Heather, Natasha, Connie, I really want to slap him, in fact I would like to do much worse!!!
Some of you wondered where the third party was in all this, well the STUPID thing is she lives in town that is approx 530 km from Auckland, a 5 to 6 hour drive. She is a previously married woman with a 7 year old daughter. Says a lot doesn't it!
Anyway, enough of that and them!!!!
I had a great day yesterday, completely changed around the front room (grown up room) that Babes used as an office. It had a big desk and a rather dark looking sofa in it which has now gone - along with him!!!
I washed the walls down, washed the curtains, cleaned the windows, vacuumed the floor and fluffed!!! Also wiped the window frames and door frame with lemon juice and flicked water through the room to dispel negative energies.
It is now light and airy, clutter free and smells divine from the rose oil I have been burning in there.
First photo is what you see when you walk in through the front door,

and then looking slightly to the right,

and then turning right around and looking back to the front of the house.

Do you love my piano? It is very old, it belonged to my Granny.

I am hoping that this week I will be able to spray the cane arm chairs white and sew new covers for the cushions. Also not happy with the piano stool, I can't paint it as my Mum would kill me (it is hers!), maybe I will sew a cover for it.
I am slowly moving through the house, cleaning, decluttering and cleansing as I go.
Went back to work today, it was nice to see my work colleagues again and catch up with everything.
Tomorrow, I have work in the morning, a doctors appointment and then a few hours before the Princess needs to be picked up from school, just enough time to start fluffing in the next room on the list which is my bedroom!
Sleep tight!
Take Care
Lovely rooms. xxxx
i do love your piano is it beautiful...what a wonderful family heirloom
Hi Rachael,
Sounds like you are doing such a wonderful job keeping it all together for the princess, I hope that cleaning the house from top to toe is also helping you to sort out your emotions.
Best wishes.
Love your piano...It really is just soooo pretty...Sounds like you're keeping yourself busy..
Chase out th' rat and gain a new decorating experience, sugar! Sounds good to me. Let us see the finished product when you've painted the chairs and frou-frou'd up the "living room" there, chickee. Things will now get better!
Your piano is a treasure and how light and airy your room looks...very nice. I think I can smell the devine rose oil here:).
Your SIL is a dear and good for you for the way you are handling all this especially for the Princesses sake...hugs, Linda
Oh Rachael
I didnt know
just read back over your entries
Im so sad for you
Im so sori this has happened to you
part of me is angry at what he has done to you and your family
a larger part of me is greifing for you
stay strong sweet lady
doesnt it feel good to fill up those spaces
I love my new bedroom that once was my exs office
and what a beutiful job u have done. I love your house
i admire your strength
u are a strong lady
u like me may not always feel strong
I however couldnt have helped my ex move out
I was and still am a bit angry at what he did to us
I try to conseal it from B3
i do a better job at this than the ex
he doesnt think
my thoughts and prayers are with u and princess
kia kaha sweet friends
lots of love
Jen http://romans1513.wordpress.com/
good for you Rachael, I love what you've done :-)
Absolutely beautiful fluff work!
And can I slap him {and her} for you?!!!
Happy days to you and the Princess!
Hi Rachel, keep your chin up.
You do sound like you are doing the right thing. Changing the house around.
It is not easy with a child but she will be a comfort.
I am going to be in NZ in couple weeks. I always enjoy going 'home'. I do think Maori says it so well, Kia toa, kia kaha, kia manawanui.
aloha Lilla
great room Rachael, I hope the cleansing is helping you through this tough time. xo
loving the clean and airy look of that room! I think a lovely little slipcover would be just the thing for the piano stool : ) Such a lovely and fresh start for you and P!
Rachael, I love how everything looks shiny clean!!! Cleaning for women can be just as good as therapy. ;)) xo Heather
What a lovely home..
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