Sunday 20 July 2008

I've come up for a breath of air . . .

and to take a little time to smell the roses . . .

and to enjoy my new rose scented candle (Spotlight $2.50!!!) . . .

while I pack up two days of Internet sales . . .

and do a bit of Blog catch up!!! Ages, why is it when I talk about a swap it always starts with ages . . . anyway . . . ages ago . . . I joined the Enchanted Swap, my swap partner was the exceptionally patient Ms Sherry of Esprit *d Art. I have to say I was really excited about this swap and had a vision that took an age or month or two to execute. But I did get there in the end and this is what I made Sherry. A Princess Journal using sheet music, old laces and millinery with a cream on cream basis to it.

I was really pleased with how it turned out except that the blank journal I used had a type of plastic coated cover and my trusty hot glue gun had issues sticking to it.

But here it is, front cover . . .

inside front cover . . .

inside back cover . . .

and back cover.

Sherry likes vanilla scents so I 'tarted up' this handmade (not by me!) vanilla soap with a strip of sheet music and a mulberry paper rose.

I sent her one of my fan cards and . . .

what I think is the 'piece de resistance', an Ariel Art Doll. Ariel is one of Sherry's favourite Disney Princess characters. The Princess and I collected the tiny shells especially for this project from one of our New Zealand beaches . It was probably highly illegal to send them into Canada!!!

More Ariel, I do think she is lovely!!!

She is the second Art Doll I have made, the first went to Jerusalem in an Art Doll swap I did about this time last year. I joined it without even knowing what an Art Doll was!!! This one represents one of Jerusalem's favourite fairy tales, The Princess and The Pea.

I am the worlds worst swap partner, I do deliver but this year none of my swaps have been on time! Or anything else on time for that matter!!! So a word of warning, if you sign up for a swap make sure you tell the hostess that you don't want to be paired up with that New Zealand girl because you would like your swap this side of Christmas!!!

Unbelievably Sherry wants to partner with me for another swap we are going to do with Etsy Cottage Style . . . she's a brave one, that Sherry!!!

A quick update, the garage revamp is going one step forward, two steps backwards but I will get there.

I am so envious of all you lucky girls going to Silver Bella this year, one day, one year . . .

Now, I must go, 600+posts on Google Reader to catch on, how mad is that!!!!

Next post I'll show you what Sherry sent me . . .

Bye . . .



Connie said...

It's about time you can up for air and breathed in the scent of those roses, my rose chickee!!!!!! Exquisite photos!

Unknown said...

Hi Rachel! I have missed you!!!! I LOVE the swap goodies, just beautiful!


Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

like your roses and the vase even better

Oooo I want to go to spotlight now!!!

cool dolls

have a good week :)


Aimz said...

I thought you were pretty good when you and I swapped that time! Glad you're back btw :-)

Lori said...

hi Rachel, busy your art dolls!!! and the journal is lovely:)

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

I just love what you've been creating!

Victoria xx

Ruth Welter said...

Rachael, your work is gorgeous, thanks for sharing it. It is obvious to tell that so much time and attention went into it, just BEAUTIFUL!!!

Fete et Fleur said...

Hi Rachael!
You are surviving the garage clean-up! I've did the same over this weekend. Your artwork is lovely. I especially loved The Princess and the Pea doll/


Gail McCormack said...

Rachael you certainly have created some beauties!! said...

Of course she wants to trade with you again, look at the cool stuff you made for her!!!

Sugar Bear said...

Love those dolls!

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Oh Rachael what a lucky partner you have!
I love the beautiful journal!
And the dolls are way too cute!
My granddaughter would love the Ariel doll!
She is a huge Little Mermaid fan!

Hope you get back to bloggin soon!

Miss ya,

Betty said...

Welcome back Rachael! I'm sure yur swap partner thought all those goodies were worth the wait! I would have!
As for your garage down below...I really think ours might be worse!!

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

Oh!!! I loved the art dolls and the journal! Great work!! So nice to hear from you!! Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

You are one busy girl! Lovely, lovely photos and creations! Rachel, you are very talented! Hugs, Patti

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Mmmmmm...rose scented candles - how divine!!

That has got to smell better than the garage. Glad to hear you are making some sort of progress in there.

bluemuf said...

Hi Rachael, Oh my...your swap items are amazing. Everything is so beautiful and I love the journal. Just keep working away on the garage and eventually it will get done. (just keep saying that in your head)

Hugs Karen

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Rachel, so glad you are taking a break. WOW the treasures you made for the swap are over the top wonderful. You are so talented!! The art dolls are fabulous.
la rea rose

Brittany said...

Hi girl!! Just playing catch up myself!! Thank you so much for your support lately!! Big cyber hugs!!

Sherry is a very lucky duck!! I love it all!!


Sherry said...

Gorgeous roses and love the candle..I wish blogs had "smell"ability so we can enjoy the scent!

You know, I love everything about that Enchanted swap -- my Ariel is still sitting out on the secretary in my living room -- she's simply beautiful, as are the other goodies you sent me.

And yes, I'm back for more -- with the fairy swap at etsy cottage style. You are a wonderful swap partner Rachael, no matter when the goodies arrive!!! ♥

Linda said...

Hi Rachael, your swap gifts were amazing...I loved the journal and the art dolls....beautiful. Have a lovly weekend and continue to smell the roses. Hugs, Linda

LiLi M. said...

Mmm that smell of roses suits your blog fine! Your swap partners may have to be patient, but then again it's so worth while! Have a nice weekend!

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

I love the Aeriel art doll. Great swaps!

Barbara said...

oh it all looks sooo wonderful!!! i left you a gift award on my blog too...

hugz and love

Bethany said...

Sooo gorgeous all of it...very princessey and lacey. I am sure she must love it all every bit...worth the wait I'd say!!!
And hang in there with the garage as we know it sure can get in the way of our projects, can't it??

Natasha Burns said...

Love the swap goodness here Rachael!!! Love from Mrs Spam xo

Reflections from the Stone Nest said...

I love your art doll, Ariel! She's so sweet! And your journal is so precious! Love it all!
Have a great day!


Brittany said...

When you get the opportunity, I awarded you!!

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

Wow, pretty things you created. I love how you wrapped the soap and the Ariel doll is creative!

Can't wait to see the garage revamp when you are finished. Don't worry, we have about 4 projects going here, too that are taking a long time! It's quality, not quantity, right? :-)


Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

Wow, pretty things you created. I love how you wrapped the soap and the Ariel doll is creative!

Can't wait to see the garage revamp when you are finished. Don't worry, we have about 4 projects going here, too that are taking a long time! It's quality, not quantity, right? :-)


Gina said...

I just love everything you do. You are the cat's meow : )

Jessi Nagy said...

all of those creations are amazing.
i love them.
your so very talented!!
thanks for stopping by doll.

i don't see the award thing you were talking about?

Alexandra said...

Wonderful works. I love your art.

Vanessa Greenway said...

All these princesses look so beautiful!! Love it! xo Vanessa