Tuesday 8 January 2008

A Good Catch Up

We are back from our little summer break at the beach. The Princess and I are still supposed to be there but we came home a few days earlier because of some appointments I had forgotten about!

But not to worry because it is raining anyway!!!

Its a good time to do a bit of catching up, like do the draw for my December give away. The winner of this gorgeous, if I do say so myself, oyster pink quilted satin bag is . . .

The lovely Barbara Burkard of 123 Lavender Lollipop Lane. Yahee for Barb!!! If you haven't visited Barb best you do, she is another incredibly talented lady in the land of Bloglandia.

I wasn't the only one who was late doing their December draw. So was Ms Karla Nathan of Karla's Cottage. She also did hers today and GUESS WHAT????? It's me, I'm Karla's winner. Yahee for me!!!!

Speaking of give aways, Catie at Catieans Corner is having a give away to celebrate her birthday and her 75th post. Go visit Catie and enter her give away. She's a lovely lady and super generous, I can vouch for that as I have been on the receiving end of her generosity in a previous swap. Happy belated birthday wishes dear Catie.

The only crafting I have done since Christmas is my recipe for Karla and Beth's Sweet Treats Swap. Here is my copy, a few embellishments tonight and its good to go (in the post)!

The beach was great, sun, surf and sand not to mention yummy food, wine and good company!

We hardly saw The Princess, two big girls live in the front house of the beach section and she spent the entire time with them.

However, every Princess needs a little time out for quiet reading!

We were off to visit a gypsy fair (sorry forgot to take photo's of it!). The Princess is showing off her new lip gloss! At 4 years old!!!!!

We walked down to the beach everyday, the water is so warm. Good surf too so we would take the Body Boards down. So much fun.

The estuary is a nice safe place for wee ones to swim and play, build sand castles, collect shells and dig to China as someone tried to do here in this huge hole The Princess found.

The only day I remembered to take the camera down to the beach and it was overcast! This was taken at about 6.30pm, during the day it was jam packed with people.

I wanted to share with you the beautiful soft golden sand we have on most of our East Coast beaches.

This is the main beach looking out to rocks and Islands, when the sun is shining it is glorious.

Another reason we came home earlier was on New Years Day, Babes fell of the back of a jet ski and lost his only pair of prescription glasses that we had all told him to take off! He spent the rest of the holiday in a long distance blur!

Coco our cat was really happy to see us home, for all of 5 minutes before she returned to her normal feral state!

My salad garden that Mum diligently watered for me has run wild! I made the mistake of planting a zucchini in a small space!!! My rocket, coriander and basil are all going to seed in the heat and then rain.

I adore roses but I also love lavender. I thought I would share one of my lavender's with you.

Each year I harvest the crop, the corner of my living room where this basket of drying lavender sits smells divine.

Once its dry I de-seed it and use it for my lavender hearts and other crafts. Gorgeous!

Did any of you make New Year's resolutions??

Mum and I don't so much as make resolutions but list our objectives for the year.

Some of mine are:
  • Be Happy
  • Be Healthy
  • De Clutter & Re-Style My House
  • Re-Style My Gardens
  • Start a Scrapbook for The Princess
  • Make Money
We shall see!!!

Maybe at the end of each month I will post an evaluation of my progress, now that might be a good motivator.

Oh, start commenting for my January Give Away, I'll post a photo of the prize sometime this week!

p.s. I had 200+ blog updates on my Google Reader when I got back from holiday. I have visited all of you and left comments on very few otherwise I would still be here next January catching up!!!

Happy New Year dear Bloggy Friends, may it be all that you wish and hope for xo


Alison Gibbs said...

Rachael sounds like you had a great little holiday. Thanks for sharing the photos from it.
Congratulations and lucky you to win Karla's giveaway.
Love The Princess's Lip Gloss.

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

sounds like you had a wonderful summer holiday

I like lavender too

congratulations on your prize


Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Hi Rachael,
Welcome back and Happy New Year.

Lucky you to have your mum taking care of the garden while you were away. That Lavender looks fantastic and I guess the bonus is they are fairly drought tolerant. I know my roses and lavenders seem to be the only thing thriving in the horrendous high 30's and 40+ heat we are enduring in Melbourne at present.

Ruth Welter said...

Ah Rachael, all these photos of the beach and garden...make me jealous. I'm so looking forward to spring here. Glad you had a nice break.

bluemuf said...

So glad you enjoyed your holiday, it sounded great. A beautiful sandy beach. Your recipe page is lovely and the recipe sounds wonderful. And, isn't it nice that you came home and found out you won Karla's giveaway. Congrats

Hugs Karen

Unknown said...

