Sunday 11 November 2007

A Bit of This and a Bit of That

First of all I have to thank you all for the beautiful caring comments you left on my previous post. When I first started blogging I had no idea of the supportive, caring community the blogging world is.

I really hope that in some way my story will help some one else going through a similar experience. It always feel better if you know you are not the only one out there!

Now, moving right along . . .

The other night The Princess put on an impromptu fashion parade for us.

Isn't she just so very divine.

I love the way she co-ordinates her outfits and her perfect poses!

This photo is gorgeous, she wants to be a ballerina and is trying to stand on her toes!

Thrifting has had slim pickings lately but I did pick up this little vintage china angel. She is so sweet. Sorry about my bad photography, I took a 100 photo's of her (slight exaggeration) and this is about the best I can do!

I also got this book titled 'A Proper Tea' by Joanna Isles. Its wonderful, a must for tea lovers! And it has the most fabulous illustrations.

Such as this black and white themed tea party.

And look at the beautiful nursery tea page.

I have been feeling like I haven't been achieving that much over the last couple of weeks but when I look back I have actually made some progress.

Finished my goodies for the Artful Christmas Swap I am part of. I made bags from sheet music to wrap my gifts in. The bags are actually better than the gift! Sadly I lost the plot with this swap, but I did finish it so ACHIEVEMENT!

Here's another lampshade I recovered. I sold the last one. This is really pretty and again very subtle on the decorations. I have found that subtle sells better as far as lampshades go.

I know I should do something with the base like paint roses on it but I am still not confident enough about my rose painting ability!

I also changed the shop window, well I had to didn't I? The last one was Halloween! Anyway, I have gone for a blue and white vintage tea party theme! It looks really nice if I do say so myself!
Can you see Natasha's cup cakes, they are for display only but they have generated a bit of interest!

Yesterday I painted a new sign to stand out on the roadside. Now like I said, I am not very good at painting roses but I wanted something on my sign that made people look. So . . . I shamelessly copied a spray of roses from one of Natasha's hand painted signs. I hope you don't mind Natasha. I am teaching myself to paint roses but need to copy from something at the moment until I get my technique right and can branch out on my own!!

I think my sign looks ok and the roses look ok . . . from a distance! Not that flash close up but good enough to catch the attention of speeding cars!!!

I am having a shop Christmas party on 25 November and am madly creating so I have new Christmas stock to sell.

You should see the downstairs of my house, its trashed! Here is a corner of the dining room and the ironing board piled high with cut out stockings, hearts and bags, all ready to be stitched. Now all I have to do is get the sewing machine out!!!

And as for the dining room table . . . Heather, I hear what you are saying!!!!

Take Care and again my heartfelt thanks - xo

Oh and don't forget to comment all through November to win the Vintage Tapestry Evening Bag.

Oh, oh, that's right, I am going to a prom!! I've never been to one so I am very excited!!! You can come to if you want, its on 20 November and Natasha is hosting it.


Lori said...

your princess is just adorable!! what a little cutie pie!!!the shop looks just gorgeous...what a wonderful place to shop it must be!! and your roses are gorgeous!!! go for it on the lamp:)

Natasha Burns said...

Rachael isn't the blogging community a totally unexpected breath of fresh air!
The Princess looks so sweet modelling, how cute!
Love the shop display, hope nobody has tried to eat the cupcakes! You did a lovely job on the roses you painted!
Can't wait for the prom, see you there!

Alison Gibbs said...

Rachael, great post. The Princess looks devine! Love the blue and white theme for the shop window.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, she is a heart breaker!!!!
I adore the way you've wrapped your swaps... sheetmusic always melts my heart :)
Hope you're doing wonderful!

ShabbyInTheCity said...

Your storefront looks so pretty!
So does your little girl.
I read on further and WOW I'll be praying for your situation to change for the better quickly.
I also had years of endometriosis and infertility.

Deborah aka Miss Bee said...

The Princess is just divinely DIVINE!

You have a shop?! I love it!
Also love that lampshade.

I'm so happy that you stopped by to see me and leave a comment. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful daughter my friend

what a beautiful book well done

its always good to look back and see the progress Im pleased for you

I LOVE the music sheet paper how clever u r

love the lamp

your shop looks wonderful if im ever up your way i will have to pop in

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

What a beautiful princess!

Beth Leintz said...

