I am supposed to be decluttering and...

finishing so many unfinished projects......

not visiting op shops (thrift shops) and buying more stuff like pretty vintage petticoats...

and craft shops buying more trims.......
and then feeling guilty when I get home so stuffing them out of sight......
better get going and carry on with that decluttering!!!
Take Care
lovely trims - what craftshop did you get those from?
I can see why they sold, those are full of pretty pastel cuteness!
This sounds so familiar Rachel! In Spring I visited a car boot sale to see whether it was a place for me to sell. Since then I was there every month, buying! But you made a start selling those lovely teapots for starters, just look it at the bright side! Have a great week!
I have got to get that Declutter bug....
I need to do it!
I have tried alittle at a time,But would love to just go nuts and really dclutter!!!
Good for you on decluttering. I keep attempting to but don't seem to get far
Hi Rachel, even though it's hard to do, you have to do what is best for YOU!! I have been struggling with getting rid of my STUFF too and havent figured out how I want to go about doing it (not the hubby though just my junk). Good luck (;
I have the same problem! I just can't get rid of my things that are so pretty to me & I keep buying more! If I think it's beautiful, then I want it in my home!lol I love your blog!
Oh Rachael, I know just you mean!!! I do the same thing, lol! It is so hard to resist pretty things!!!
Love ya,
I had a yard sale this weekend to declutter and as soon as it was done I went off to an estate sale and bought more junk. However, I did not find anything half as pretty as those slips and that beautiful lace!
Hey sounds like you're describing me...lol. I do that every time I get rid of a few things, it's like I feel I deserve a shopping trip as a reward...and then it's all downhill from there :)
Hi Rachel, gorgeous trims. Glad you sold the teapots. They were beautiful. Great for a collector.
I need to do some decluttering too. You have inspired me.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
Well Rachael, Regardless if we try to declutter, there are some things you just can't pass up. The lace trim to gorgeous.
Hugs Karen
Decluttering is very hard! I have been trying to declutter before I move into my new home....
Hey Rachel, I know what you mean...it is good to de-clutter but hard not to buy goodies you come across along the way...hard to resist sometimes.
Those trims are scrumptious, they look vintage. By the way, there's always room for more trims! That's my motto, anyway.
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