Saturday 15 December 2007

On the Second Day of Christmas

On the second day of Christmas Melanie from Germany gave me, a beautifully wrapped gift from under the tree!

I tell you my own Christmas wrapping this year is going to be up graded - a lot!!!
I was having a little quiet time in bed this morning when The Princess raced in saying "Mummy we have to open no.2" I like this 'we business', translation, she has to open number 2! I wish I had been more on to it because I would have organised 12 gifts for her. Never mind, next year . . anyway, its working out, she opens, I photograph and we are both happy!

Melanie created the most incredible handmade journal. Mum and I have not seen anything quite like it before. The spine is made of thin skewers and each page is 'woven' through the skewers. It is truly amazing.

Sorry the photo's are not great, they are taken on my white bed sheets! But this will give you an idea of how the pages are woven together.

I think I'm going to use this as an photograph album for the 12 swap gifts.

Its been a lovely week for receiving!!!
You all know that I have a Princess, well I am also a Princess. I attended Natasha's Virtual Vintage prom and was crowned a Princess at the end of it.
I have proof I am a Princess, I have mail addressed to me using my title!

My Princess gift from Natasha is this incredible beaded hair pin, I love the big pearls and gold tones it has, highly fitting for a Princess and suits my natural (and un-natural) colouring!!!!
Did you make it Natasha??

Thank you Melanie and Natasha for the most beautiful of gifts.
Call back tomorrow for the Third Day of Christmas gift.


Linda said...

What fun. The journal is beautiful and I love your hair pin, just gorgeous.
Wishing you and Princess a happy day...Linda

Natasha Burns said...

Love the journal, wow how clever is it!
Glad you like the pin, yes I did make it!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Love that journal and your Prom Princess gifts!! Natasha is sooo talented!!

Aimz said...

Gorgeous journal! btw your treats are going down well here, I'm actually getting to pamper myself with the soap and shower gel :-)

karri said...

popping by to tell you and your beautiful princess happy holidays!!! i wish your family a beautiful christmas!
hugs, karri

Pineapple Villa said...

Your little princess will have wonderful memories of these times, very precious, Mel xxx

kari and kijsa said...

What fun- and your model is an angel! Love the journal, and Natasha is sooo talented!!

Merry Christmas blessings,
kari & kijsa

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachael, this is such fun following your posts! Beautiful pin and journal, Princess would be delighted with this! Jenn and Jacqui