What beautiful pictures of your princess! I LOVE lavender!!

Congratulations on winning Karla's giveaway! I am so happy for you!

Rachael, I just want to thank you so much for your kindwords, support and understanding. It means the world to me. Your email made me cry because it was so nice to receive from someone who understands me! Granted, I am so SORRY that you know what it feel like. I am taking things one day at a time, just trying to get through each day. Glad when each day is over!!

Thank you so much again Racheal! I love you and you are in my prayers too. We can support each other :)

Tons of hugs and smiles,

Sugar Bear said...

Love the lavender! Your recipe card looks great! Did you do the back of yours as well? I am debating if I should do both sides of mine.

Aimz said...

I think I know where you went to, some of the scenery looks a bit familiar. We've also been at the beach too, hasn't the weather been wonderful? until now...

Miss Rhea said...

Glad you had such a lovely holiday !! It looks so beautiful there !! Congratulations on your win from Karla. :)

Anonymous said...

I have made the usual resolution to lose 20 lbs, at least, this year :). Hey, great idea about the lavenday. I grow it, and love it among the roses, but I never have harvested it like you do. I will this summer. We are in the 30s here and have lots of snow that does not stick, but just keeps us cooold.

Anonymous said...

Canu please tell me how you do your lavender, I to love lavender and have a garden full. I would love to know. Thanks.

black eyed susans kitchen said...

That was a wonderful post. I think I have your cats twin over here in New Jersey...Pixie. They look exactly alike! Your Princess is adorable and your garden makes me yearn for springtime. Glad you had such a nice holiday. Susan

Linda said...

Hi Rachael, enjoyed seeing all the great pictures from your holiday...sounds like it was a wonderful.
Your garden is sure flourishing and what a beautiful lavender bush..I love it's yummy fragrance too.
Congrats on your win..enjoy. Linda

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachael, welcome home :) The beach is beautiful, looks like The Princess had so much fun in the sand, hope you got to really relax too. Congrats on winning Karla's giveaway, you lucky girl! Love your lavender, reminds me of our Pa, he had a lavender hedge and always let Jacqui harvest it when she was little, it was so cute them collecting the lavender together in a basket, then she would run inside to Nanna and they would fill and sew little lavender sachets together! Thanks for jogging my memory :) Well back into the swing of things, we hope this year will be a really wonderful one for you all :) Jenn and Jacqui

Heather ~ Pretty Petals said...

Hi Rachael! Looks like you had lots of fun at the beach.... oh what I wouldn't give for a hot sunny day!! lol

Your recipe looks so nice! I still need to work on mine. Can't wait to get those lovely books!

xo Heather

the said...

I love looking at your pics, and the lavendar. I love it, I grow it too and dry it.
Congrats :)

kattz*cottage said...

Hi Rachael!
The beach looks like such fun & the pictures of Princess are Precious! Sure makes me wish it were summer here! I love your New Year's Resolutions - great choices!


Brittany said...

Rachael, your holiday sounds wonderful!! The Princess looks so sweet with her lipgloss!! Your lavendar also looks marvelous. What would we do without our mothers? And finally, lucky you on winning Karla's drawing!!

p.s. I left you a little something on my latest post:)

Sandra Evertson said...

What a beauty she is!
Sandra Evertson

kari and kijsa said...

Sounds like a wonderful relaxing holiday...makes us wish we had our toes in warm sand too!!

kari & kijsa

Alison Gibbs said...

Hi Rachael, me again!!
Check out my blog I have given you the Spread The Love Award.

Just Between Us Girls said...

Dear Rachael....
OOO your darling princess is such a beauty...love her pink hat. I also love the fact that you harvest your own lavender which is just the best I am sure. Thank you again and again for your comments. I always look forward to hearing from you. Have a lovely day. Pat

Barbara said...

your pictures are splendid...overcast gives that special light cast! and YEAH ME...that little purse is DIVINE!!! (and all mine!!!)

thank you!!! big hugz

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

It looks like you had a lovely time!! :)

Anonymous said...

How do you get you rosemary so big? Mine died!! HELP!


Congrads on winning the give away!

karlascottage.typepad.com said...

Your giveaway gift is pictured on my blog right now, don't peek if you want a surprise. I will pack it in the Sweet Treats package when we mail those out.

Cape Cod Washashore said...

Oh what fun beach photos! Your little Princess (with shimmery lips!) is soooo cute! =)

I just love your basket of lavender! When I moved to the house we are in right now, I had a patch of what I thought was lavender in the yard... come to find out, when it grew, it was rosemary! heehee

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

I want to come with you to the beach! I can smell the lavender all the way across the big pond! It looks heavenly.