The Princess has certainly got the modeling moves down! Love your sheet music packaging idea- and I might "borrow" it- Natasha told me it was ok- the new window is sweet- I think doing windows is so much harder than a small display- catching someone's eye with your window at a distance and still have be intersting close up is a trick!

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

Your shop window looks gorgeous! How nice to have such a beautiful shop! And just look at you and all your creativity!! Looks like you have been quite busy yourself!! Great job!
Southern Lady's Vintage

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

Your shop window looks gorgeous! How nice to have such a beautiful shop! And just look at you and all your creativity!! Looks like you have been quite busy yourself!! Great job!
Southern Lady's Vintage

Lori said...

Racael, Rachael, how I love your shop!!! I so want to spend an hour there at least!!! The window display is gorgeous! You are always creating such feasts for the eyes!!!! Lori

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Oh Rachael your little princess is so sweet! Cherish these days...she will be grown before you know it!

Love the tapestry evening bag what an wonderful bag for new years eve or christmas!

Hugz, Dolly are invited to come and celebrate with me!

I am haveing my grand opening of My Cherry Heart Boutique.

Also come and visit my blog...
I am haveing 2 give aways!

Artifax said...

Your shop always looks so inviting. You can tell it's just filled with marvelous treasures from your wonderful window displays!!

Sugar Bear said...

A beautiful princess indeed! Your roses look fabulous as does the shop!

Heather ~ Pretty Petals said...

Rachael, I just read your previous post and just want to send a big hug your way. It takes alot of courage to share your story and I really was amazed to learn of the side affects of that drug..thank you for letting us know!

I love your sweet little Princess..what a little cutie. You can tell you are such a proud Mama! Your shop is looking stunning! I bet you are excited to do the Christmas decorating there. My dining room table is still a mess! It never ends......

Aimz said...

lol my daughter is the same, wouldn't they be cute if they played together?

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Wow! You have been busy! Your shop looks great! And the Princess is very adorable!
Penny said...

You have a pretty princess!

and that is how I learned how to paint roses, copying others!

Felicia said...

What a bunch of lovely things in this post! Love the little sheet music bags :)

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Little princess is such a doll and since my baby is a teenager, I really love seeing these pics of your baby in her lovely outfits! I love your sign. You did a fab job! You are an artist at window decorating, again fabulous! Blogging proves there are nice people all over this world of ours!

Sandra Evertson said...

What a lovely shop!
Sandra Evertson

Britt- Sparkled Vintage Charm said...

ooh!!! your princess is ADORABLE!!!So cute!!! Love all your pics!!! very VERY pretty!! xo Britt :-)

Linda said...

Princess is just darling, she would be a lovely ballerina.
You have been sooo busy. I love your new shop window...very inviting, and you are very gifted, your sign is perfect. Linda

Unknown said...

Greetings! It's very nice to visit your blog! I see some names here that I recognize! The world of blogging becomes smaller the more we go "site" seeing!

I love tea books. I have so many! But, I don't have this one. It really looks sweet!

Your daughter is a doll! What precious photos!

I am also glad that you are doing what you love! Your business sounds awesome!

Warm California Hugs, KJ

Anonymous said...

Your little princess is a royal beauty! How lovely she is :).

Oh how I would love to shop at your store!

I think the roses are very good.

bluemuf said...

I don't know how I missed this post. Your Princess is so sweet modelling her dresses. I love your shop window display

Hugs Karen

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachael, we agree the blogging community are such wonderful supportive people :) The Princess is gorgeous! And love your blue shop front too. Jenn and Jacqui :)

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

What a pretty princess you do have. I love all the things you have made.Mary

Unknown said...

Oh Racheale, the princess is absolutely adorable!!!! Just too sweet for words! Your shop looks gorgeous! I wish I could go visit it and you!! :)


Anonymous said...

I love the little bags made out of sheet music. What a creative idea. Very pretty and festive too with the red ribbon

Barbara said...

i sooo would be lost without my blogging angels! Thank you for the fashion show princess! It was a splendid affair indeed!

Your sign is wonderfully rosey spectacular!

Now i can't wait until you draw my name for that beautiful wink...hee hee...giggling like a giddy girl...

have a wonderful day!

Alicia ~ Time Worn Style said...

Love the little fasion parade by your little miss. My youngest loves to get dressed up like that too, mind you some of her combinatins arent always so pretty lol!

Anonymous said...

Awwww, your little princess is so beautiful!!! What a sweetie pie!
Wow~ I wish I lived closer so I could check out your shop!!! It looks divine!!! :)