Sunday 15 August 2010

Rest in Peace Nanna

The wasband's grandmother and The Princess's great grandmother passed away at lunchtime today.

Nanna turned 97 yesterday. Up until the last few years, Nanna had kept amazing health. She was very fit, she walked for miles, did keep fit classes and yoga and at 90 could still touch her toes.

Sadly for Nanna the last few years have been very miserable for her. She has gone to a much better place.

Rest in peace Nanna, you were a much admired and respected lady.

Love Rachaelxo


Aimz said...

*hugs* rachael - thinking of you all.

Alison Gibbs said...

Rest in peace Sweet nanna.
Sorry for your loss

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

What a great Milestone age to reach....May she RIP.
Thoughts are with you all,It is never easy.

Sarah - Red Gingham said...

Oh how lovely that she got her last birthday in before she died. It's good to go out with a party isn't it? It's so hard when they don't have a good quality of life and seems a good thing when it's all over in a way. I'm sure she will be missed greatly by you all. My Gran just celebrated her 89th birthday and is doing very well. Love to you all this week.

LiLi M. said...

I do hope that your grandmother now is in that happy place where age and problems don't excist. Too bad that life just doesn't end always in time if you know what I mean. Beautiful post, a real tribute to your nana,
hugs LiLi

Ps your new appartment is tdf!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Wow! That is amazing. Sounds like she lived a very long and full life until those last couple of years.
Hugs Xo

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

Oh yes, big hugs to you and your family on Nanna's passing. She sounds like she was a great lady! Her memory lives on in your hearts.


Natasha Burns said...

hope you guys are doing ok - thinking of you, sorry for your loss :(