!

Aimz said...

oh what a neat pool! Well it certainly has been scorching weather for it :-)

Lori said...

how fun!!! i am glad to see someone having warm weather...i am under piles of snow and i am freezing...just waiting for spring...

A Romantic Porch said...

Dear Rachael, I am so excited to have found your blog. From reading your profile, it looks like we have a lot in common! I love your blog, and I will be back to visit again soon! I have a tiny boutique inside an antique mall called "A Romantic Porch". Have a wonderful day! <3 Rachel

Barbara said...

oh oh looks soooo WARM there! temp this morning is -4F and -much colder package from me shipped yesterday....let me know when you get it! of course there is a package withing for the princess!


Merci-Notes said...

Sunshine! Oh how lovely!!!
maybe you should soak up a bit of the sun vitamins and do the ironing in the evening...(like that would work for me ehheh!)

With kindness,

Sugar Bear said...

Looks like fun! I could use some summer weather about now!

bluemuf said...

Oh, so lovely to have warm weather. The children look like they are having so much fun. I hope if you are ironing it's fun stuff like lace, doilies, linens, or vintage fabric.


Anonymous said...

How fun!! We have a pool just like that....It's about 55 and rainy over here....

Bethany said...

Oh boy does that ever look like fun! It's quite the opposite where I am with the wind whipping like crazy and the temp dropping moment by moment! Thank you for the sunny fun post to send some warmth my way :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachael, how sweet to see the kiddies playing so carefree in the summer, such fun they look to be having :) Forget the ironing, that can wait!! Jenn and Jacqui

Linda said...

Playing in the pool is always fun...even in the rain. I miss the sun, we've had nothing but rain for nearly 2 weeks. We need the the water so the rain is good but a sunny day would be nice too.
Have fun ironing...I love to iron. Everyone thinks I'm crazy...but it something I really like to do. Hugs,Linda

Anonymous said...

It si soooo cold here in the States right now. What a dream to be out in a pool! I love the party idea. Thakns for sharing!

CIELO said...

ahhhhhh, I can't believe what my eyes are seeing there!! Summer??? kids playing in the pool?????? burrrrrr! I'm freezing here! Yuck!

Thanks for bringing some sunshine my way!



Unknown said...

Oh how i long to go outside and be HOT! Hoe adorable are those sweeties swimming! Wonderful!! It looks like so much fun!

Love ya,

Katie said...

Finally found a moment to come visit, what a wonderful blog you have! Your fairy princess is so sweet! I enjoyed my visit very much! Katie

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Ahhh for the warm days of summer. It is dreary & gray here! It is fun to see the kids frolicking around in the pool!

Angelic Accents