I helped Babes move all day Saturday, loaded up what he was taking from here and unloaded in the pouring rain carrying furniture up 3 flights of stairs to his apartment.
I helped him place furniture, cleaned a few things, unpacked crockery and get this . . .
I even helped him build the beds and then make them up! So weird, us standing on each side of his bed smoothing sheets down and fluffing up the duvet!!! A bed that in all likelihood I will never sleep in but the third party will!!!
Anyway, I have my reasons for being so obliging!
On the outside I was all calm and happy, for the Princess's sake mostly and on the inside I was falling apart.
I left the Princess to spend the first night in the apartment with her Daddy and I took off to my brothers home for the night where my lovely sister in law cooked a roast dinner and we sat until 1.30am drinking a lot of wine and talking!
She then tucked me in with hot water bottles, cooked poached eggs for breakfast yesterday and I came away feeling like my soul had been soothed somewhat!
Today I am going to go shopping for food and give my house a thorough clean and rearrange furniture to fill in the missing gaps!
I am going to wipe lemon juice around my door and window frames and flick water through all the rooms to cleanse away negative energies.
I'll leave you with a photo of a generous supply goodies I won from the lovely Linda of Many Things to Do!

Have a good day!
Take Care
Rachael... I don't know how you did that but all I can say is you are a wonderful Mother and one day your daughter will reap the benefits from you showing such compassion to making this transition in her life easier. You have much to be proud of for the woman you are and the love you have for your sweet girl.
I am glad you had your family to pamper you a little... hoping you have a good day today. xoxo Heather
I truly don't know if I could have done that if I were in your position, sugar! I'd be weepy and heartbroken and just a tad vindictive. Why doesn't the 3rd party help him move?! No, don't answer that. I wish you well and have no doubt you'll find someone who loves you more than life itself, sweetpea.
I can't imaging how you had the strength to do that so soon after the breakup. You must be a very strong lady, and one terrific mom.
If you ever find out where you found the strength to do what you did please let me know!!!
Great to hear you've got loads of family support, your SIL sounds lovely
You take care Rachel
What a wonderful Mommy you are. I am praying for you.
WOW! It takes a strong, proud, and confident woman to do what you just did! I know that I for one could not do it! Princess has a wonderful Mom!
Rachael you are so good. You did an amazing thing and were so strong for your Princess.
You sure earned that great meal and wine from your sister in law.
Take care and keep strong
your sister in law sounds like a gem doing all that for you. Hang in there Rachael, don't let this get you down girl, um btw where was the 3rd party in all this?
Fabulous goodies! xxxx
Rachael, you are such a strong woman...your daughter is so lucky to have you as a good role model...when her other "role model" is not doing such a great job...i don't think i could have been as good or as strong as you...i just saw the note Heather left for you, and i wholeheartedly concur!!!
Wow that was a weird weekend. I don't know how you would find the stregth to do that without wanting to slap him. You are truly amazing, what you are doing for your daughter. You're the best mum Rachael. Hoping tomorrow is a better day for you xo
Rachael..I learned, after owning a divorce business for many years that there are 3 H's in the emotions of a divorce...1st H = Hurt; 2nd H = Hate and on the day that you don't feel either of these is the 3rd H= Healed!! More that 25 years later I can still remember the day I realized I was at the 3rd H....Your day will come also! God bless you for all you have done for this man and continue to bless you and the Princess in all the days to come!! Mb
I know I've said it before but, you truly are such a strong women.. You were able to do it for the sake of your daughter...Giving her a place to feel at home when she's not with you...Be proud of yourself.. Your teaching you daughter well...I really am so proud of you..
Dear Rachael, You are a first class mom and you know, it will get easier. You will come to a place in your life were you will get up every morning and look forward to the wonderful adventures you will experience that day. Just keep hanging in there.
Hugs and prayer
Rachel, You are the most FABULOUS mother I know. You are giving your daughter a beautiful gift in that you are showing her STRONG women can also be nice.
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