Monday 13 December 2010

What price?

There is no price...

the burglars who broke into the castle on Friday night took my laptop, my jewelery and my camera USB cable!

The laptop and USB cable are replaceable, all the lost information. photo's and files on my computer are not replaceable, and no I did not back up regularly, my grandmothers engagement, my gold baby bangle and all the jewelery my dad gave me when I was a little girl is not replaceable, as is my Princess's pillowcase that they stripped off the bed to carry the jewelery out in.  And what is hard to replace is feeling secure in our home now that it has been violated.

What has gone and how we feel is not measurable in $$$, there is no monetary price!

But it ain't all bad in fact most is good...

*The Princess finished school today, eight weeks of summer holidays - awesome!
*My sister in law, my 3 year old niece and my 2 year old nephew are out from Australia to have Christmas with us - awesome!
*The Princess and I put up and trimmed the bedroom Christmas tree and then the wind blew it over and we had to start again, it is now bolted into place -awesome!
*We went to Christmas in the Park on Saturday night - awesome!
*I haven't done any Christmas shopping or making presents but have bought new clothes - awesome!
*I had coffee with the hottest guy ever today and he wants to see me again - awesome!

And hey! Thanks for all the comments and feedback about online dating, really interested to hear that many of you have experienced online dating!

I should clarify that I am just interested in having a male companion type person rather than a serious relationship at this stage but in saying that, it was fascinating and inspiring to hear that is how some of you met your husbands - awesome!

take care


Ethel Grace said...

Wow. Looks like the world is excited for the Christmas season.

Visit me

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Oh No!!!!!! My Mum and dad were burgled about this time last year...I blogged about the low life scumbags too,IT is just ridiculousthat "people" feel the riht to invade anothers Space and belongings!
I am both in awe and proud of your outlook though....You rock!
And the Fella sounds interesting!!!!!!

Sugar Bear said...

How awful! So sorry to hear this. Thank God you and the Princess are safe and sound. Happy that you are looking at the bright side. I hope they catch the scumbags!

Joan - South Island, New Zealand. said...

I can't begin to imagine how it feels to have had your home/sanctuary burgled. To have precious irreplacable items stolen is very nasty.
I know that inspite of all this, you and Princess will have a special and happy Christmas!

Fete et Fleur said...

People are getting more and more desperate. I wish they realized this is not the way to make money. So sorry this happened. You're truly amazing. I love your list of things that you're grateful for. I hope and pray they recover your jewelry.


Jen said...

Oh Rachael
Im so sori for your losses

enjoy your Christmas with your family :)

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

What a blow Rachael and especially right at Christmas. I'm sure you must be so angry, so to see your positive attitude just shows what a wonderful person you are.

I hope you and The Princess have an amazing time with your visiting family.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Oh, Rachael, I'm sooo sorry about your losses. What a horrid experience. Glad the two of you are safe, tho! Hope you are gearing up for a wonderful holiday!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Rachael,
I am so sorry to hear that your castle was robbed. But, thank God you and Princess are okay. I know your special treasures can not be replaced and that is sad, but your outlook and attitude far exceeds the loss. Your courage to pick up and go on is wonderful. So proud of your positive attitude for all the good things still going on.
Wishing you a very special Christmas and all good things in the new year.

Hugs from Texas.
Celestina Marie

Alicia ~ time worn style said...

thats bad news but you always seem so positive about everything, I am sure you will have a lovely Christmas regardless. By the way I love those photos of you in an earlier post.
alicia :0)

Pineapple Villa said...

Hi Rachael - sorry to hear about these low lives stealing your things, how upsetting. but i liked hearing about all the good stuff and have a great xmas with your family xo Mel xo

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Oh Rachel, I'm so sorry this happened to you, but am inspired by your awesome attitude and response in the face of this violation. You are quite a young lady. Wishing you and the princess a very joyous Christmas and a Happy, Health, Blessed New Year!(((HUGS)))