Friday 27 March 2009

Some pretties

My prettiest pretty of all, the toothless Princess!! She's dressed and ready to go to her best friend Ruchitha's birthday party. As you can see she is wearing her 'high heels'!!!

and just a few more pretty treasures brought home from one of my decluttering trips to the 'op shop'.

I adore these quilted fabric bags that I found stuffed inside a box of yukky fabric! Wonder what they were made for, hankies, stockings . . .?

such beautiful colours,

I am going to sell them in my web store . . . soon . . .

and last but not least, the Princess and I sat in fascination the other night and watched from our grown up room window this plump black bird bathing in our bird bird, he was having a wonderful time splashing about. I wish the photo was clearer but it was early evening and the light was all wrong from where we watching.

ha, ha, that's my bird bath back on as you might guess!!! Love the cherub's cheeky cheeks!

This weekend we are having a stay at home weekend, some house cleaning and just general pottering about and relaxing and maybe even a bit of crafting.

Hope you all have a great weekend

Bye for now


Miss Rhea said...

Love Princess's sweet dress. Don't you just love the toothless phase ? Hee hee !! Boy , that brings back memories of my son :) Love those bags, I think they are for lingerie. Hope you are doing well, Seems like I haven't been over to say hi in so long !! My apologies :) Love your new picture on your sidebar, not that the hat wasn't cute too :) Happy Weekend !! :)

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

The little 'Princess' looks like she is shooting up in height or is it her big girl heels? She looks gorgeous in her party dress and I hope she had fun at the birthday party.
Hope you have a relaxing weekend.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne

LiLi M. said...

Your Princess looks so cute without her teeth and in her lovely dress. Why is it that the toothless smile suits her well though in my case (just thinking, it isn't real!) it would be a nightmare?! I love the little bags, they are gorgous.
Thanks for giving me the link of the Marie Antoinette bits and pieces swap. I am still in doubt. It's a time issue, but I know that I will have a shortage in time anyhow! Well I have a few days left to think it over.
Enjoy your weekend, I love it when we don't have any obligations in the weekend.

Lori said...

your princess is adorable Rachael...she is really growing up...i LOVE those bags...i have one, but it is tapestry, not quilted...yours are really pretty!!!

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Isn't she precious and so cute without those teeth! Her dress is darling also. Those bags are pretty colors.

Connie said...

She's a cutie for sure, but be sure and tell her the "dangers" of wearing high heels for years, honey! Oooooh, my aching old feet! Love her princess dress. I'll be wearing a similar one to church on sunday. Red polka dots with ruffles and......well, it's pretty. I just hope I don't look like a "woman of the night" that day! LOL

Unknown said...

Hi Sweetie :)

Your Princess is just beautiful!!! She looks lovely in her beautiful dress and high heels! Just love it :)

Those fabric bags are beautiful too Racheal! Beautiful for lingerie!

Love ya,

Fete et Fleur said...

My goodness your princess has grown! What lovely finds. The blue one is calling my name.


Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Such wonderful new/old goodies! But what I really love is your precious princess!! And it is wonderful that she loves dressing up for parties!

Angelic Accents

Stephenie said...

Your toothless princess Is just a beauty... I just love that dress and the shoes..How cute...
I love that beautiful fabric bag you found, just amazing...I just LOOOVVVEEE that cherub bird bath..

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Rachael,
Oh your sweet Princess is so darling in her dress and high heels. She looks so cute in the toothless stage.

Love the lingerie bags and the colors are gorgeous.
What a sweet bird in the birdbath.
Sounds like you have a great weekend planned of relaxing and staying home. I love that kind of home weekend time.
Hugs, Celestina Marie

Anonymous said...

she sure is pretty hope she had a nice time

Katrina said...

Hi Rachael, I love the kids with their missing teeth! We have keep our first two baby teeth (my mother did this for me too) and put them in our special book. Hope you have a great weekend! xx

Aimz said...

oooh those are pretty Rachael and the princess is extra pretty!

Alicia ~ Time Worn Style said...

Hi Rachael, popped over for a visit finally! Am loving those bags, couldnt find them on your website, are they still for sale? If so what are you asking?
Alicia (thankyou!)

Reflections from the Stone Nest said...

Love your little cherub's "cheeks"! LOL! LOL! And Princess's dress is so very sweet. Love her "toothless" smile! Those quilted bags are adorable.

Have a wonderful day,

bluemuf said...

Oh Rachael, Your little princess is growing up into a lovely young lady. She is so sweet.

Those lovely quilted bags are gorgous...great find.

Have a lovely weekend

Hugs karen

Danette said...

Love all your pretties. But especially that gorgeous Princess in high heels!!!

Muriel said...

Aaahhh! Rachael your Princess is such a cutie, so sweet!!

Luv the fabric bags

Stay cool

Ruth Welter said...

Hi Rachael,

I remember when I was a fallen teeth went under my pillow , waiting for the tooth fairy to leave me a treat. :)


Brittany said...

Goodness, I can't believe the princess is all grown up in high heels!! She looks adorable! Hope she had a wonderful time.

Love those bags too! Hope you had a happy weekend!

The Vintage Kitten said...

Aww your little girl looks so sweet in her dress and 'high heels'. The bag is gorgeous, I had an Art Deco envelope style leather one with a silky lining which was for lingerie X

Alison Gibbs said...

How cute The Pricess looks.
Oh it so dangerous to declutter and go to the Op Shops. I am so glad one of our local Op shops puts a donation bin out the front each mornig then I don't 'have' to go in

Lori said...

Rachael, What a little princess! Love her drssy dress! Just precious!! Lori

Natasha Burns said...

Princess looks gorgeous as always. Oh gosh toothless, so cute! We have one wobbly tooth (the first)...
Hope you're doing well!
N xo

Geralyn Gray said...

I love those fabric quilted bags!!!!!!

Gina said...

OMG What a beautiful girl! She has the prettiest smile. I love your finds and clever bird bath, it's always fun to come visit your place.

Mr Lee said...

Beautiful!Have a happy weekend.

Tiffany ~ Shabby Scraps said...

These are gorgeous! And your daughter's toothless grin is so sweet!
xoxo, Tiffany

Barbara said...

SUCH A SWEET PIC OF THE PRINCESS! they grow up sooo fast! Maddy currently has three missing teeth at the top front with two more loose at the bottom! just love this stage...heck EVERY stage has it's fun! she got some little girl faux finger nails and she thinks she is just the ULTIMATE PRINCESS...LOL...

big hugz and much love!

Ruth Welter said...

Stopping by to wish you a wonderful holiday Rachael...


Cape Cod Rambling Rose said...

Your Princess is soooo sweet! I just loved when my little girl was missing those two front teeth - there's something fun about that stage in their lives!

LOVE your birdbath - a little "cheeky" I'd say! lol

Unknown said...

Hi Sweetie Pie! I hope you had a beautiful Easter!!
Love ya,

Muriel said...

I miss you!!! Hope you and the princess enjoyed the easter holidays!!